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  • Thread Starter kmp2


    You know, I just realized that something weird is going on with my website. I have others with lots of images, the attachment pages don’t show up in a search on these other sites, nor do the images themselves.

    Perhaps the fact they’re showing up (unwanted) in this one site is due to another plugin or an earlier version of wordpress. I seem to have a headache ahead of me to try to test and solve this problem.

    Thank you for your time, I appreciate it.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Hello. They are images I uploaded the normal way into the media folder directly in the wordpress dashboard, or by adding an image into a post while editing in code mode.
    The images all have attachment pages.
    Some images are necessarily duplicates, because I use them with captions in some posts or galleries and without captions in others. But they all have titles. And the titles appear on the attachment pages, and their titles are often similar to post titles. Search is picking them all up along with the posts, which is confusing as you can’t easily tell an image from a post in a search result, and you have to sort through half a dozen similar results to find the post. Really a waste of time.
    I found some kind of plugin, I can’t even remember what it is at this point, to suppress the attachment pages. But that didn’t work, the search now just picks up the images all by themselves and gives them titles in the search results!
    I wish there was a way to globally remove images from search. Or even better, have a separate search just for images.

    Thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Let me answer my question myself. I found the answer at the Max Mega Menu web site (though I had to squint to read the pale grey font over there).

    That page explains why there is a limit of about 90 items on a wordpress menu, and installing the max mega menu plugin won’t change that. The page goes on to kindly explain how to increase the limit by adding bits of code here and there. Thank you. I’ll try it after a good sleep.

    Especially since I’ve realized that I have another web site that I had better do it to, which also has a big menu that may explode any minute.

    Too bad someone doesn’t invent a plugin to fix this by auto-adding the necessary snippets.

    Thank you for the advice, though. Much appreciated. The lack of this information actually caused me to change web hosts a few months ago when the menu on the same site blew up the first time. Too bad web hosts won’t just tell the truth about it, might save them a loss of business, as it looks like they have poor servers, or vandalism, and the truth would spare you from moving out, and them from losing a customer.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    A further note. If PHP version is 7.4 or higher (but less than 8.0), and it suddenly is changed to a lower version, like 7.2.34, could that rip up the menu?

    Thread Starter kmp2


    The host has told me on this point: “The cpanel php memory limit is set to 256MB ram.” However, I wonder if the RAM had been suddenly reduced temporarily, and that blew the menu to bits.

    Fact is, it’s not the first time the menu of this site has been blown to bits. A few months ago, the site was on a different host. I activated PHP 8.0 on that host because there’s a companion site (Peepso) that needs it. However, the PHP change affected the other site, too, and shortly afterward, my menu tore itself up and disappeared over there; a huge chunk of the footer menu also disappeared. I move out of there to the current host, repaired my site, and months later, surprise, surprise, the menu is ripped up again. So, you mentioned it likely has to do with PHP. What other aspect of PHP could cause menus to be destroyed?

    I showed the current host the big list of “ID” items in the Menus dashboard, no comment from the host. The host will not suggest what might have happened. So, if I now have to spend days repairing my site, it can blow up again without warning, which is very frustrating. I’m just trying to find out what went wrong, to avoid the problem in future, including the prospect of PHP RAM suddenly dropping even temporarily.

    Thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Thank you very much. I have notified the Host, INTERSERVER.NET.

    My site has been up for months, and the menu was fine. So, presumably, the php memory was also fine.

    In your experience, could the menu have been ripped apart by a sudden restriction or reduction in PHP memory?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Hello. I apologize. I broke my knee a couple of weeks ago, and I’m behind in everything. I haven’t sorted it, but I will sort it.

    I’m glad you wrote. I discovered something amazing about this contact X plugin that I had not been aware of when I installed it. It drops the most recent 10 messages into your wordpress dashboard! What a brilliant idea. In fact, I had probably deleted an important message by mistake from my email account, only to luckily find a copy posted on my dashboard. Talk about save the day. That’s how I discovered this terrific feature. What an excellent idea. I would highly recommend this plugin to anyone who wants to really know what’s going on in their own web site.

    Thank you, I appreciate it.


    I’ve just logged into my web site that has the PAID PRO version of PDF POSTER.
    I’ve gone to the “Settings” page where there’s “Quick Embedder”.
    I had already set the HEIGHT and WIDTH for all PDF’s across the site in “Quick Embedder”, as 1120 pixels x 100% width.
    There is NO APPARENT WAY in “Quick Embedder” to set the height of an individual embedded PDF.

    There is no other way to do so that I can see in the various pages linked to the PDF POSTER plugin.

    Moreover, I would have expected that we could ADD a bit of code to any individual EXISTING embedded pdf to manually override the default height. THAT is what I was expecting to get from the developer, and I would still appreciate hearing about a way to do that in my PAID PDF POSTER.
    Thank you.

    Well, I’m glad somebody else asked this question.

    I have the PAID pro edition of PDF POSTER.

    I emailed support on July 7th, 2023 and said: “Hello. ?I have your Pro edition of PDF embedder for one web site. I have set the general settings to suit a PDF displayed on a full-width theme page.I have some other pdf’s in the same site on regular theme pages with a sidebar.? I would like to know if there is code to add to an individual embed to control its height. Thank you.”

    The developer replied to someone else above: “it’s a premium feature. please contact [email protected]“.

    I have indeed already done that as a PAID subscriber, and I’ve had no acknowledgement, no reply on this feature of a PAID plugin that requires an ANNUAL renewal payment.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Hi, Frank. Wow, thank you! This is rather amazing support.

    Very much appreciate the css snippets and the instructions on how-to.

    I will try it all out and get back to you. I’m a blogger, all thumbs, so it may take a bit of time before I master this.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Thank you. I’m sure that if I were a developer, and not just a blogger; and if I had a big business web site with a lot of products and services to showcase in a header and other slideshows, $39,50 USD every year would be a great investment.

    As a blogger wanting to put 4 images into a fading slideshow permanently on the header of my site, the annual fee is beyond me; and also as I’m in Canada, it comes to $52.53 CAD.

    I will have to keep looking for a free slider.

    Thanks for your time.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Forgot one. Can we slow down the fade a little bit, a bit less abrupt, more leisurely? Thanks.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Hi. Thank you for the information. I installed it, and even with the video how-to included in the settings area, I can’t see any way to easily put a custom header onto search results, error pages, etc. I am a dumb old blogger, I can’t easily deal with php snippets, or altering my theme for which I also have no child theme.

    I need a no-brainer plugin where I can check off what I need to apply the header to it.

    Thank you for your time.

    Thread Starter kmp2


    Should I recruit someone in Upwork or Fiverr?

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