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  • I strongly encourage Yoast to give us back the option to use the vertical bar. All the major site SERPS use it, including Yoast, don’t you think it’s hypocritical to give yourself the option but take it away from us? Typical tech nonsense, what’s next selling us a plugin for 80 dollars a year to give us the vertical bar back…its about continuity, and if you don’t provide it, your competitor will for less money..

    Yes, a lot of sites are noticing this, its not because you didn’t plug in the computer, or your software isn’t updated, or browser, or other plugin, or your shoelaces, etc….Woo Commerce is showing up as a culprit in lighthouse and GTM, but so are other plugins, it needs to be fixed by the actual developers, this isnt something you can do on your own…and they are all still playing the blame game pointing fingers at anything else but the problem…im sure it will be fixed eventually…

    Thread Starter kj4940harris


    well, I think anyone reading this has advanced experience that every-time there is an update something is always amiss. Then CS spends weeks deflecting and blaming it on something else, always small, until the issue crashes half the sites using it…and then they are forced to look at it and fix it..the responses here are exact evidence of that..the fact is most people dont even check their speed scores often so most probably haven’t even noticed what has happend yet. It may not be the WP 5.8 update alone but other common plugins, no one is blaming WP 5.8, but given that all themes and plugins have almost no complete functionality alone so they can charge 89 dollars for a small and minor thing like meta descriptions or a mega menu etc..this is a problem ,since site speed is shoved down everyones throats to cover for slow mobile phone service

    Thread Starter kj4940harris


    uh huh, googling it may help…: heres one for example, since you had trouble finding it..

    lets say this, if the only say the new update works great is with a completely stripped down theme, with no plugins and no images, then i think you are admitting the problem right there

    Thread Starter kj4940harris


    lol…yes, all the sites are using the most recent updates and the computers are all plugged in as well..remember this is not one type of site its occurring across many types of sites..and it seems these sites are not the only sites with these issues from reading the is another puzzle piece this has been tested using different CDN’s from different providers at different PHP levels from 7-8.

    Thread Starter kj4940harris


    Hello, a few things:

    1. wordpress will update in 15 days and will natively accept webp images, so this shoudnt be an issue, since we are all being inundated with demands to speed up our sites webp images shouldnt be that difficult to use and create, in fact, they should be easier than creating jpegs and png files

    2. we use kinsta, they allow for webp images with a change in the njix rules, and have read those articles, thx

    3. imagify does not work with google cloud storage-i know this because i talked to them and have the email from them about this- we use google cloud storage for our images, and they cant figure this out yet, I dont know why, but thats what they told me several times

    So, THE QUESTION IS: WHY DOES WOO COMMERCE HAVE AN ISSUE WITH WEBP IMAGES AND HOW TO FIX IT in the archives? By fix it, I mean in woo commerce not in another plugin

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