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  • Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Page Navigation
    Thread Starter KJ82


    I tried that article before and it’s not working for me. Can you check it?


    Thread Starter KJ82


    I saw that menu creator, but it didn’t work with Twenty Sixteen. The menu never showed up.

    I asked if they were safe, because I read on some other Web sites, that themes can be filled with malicious code, javascript, or have other hidden things within them. I don’t know enough about WordPress to be able to check the theme myself, to make sure it is safe, and not using my Web site for anything malicious, and not opening my Web site up to be attacked.

    I’m not sure what the WordPress repository is, are you talking about the themes that I can search for from within the control panel?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Author
    Thread Starter KJ82


    So according to the table they can edit and delete (I assume create) posts, but after the post has been published they can’t edit or delete them anymore?

    That’s what it looks like.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Moving Blog
    Thread Starter KJ82


    It looks like that is what I will try to do, but according to Google, I need to do that redirect on every single page on my Web site. So I need to find every post in my WordPress, and redirect each post, one-by-one.

    Google Video

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Math Blog
    Thread Starter KJ82


    Ok, I was trying to avoid making images, but if that’s the way this LaTeX works, then I might as well just make them myself. It sounds like that’s pretty much what has to be done at this point.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Math Blog
    Thread Starter KJ82


    So would it be faster then, for me to just make tiny optimized images myself, and put them in the post? Then I wouldn’t need the extra plug-ins or rendering each time the page is loaded.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Math Blog
    Thread Starter KJ82


    That looks cool, but I’ve never heard of it before. Is this supported on all browsers?

    This isn’t a review. It’s just a grudge against the company. Something happened in the past, and this person doesn’t like the company. It has nothing to do with their product.

    Thread Starter KJ82


    It appears to work, so I will use it for now, until something more current comes along.


    Thread Starter KJ82



    I have the plugin installed that already makes those changes.

    Thread Starter KJ82


    I figured out why they show up. Every time you click the button in the control panel to create a new post, it loads up a blank post page.

    Then if you let that page sit there for a couple minuets and close the browser, then go into the database you can see that a blank record was created for that post, sometimes it says “auto save” next to it.

    So if you start a new post, and then change your mind or don’t feel like finishing it right at that second, you end up with a blank record creating extra garbage in the database.

    Since no title was ever entered, and no text was ever typed into the post, it should not be saved into the database. Otherwise it creates a blank record, and there is no way to ever access that record, or delete it via the control panel because it’s not associated with anything.

    I have no idea if manually deleting them via PHPMyAdmin would be harmful in any way.

    Thread Starter KJ82


    Well I couldn’t edit a comment when I logged out before. But I figured that was because I wasn’t registered/logged in.

    As least I know user can’t edit comments now, so I can enable the registration feature.

    Thread Starter KJ82


    I don’t think so. I just installed WordPress. It’s my first time using it. When I create a comment it gives me the option to edit the comment later.

    I would like registered users to be able to comment on the posts, but I don’t want them to be able to edit or delete their comments. Once they submit something it becomes part of the Web site.

    Thread Starter KJ82


    Well, I got a ton of different answers, but it seems that in the end, it’s using some form of bbPress, which is what I just installed on my blog.

    This is a pretty big forum, so I figure if it’s safe enough and works good enough for, it’s probably a good choice for my small site.

    Even if it’s a standalone version, I’m assuming that it’s technically, the same software.


    Thread Starter KJ82



    I was able to delete what ever mess was made and get my site up and running again, no thanks to GoDaddy. They just kept blaming it on the WordPress code.

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