9 years, 3 months ago
There is a wpconfig.php file and you can change http to https and force SSL.
There is a plugin for sending attachments in private messages.
It works good for me most of the time.
Wow thanks… HTML and some CSS to make it responsive then boom you got a great setup. The next network i build i will also share some html5 and CSS.
9 years, 10 months ago
When I create a comment and try to upload an attachment to it I get err_access_denied, I need it to work for non logged in users, is there a work around for this?
Me too, I need this to function on guest comments as well is there any work around?
9 years, 11 months ago
Sorry for the late response, ive been busy. That answered my question. I will wait for the next version, thanks.
Got upgrade now working thanks.
I got my old feeds back but the videos are not working still. Any ideas?