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  • Thread Starter konni33


    Thank you, I will do that ??

    Thread Starter konni33


    Hi, That would be great if you had a look yourself, I am at my wits end slowly ?? Could you maybe give me an email address of yours so that I can send you the username/password (I cannot create an admin account because I am not the admin myself).

    P.S. I really like my photo thumbnail ??

    Thread Starter konni33


    – I have Breadcrumb NavXT and on another page a contact form (not on the related page).
    – On the related page there is nothing else, only one picture and the written text
    – In sidebar: Language selector, text, search, NextGen Widget, Schmie_Wetter, Image Widget.

    Maybe there are too many slides in the slide show?

    I also published a new page with only the slide show in.
    Result: It changes automatically into: <p>[meteor_slideshow]</p>
    although I haven’t set the paragraphs.
    Is there a way to get rid of the paragraphs for good ;-)?

    Theme: Sorry, I am new in WP … what is it exactly? From what I can see in the examples, I have none.

    Thanks for your help!

    Thread Starter konni33


    Hello Jleuze, I followed your advice: The slide show does work in the sidebar. When I completely removed all the content and pasted it back in as plaintext, it worked first but the <p> tags get added automatically and I then have the same problem again. I don’t know how I can prevent the <p> from wrapping around the shortcode. Is there any code ;-)? Thank you for your advice!!

    Thread Starter konni33


    Thank you, I will try that tonight! Have a nice eve (well at least it’s evening in Germany ??

    Thread Starter konni33


    This really seems to be the problem. I never added the paragraph tag but it was there indeed.
    Problem: It keeps coming back after having removed it. Every time I have updated and seen the page the paragraph tag is there again. And next time I cannot see the slideshow anymore, and I have to remove the <p> again.
    Thank you for your advice!!

    Thread Starter konni33


    The site hasn’t been published yet but you can find it via:
    — München – die City
    the slideshow shows after the 2nd paragraph (above “Mediterrandes Flair”

    Right now I put it in again, but maybe you cannot see it anymore.

    In html it’s like this:

    <h4><span style=”color: #666699;”>Traditionsbewusst und weltoffen</span></h4>
    <p> </p>
    <p><br class=”spacer_” /></p>

    <p>?Zwischen Kunst und Bier ist München wie ein Dorf zwischen Hügeln hingelagert“, schrieb Heinrich Heine vor mehr als 150 Jahren über München. Bis heute gelingt der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt der Spagat zwischen pulsierender Metropole und altbayerischer Tradition. Gerade diese Kombination macht das charmante ?Millionendorf“ für G?ste aus aller Welt unwiderstehlich.</p>

    <p><br class=”spacer_” /></p>

    <p>Aber nicht nur zum weltbekannten Oktoberfest, auf dem sich Touristen und Einheimische bei Musik und bayerischem Bier begegnen, ist München ein internationales Parkett. Die City, deren 1,37-Millionen Einwohner zu fast einem Viertel aus anderen Regionen der Erde stammen, zieht mit ihren Schl?ssern, Museen, Theatern, Galerien und Ausstellungen rund ums Jahr Millionen in- und ausl?ndische Besucher in ihren Bann.</p>

    <p style=”text-align: left;”><br class=”spacer_” /></p>
    <p style=”text-align: left;”><br class=”spacer_” /></p>
    <h4 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #666699;”> </span></h4>

    <h4 style=”text-align: left;”><span style=”color: #666699;”>Mediterranes Flair</span></h4>


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