Installing the plugin on a multisite today, I find that entering the API key and then save returns me a blank screen. Need to reload to see the general setting page again.
Monitoring page gives me an empty table.
Hitting “save” at any time always gives me a blank page (wp admin menu on left remains visible).
Reading the above I checked the table, and found table present, but still no results. A wp Page created witht he shortcode also gives an empty table.
I deactivated and reactivated, and also uninstalled and reinstalled.
On resinstal I find that table in database has not been created and any attempt to create by deactivating and reactivating both on single site as wel as network active remains with the same result. And thus API key (or any other settings) are not retained.
Using latest version of WP (4.7.2) and of the plugin (2.1.2) as of this date.
Thanks for the help!