Forum Replies Created
Line 596, you have to erase the underscore after esc_html in the 3 occurences of this function.
TranslatePress Premium gave me the fix. Here it is :
This is a bug inside WP Bakery. Instead of esc_html they use esc_html__ , a gettext function inside public function get_shortcodes_css( $id, $type ) found in wp-content\plugins\js_composer\include\classes\core\class-vc-base.php Go to that file on your server and modify the function to be like so:
public function get_shortcodes_css( $id, $type ) { $is_updated = get_metadata( ‘post’, $id, ‘_wpb_shortcodes_’ . esc_html( $type ) . ‘_css_updated’, true ); if ( empty( $is_updated ) ) { $this->buildShortcodesCss( $id, $type ); } $shortcodes_css = get_metadata( ‘post’, $id, ‘_wpb_shortcodes_’ . esc_html( $type ) .’_css’, true ); return apply_filters( ‘vc_shortcodes_’. esc_html( $type ) . ‘_css’, $shortcodes_css, $id ); }
This will fix the issue.
I did a lot of troubleshooting and here are the results :
1- I tried to put the same selector ?in the?Exclude selectors from dynamic translation as you suggested,? but it didn’t work.
1- It occurs only when I update the theme and WP Bakery from 6.13.0 to ?7.6??
2- If I install the plugin and don’t change anything in the content, the Design options work, but I soon as I make a change and save it, the Design options stop working on the translated page only.
3- I looked at the versions of the post and if seems that the .vs_custom change number when I save it.
4- I tried disabling all type of cache and it didn’t work
5- I tried to erase all TranslatePress database and reinstall it, it didn’t work.
At this point, I don’t know what to do.
Another detail, I’m using the plugin on other websites with WPBakery and that doesn’t cause any problem
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Notify (No-Spam)] Problem with the background notificationI found the issue, it was because of a custom tag I was trying to put in place. I need to put more info from the author of the topic or the author of the reply, but this info is from another plugin. Can you help me figure out where (in which file) the tags are formed so I can understand how it works and where I should add my code ?
I need to retreive the usrname from the author in order to get the information from my other plugin. Here is the shortcode I had previously worked on :
function wpc_shortcode_cour_forum_courriel($atts)
$defaults = array(
‘usrname’ => ”,
);$atts = shortcode_atts( $defaults, $atts );
$member_nom = $atts[‘usrname’];
$member = emember_get_member_by_username ($member_nom);
$id_du_membre = $member->member_id;
$id_cour = wp_emember_get_user_details_by_id(‘Cour_municipale’, $id_du_membre);
$title_cour = get_the_title($id_cour);
return $shortcode;
}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Notify (No-Spam)] Problem with the background notificationHi ! I changed my cron configuration, but I have another issue, sometimes the email sent is blank.
Here are my infos :
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string(45) "[topic-forum] | Nouveau sujet : [topic-title]"
string(70) "[reply-forum] | Une réponse a été ajoutée au sujet : [topic-title]"
string(1217) "
[topic-forum] | Nouveau sujet : [topic-title] Bonjour [recipient-first_name] [recipient-last_name], Un nouveau sujet a été publié dans le forum [topic-forum] par [author-first_name] [author-last_name] de [cour_forum_courriel usrname="[author-display_name]"] :
[topic-title] ? [topic-excerpt] ? Connectez-vous pour voir le sujet complet Si le premier lien ne fonctionne pas, essayez celui-ci : Cliquer ici si vous êtes déjà connectés Vous recevez ce message car vous vous êtes abonné(e) au forum ? [topic-forum] ?. Si vous ne voulez plus recevoir ces messages, retournez sur le forum pour vous en désabonner.
string(1323) "
[reply-forum] | Une réponse a été ajouté au sujet : [topic-title] Bonjour [recipient-first_name] [recipient-last_name], Une nouvelle réponse a été publiée dans le sujet :
[topic-title] de [topic-author] de [cour_forum_courriel usrname="[topic-author]"] [author-first_name] [author-last_name] de [cour_forum_courriel usrname="[author-display_name]"] a répondu : ? [reply-excerpt] ? Connectez vous pour voir la réponse complète Si le premier lien ne fonctionne pas, essayez celui-ci : Cliquer ici si vous êtes déjà connecté Vous recevez ce message car vous vous êtes abonné(e) au sujet ? [topic-title] ?. Si vous ne voulez plus recevoir ces messages, retournez sur le sujet pour vous en désabonner.
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}Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [bbPress Notify (No-Spam)] Problem with the background notificationAlso, sometimes the email sent is blank, I don’t know why
Thank you so much !