First, let me say that I sincerely hope it wasn’t really Matt Mullenweg who posted the comment on your blog, jabecker, as it was exactly the opposite of what folks like Otto42 have been asking for: instead of being constructive it was mean-spirited. Instead of acknowledging a fairly elegant wordkaround for what is to many people a rather significant flaw in WordPress 2.5, the commenter (whoever he may actually be) chose to put you down and minimize your efforts. If that’s really how Matt Mullenweg responds to WordPress users, then he’s got a thing or two to learn about tact. However, it’s the Internet and the concept of an anonymous instigator spoofing someone else’s identity isn’te entirely unheard of, so I’ll give Matt the benefit of the doubt.
Second, let me thank you for the hack. As I’ve already mentioned, it is (in my opinion) an elegant workaround for major design flaw in WordPress 2.5. It took twenty seconds and two browser refreshes to install and I’m pretty happy with it. I’d be happier if I could reclaim another 50% of the “above the fold” space between the top of the page and the top of the editor, but I’ll take what I can get.
Thanks again.