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  • Hi Mark,

    Just finished using the plugin for one of my new WordPress developments and it works wonderfully! Haven’t encountered any problems yet ??

    Also wanted to thank you for constantly helping others, you’re answers solved a lot of my development problems for years and they still do. Always wanted to leave a reply but the topic is usually closed, got my chance today and grabbed it.

    Keep up the good work and i can’t thank you enough for helping out!!


    Thanks Chris, your help is greatly appreciated! Had the same problem, both your solutions worked for me!

    Forgot to mention.

    For Step 7

    Change the code below

    <script src="<?php echo esc_url( SIMPLEMAP_MAPS_JS_API . '?key=YOUR_KEY&sensor=false&language=' . $atts['default_language'] . '&region=' . $atts['default_country'] ); ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>

    Place the key after ?key=


    I’ve had similar problems with my site as most of you are dealing with.

    This solution is for anyone who is creating a custom theme from scratch and are using SimpleMap for searching locations. Might not work if you’re using a pre-configured theme.

    1. Read the FAQ for the plugin first FAQ

    2. If the Map does not show up but the search form does, pleasecheck your functions.php file, remove registered scripts that are not being used.

    3. If you’re using a script.js file or your template files to call your javascript functions. Make sure all functions are being used in some template file, if not remove them.

    4. In General options for SimpleMap under Map Configuration make sure you specify Map Page IDs. This setting makes sure that SimpleMap scripts load only for that page and recudes possibilities of scripts interfering with each other.
    Enter the IDs of the pages/posts the map will appear on, separated by commas. The map scripts will only be loaded on those pages. Leave blank or enter 0 to load the scripts on all pages.

    5. If possible create a new template for just the pages where you’re using SimpleMap. This will help you spot javascript errors.

    6. Google’s API V3 is being used in the latest release of SimpleMap. Google has specified the number of queries that you can perform with the API Google Limits. I would recommend all to use their own registered API key so you can keep track of the number of queries the API calls. API Key comes free with a google account. Sign Up for a API key.

    7. Change your SimpleMap API key. Under Plugins >> Editor >> SimpleMap >> simplemap/classes/maps.php. Find the Code below

             * Generates the actual iframe
             * @since 1.0
            function generate_iframe() {
                if ( ! empty( $_GET['sm_map_iframe'] ) ) {
                    global $simple_map;
                    $atts = $this->map_atts;
                    <html style='margin-top:0 !important;padding-top:0 !important;'>
                            <?php wp_head(); ?>
                            <style type='text/css'>* { margin:0; padding:0; }</style>
                            <script src="<?php echo esc_url( SIMPLEMAP_MAPS_JS_API . '?key=<em>your_key</em>&sensor=false&language=' . $atts['default_language'] . '&region=' . $atts['default_country'] ); ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>

    As we all are using the same API and google might be limiting our searches.

    I would recommend backing up the plugin files before editing anything

    I’ve used all these steps and the SimpleMap Plugin works like Magic!!

    I hope this solution helps everyone!

    All you need is to install a Plugin called “Use Google Libraries” Link:

    This plugin allows your WordPress site to use the content distribution network side of Google’s AJAX Library API, rather than serving these files from your WordPress install directly.

    The reason why the map was not showing up is beacause of interfering scripts. This solution should fix it ??

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