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  • 1) Make a backup of header.php
    2) Remove all code starting from here:

    <?php get_search_form(); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>

    to the above

    Try leaving the beginning header, ending header and nav stuff in. If it looks fine, its ok.

    3) Save as header.php

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: Splash Page

    For issue #2 I wrote something about this last year. You can read more about centering a splash image there.

    For issue #1 are you talking about having a splash page appear, and then after say a few seconds bring up a another page without the user clicking?

    Look for all calls to:


    And comment them out. Don’t remove them, leave them in just in case you need to reuse them again.

    For example, in the Twenty Eleven theme you will see in header.php something like this:

    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

    To comment out do this:

    <?php // wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>

    Like aliseya said above, it depends on the theme, but typically you’ll just need to comment out that function call in your theme files (there may be more than one)

    You need to replace everything with your own structure. I’m not going to fill in all the details – I’ll leave that up to you to do and learn from this.

    First, you need structure:

    <div id="header">
    	<div id="logo">
    		<img src="/path/to/yourlogo.png" alt="logo"/>
    	<div id="search">
    		<?php include("searchform.php"); ?>

    Next, you need to style it:

    #header {
    	width: 100%;
    float: left;
    #header #logo {
    	float: left;
    #header #search {
    	float: left;
    	text-align: right;
    	margin-right: 1em;

    I’ll leave the rest of this to you fill in the specifics and pretty it up.

    .no1 a {
    font-size: 150%;
    font-weight: bold;

    Use the text widget. Drag and drop into the sidebar.

    Then copy and paste the chikita code in it.

    Create a configuration file (cfg.php):

    $MYCONFIG['button_1'] = "<a href="/wherever1">Button 1</a>";
    $MYCONFIG['button_2'] = "<a href="/wherever2">Button 2</a>";
    $MYCONFIG['button_3'] = "<a href="/wherever3">Button 3</a>";
    $MYCONFIG['button_4'] = "<a href="/wherever4">Button 4</a>";

    In index.php and all your other files, include it through reuse

    // somewhere in your code....
    echo "<ul class='buttons'>";
    echo $MYCONFIG['button_1'];
    echo $MYCONFIG['button_2'];
    echo $MYCONFIG['button_3'];
    echo $MYCONFIG['button_4'];
    echo "</ul>";

    Whenever you need to make changes, edit cfg.php

    No, what I meant was that I do not see skip to content being inserted inside your google search listing for the home page. If this is the problem you are describing, the text that shows up there *can* (not necessarily has to) comes from the meta description tag. Your theme doesn’t render it so you can alleviate this by using an SEO plugin. Look for Yoast SEO.

    Did you mess around with the PHP code? Because your title tags are all messed up. March 12th cache, your title tags for the pages each had their own distinct text (with a flawed “|”).


    In the current search listing for the home page, I do not see the listing to have skip to content in it in the search description.

    However, you got much bigger problems all over the place with the title to your current pages. Every page has this on it:

    Lane Nature Images Nature | Photograph | Wildlife pictures | Landscape | fine art prints |

    You got to fix that if you want to rank.My suggestion is to BACKUP the theme folders. Remove the theme, download and install again to start over.

    Although this wont solve your immediate problem, I would strongly suggest that you never do modifications on your production environment. Always keep a local development environment and make changes to it before you go live. Something like this with the title tags is devastating to your site’s ranking and the way Google perceives your website..

    There is nothing on that page with the text ‘skip to content’.


    I understand where you are coming from. The site looks great. And like we talked about, you might want to consider making it a responsive web design as discussed here and demonstrated here. As you resize the browser window, you are stuck at 960 pixels format and wont be able to target handheld devices that your visitors will be using (iphone, ipad, mobile). You need to make changes to that later.

    And just what are the rules of this forum that you both speak about?

    There are no formal written rules are there?

    None of the stickies at the top of this forum clearly state the mission, guidelines, rules of what can be posted when it comes to the topic of “Templates and Themes”. Nor does it say what things volunteers should answer and should not. Every professional forum on the web has such and I’m surprised you haven’t taken the time to provide one.

    As I write this, the five stickies at the top of this forum are:
    1) Theme Decoding
    2) Add Support Topics Through Your Themes Extend Listing Page
    3) Adding your theme to the repository
    4) How to decrypt an encoded theme
    5) Welcome to the Themes and Templates forum

    Reading the last sticky says nothing about your guidelines and expectations on this topic. If you furnished and clearly explained that, then you can tell someone kindly this is out of the guidelines of this thread (volunteers and posters). Then, delete the post.

    Also, don’t think that volunteers like myself are going to take it lightly after spending over an hour assisting someone with a problem (like I did here) only to be told “don’t do that”.

    Why not Google “wordpress travel themes”?

    Nice theme Larcos. Very clean and simple.

    Most of the people who need help in this forum are not developers. They take a theme, use it, and it doesn’t suit their taste. So they want to change it, get it fixed. That means formatting issues ARE a part of this forum.

    Sometimes, the themes are buggy as is the case here. And when the person is not knowledgeable in CSS, HTML we are here to help. The name of this forum is “Themes and Templates”. Not “People Who Develop And Everyone Else Is Not Allowed To Ask A Question”. This is the first place to come to get WordPress related questions answered with broken themes.

    Fussing with HTML and CSS comes with the territory. Instead of wearing a developer hat, might I suggest putting on a WordPress user hat and see it from a different perspective?

    Also, telling people that helping someone with “fundamental formatting problems is out of the scope of this forum” is that person’s business, not yours. That I chose to help and which you do as well on these types of “formatting” issues:



    ok got it to work.

    #content {
    float: right; /* change */
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 615px;

    #sidebar-primary {
    float: left;
    margin-left: 0px;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 300px; /* change */

    Make sure to test on the other pages, not just the article/single pages. (i.e. home, category, search, etc.) and in other browsers.

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