Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: adding rss to my siteWhere? In the footer? Please don’t! If you really want, than remove this in the footer template.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Allow members to make post/entries on WPWell, they have to log in just like the admin does.
You can set there userlevel. This userlevel can be set to author/publisher/or submitter, kinda like that.
When you give the permissions to that user, you give them permission to some parts of the adminpanel, like ‘write a post’.The best thing you can do is to register a new user yourself and try out what happens when you set permissions to that new user.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: form for users in a postyes there is, kinda, themes.www.remarpro.com
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: adding rss to my siteThat’s possible with a nice plugin! And as far of your own feed, it’s suited after every page/post you’ve made in your blog! It’s the best thing to set your perm.links into nice clean urls so that your feed is to be found like:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: List of recent posts and adding the first post with the excerptAnyone who knows how to solve this. I’m working on it and sweating like crazy, but I can’t figure it out on my own (sorry…)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Allow members to make post/entries on WPYou can set this in your admin panel. In the Useroption function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making the main index page a regular page.I’ve done such like it to on my website https://www.klifix.nl/ not really with static content, but with recent posts. It’s easy indeed!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Making the main index page a regular page.wHAT DO YOU WANT ON THAT STATIC PAGE?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: grab the latest title from a category to put on the front page?I’m interested in this as well. I tried some plugins, but didn’t exactly what I needed. So if there is anyone who can solve this issue, then please!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Please help in setting up wordpressEDIT: your webserver must have PHP installed! Mostly it is, like in 99% off the times!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Please help in setting up wordpressIf you have a domain name, a webserver (mostly hosted!) and a database (mysql) than your first step is done!
Second step is to edit the wp-config-smple.php and add your database info (such like username, databasename, password and database)
Then rename it to wp-config.php and upload it to the main directory of the wordpress install.The rest is in the readme
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Show number of comments left on a page in sidebar?yes, check https://www.klifix.nl/
Is that kinda what you mean? Behind each posts there’s the nr of comments on that posts.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: oh boy…where’s help when you need it at 4am?You can’t just change the path to your wp files. There is a way to do this, but not this way. Take a look in the codex. There is a topic that exactly writes what you have to do to make this happen.
All the files are searching in the path you gave in. When the files are not there, the blog will not work!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Editor Driving Me InsaneThis problem is familiar to me as well! The You Tube code is mixed up as well within my posts.
I used the HTML button to correct the code and updated this and then saved the posts, but sometimes with few codes it seems it still ‘corrects’ it into plain text and therefore it doesn’t show what it needs to show: a you tube player.As I have seen in this forum, there is a special plugin for this. I didn’t had the time to test, so therefore I like to ask in this topic if there is someone familiar with this problem and this plugin?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: A normal, working forumyeh, I didn’t read that well I guess ??
As I read this topic I know that SMF is the best option. Antoher great php board is XMB, to be found at https://www.xmbforum.com . I us e it within my website. https://www.klifix.nl
The lay-out of this forum is fully adjustable to your needs and even, if you do well, within the same lay-out as your wordpress theme. There are ways to integrate this forum into wordpress, such as useraccounts etcetera. I didn’t for the reason it was to much work for me. Ways to do this is to be found in the supportforums on XMB (just use search).
What I did was to make a simple php file which get’s things such as ‘last posts’ and ‘user accounts’ to appear on the frontpage of my website. If you want to know just send me an email to [email protected].
I am very pleased with this forumboard, because it has so many functions to make your board a success. There is a way to integrate a very handy chatprogramm within this board.
It’s worth wile to take a look at it!