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  • Plugin Author kontur



    thanks for reporting these issues. Can you clarify for me a couple of things:

    * Do you get any php errors when trying to save the settings, do you have a “Notifications” tab in the Fontsampler menu?
    * Do you change the default settings or the settings of one specific fontsampler?
    * What version of WordPress, Fontsampler and, if possible to find out, PHP are you using?

    Agree. Not slowing down load performance ON ALL pages would be indeed something that should be priority. All this needs from the plugin authors is to move enqueues to the shortcode detection — not really that hard.

    I’m only using the social login, and this is my work around to remove loading this plugin’s scripts and styles on all pages; use or modify at your own risk:

     * Remove about 300kb by loading social login scripts and styles only
     * pages that have a login form
    $account_pages = array("account", "checkout");
    function us_filter_scripts() {
        global $wp_scripts, $wp, $account_pages;
        if (empty($wp->query_vars['pagename']) || !in_array($wp->query_vars['pagename'], $account_pages)) {
    add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'us_filter_scripts' );
    function us_filter_styles() {
        global $wp_styles, $wp, $account_pages;
        if (empty($wp->query_vars['pagename']) || !in_array($wp->query_vars['pagename'], $account_pages)) {
    add_action( 'wp_print_styles', 'us_filter_styles' );
    Plugin Author kontur


    Cheers @jdembowski.

    @tjharley Don’t worry about it, I am sure you had best intentions. With a admin level wordpress login someone can essentially lock you out of your own webserver, steal all your and your users’ data, and do all sorts of other harm. Furthermore, should I be willing to help debug on your site in good faith but still mess something up, we’d be in a pickle of who’s liable. Of course I do development for hire where I’d look into issues like this, but that’s a different discussion altogether, and for the benefit of other users possibly encountering the same issues you do, I would very much like to know myself what is going on ??

    Plugin Author kontur


    Thanks for the reply.

    Please don’t send me logins.

    For me the fonts don’t load on the page you linked above. Or more precise the fonts load, but the Fontsampler is not visible. Maybe you could make a single page hidden from the public that is entirely empty except for having one Fontsampler on it?

    Also in the above page it looks like there is html markup errors. The Fontsampler elements get rendered in <code> tags which they shouldn’t, and running the source code through a html validator shows multiple errors that could affect why Fontsampler isn’t rendered correctly.

    As for the settings not saving at all, I wonder if there is some database error that causes the saving to fail altogether. Can you enable logging in your WordPress? Since this most likely will log errors from other parts of the site as well, which might get displayed to users, you might want to enable logging, test saving the settings again, and then disable it again. Logging works by adding constants to your wp-config.php file. For example you could add:

    // Enable WP_DEBUG mode
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    // Disable display of errors and warnings 
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
    @ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
    // Use dev versions of core JS and CSS files (only needed if you are modifying these core files)
    define( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG', true );`
    Save the wp-config.php file, then go to the Fontsampler settings and try saving, and then remove the above portion again. Then see what is in the file: /wp-content/debug.log
    What version of WordPress and Fontsampler are you running?
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by kontur.
    Thread Starter kontur


    I had overwritten them with css, but this approach is cleaner.

    As general feedback my point remain; I think the greyscale icons are a poor choice that are likely to mis-communicate to users that some payment options might be disabled when viewing the Stripe payment option next to others.


    Plugin Author kontur



    it’s hard to debug remote, so I’ll try ask a couple of questions to get to the bottom of it.

    I see on the sample page above a couple of things:

    – The woff files exist and should be correctly passed in, but somehow the plugin does not finish initiating the Fontsampler
    – When I remove the “on-loading” class to see the styling of the Fontsampler it looks like you managed to style some colors and the fonts actually render
    – The only woff files that seem to get loaded, though, come from – are those other interface fonts / fonts of the theme?
    – The theme is pay to use, so I can’t debug myself with that exact theme, I’m afraid
    – Regarding saving styles: Do you have a “notifications” tab in Fontsampler, and if so, does it contain warnings about file permissions?
    – Regarding saving styles: Are you changing the default styles or the styles of one particular font sampler
    – If you are editing the default settings, is the fontsampler you use using the defaults styles, or overwriting them?
    – When you save the settings, to you get a warning message about permissions?
    – Regarding the fonts not loading: I see the font files you request in the Fontsampler get returned with font/woff headers. I am not certain, but you might want to try using .htaccess to overwrite the return headers to application/font-woff, for example like so
    – Which particular colors don’t get saved?
    – What are the values for min/initial/max sizes you are trying to save?

    Plugin Author kontur


    This appears to be some issue with the specific site or theme, not Fontsampler.

    Plugin Author kontur


    After getting more info this appears to not be a Fontsampler specific problem. Generally make sure all media gallery uploads have a https URL in the media gallery when serving your site over https.

    Plugin Author kontur


    And also, what version of WP and Fontsampler are you using?

    Plugin Author kontur



    By default Fontsampler just uses the asset paths WordPress provides, so https is not a problem specific to Fontsampler – or so is my working assumption, since I have myself sites running over https that use Fontsampler without generating any warnings.

    Do you have the page online somewhere for me to take a peek? If not public, you can also email me at [email protected].

    A couple of other questions:
    – How have you set up ssl on your site?
    – In the WordPress settings (or in your wp-config.php, if set as constants) what are the values for your site URL?
    – Do you get any other assets as http, like when you add media like an image to a post or page and view that page?
    – Are you using any https rewrite or any caching plugins that perform protocol rewrites for you?

    Thread Starter kontur


    Could this have been a caching issue? It now appears correctly for me as well ??

    Thanks for checking up on this!

    Thread Starter kontur



    Not sure why, but in my site’s plugin tab in the text “There is a new version of WooCommerce Stripe Gateway available. View version 4.0.0 details or update now” the “View version 4.0.0 details” link does not show any changelog info.

    Good to know what you’re updating to ??

    Thread Starter kontur


    Since there is various different interactions triggering a VAT recheck I was wondering if there is a similar event to wc_aelia_euva_eu_vat_number_validation_complete for when the VAT check is initiated / triggered?

    If not, that would be great to have as well, so one could more concisely add a loading spinner until the request completes.

    To me the requested feature doesn’t really imply restructuring the plugin. Just like I unhooked those script and stylesheet hooks, the plugin should be doing those checks itself based on what page gets loaded, and if that page has login / register / password reset functionality or any of the shortcodes on it.

    The beauty of WP’s enqueue functions is exactly that you can add your scripts when needed. The code that renders the plugin’s own shortcodes or the function that is called from it should be the places to enqueue the scripts. Right now the plugin just bluntly adds the overhead to all pages.

    Also requesting this feature. Since the plugin not only loads a bunch of own file but also querys external APIs this really slows down page load.

    I’ve manually hacked the hooks to unhook the plugin on pages where I don’t need it, but this should come out of the box.

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