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1. Done that but the images I upload through the submitpage shows up on the eventlist in exactly same sizes as originalsize.
Tested with two different sizes and both aren’t “cropped” to 180×252 pixles.The editor is workin, my bad, I had the shortcode for submit events twice on one page.
That will include all the images of the site?2. Yes ??
3. Please can you explain it like for an 5 years old boy, I’m no expert in this area ??
If someone uploads a “flyer” that’s bigger then the limit I set (180×252) through the event submit page they will get the message “Image to big” etc. And if I change the size limit the layout will be wierd AND I’ve to crop the flyer myself, and this is not what I want.
What I asked for was IF there’s a way to let the plugin or something else crop the flyer into the sizes I set,then I can let people upload bigger sizes without crop them myself.
(People submits 10-20 events per day and I don’t have the time to work with the flyers sizes, and many peonple are too lazy to crop the right sizes themselves)And about thewidget or php code:
Even if I use ” <?php the_widget($widget, $instance, $args); ?> ” there’s no way how to show the widget of Event manager. I want to use an php code that include eventmanager like the widget but not in a widget area.The texteditor:
Just wanted toask if there’s a way tomake it work before Ideactive all the other plugins, and no way I’mgonna test with another theme, my website is up & runningso I can’tchange the theme just to check this.And I just recalled I forgot one question.
If there’s no flyer uploaded with an event can I set an default image automatic instead of login to admin and set an “default” by myself?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [G3Client] Warning: curl_setopt()Anyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitEran:
Yeah I did, now I’m workin on to get the categories and the text “Month 2011” and meny “Month/Week” to look better, for now they’re overlaping eachother…Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitEran:
To be honest, I’m no God at css, I know what you mean and tried couple of times changin without any succes.
Maybe I changed too little on the #content and #sidebar?
It would be great if you could help me?I voted earlier ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitHi sorry, forgot the url: colours works again after I installed the plugin again, but it still problem with the sidebar.
Updated (12:33)
I checked with Windows explorer and the category’s are alright but not the sidebar.
In Mozilla the categorys are in a mess and the sidebar is under the calendar.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitNow I got it right with the css!
But how do I translate the month’s onto swedish?
Looked eveyrwhere (I think)Thanks again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitI tested with windows explorer, and it works.
But not in Mozilla Firefox.But one problem in both browsers was that the colours of the categories don’t shows
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitYes, I think so too, I checked if there were any problems with my plugins but there were non.
And I think it’s the CSS, I’m thinking the problem can be the “Administration | Log Out” (this appear on the upper rightside on my meny, after “L?NKAR” (LINKS) How can I get this to the page with the calendar instead? Looking in the css but can’t find it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Event Calendar] [Plugin: Ajax Event Calendar] Looks like shitAnyone?