Hi Tobias,
This is happening on a few different tables. Here are links to a couple of them:
1) https://twistarsusa.net/team-home/newsletters/
Missing Bottom and Right Side Border
2) https://twistarsusa.net/contact-us/
The 3rd table down is missing the bottom border
3) https://twistarsusa.net/open-gym/
Missing the bottom border
Thanks so much for you assistance!! I LOVE this plug-in. One thing I especially love about it is that I am using it to create mobile pages that mirror my original page. When I place my content into a table on the main page, I can then use the exact same table on my mobile page. This way, if I update information, I only have to update it in one place (the table) and then both my main page AND my mobile page are updated simultaneously! Very convenient, plus I won’t forget to change one but not the other which would result in conflicting data.