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  • Thread Starter kishmish


    All right. figured out. what I was doing was that I assigned both date and date_gmt to the same thing and knowing the time zone has 2 hours offset posts published in manual way (my way) shows up 2 hours later.

    just had to assign post_date_gmt to namely gmt offset date.
    see below:

    $date2 = date(“Y-m-d : H:i:s”);
    $My_date_gmt = $post_date_gmt = get_gmt_from_date($date2);

    //connect to database
    mysql_query(“update wp_posts set post_status = ‘$post_status_change’, post_date_gmt = ‘$My_date_gmt’, post_date = ‘$date2′, post_modified =’$date1′, post_modified_gmt=’$date2’ where ID = ‘$post_id'”);

    works fine now.

    Thread Starter kishmish


    OK, nobody,
    I noticed that posts published in this way will show up after 2-3 hours on index page. why is that? timing problem?? ping thing??

    please help.

    Thread Starter kishmish


    do I need to ping it? how do I do that?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Publish all drafts

    what do you need to alter in wp_posts table to make a post behave as published? can someone tell me that please?

    Thread Starter kishmish


    I did it. Almost. now it looks like this (messy yet but will be cleaned up soon):

    don’t be fooled by post tiltes, they are just there for testing. everythng is sortable you can sort your posts by ID, post title, post date, post status, what ever. Post title is clickable and brings you to edit post page.

    when you click on the post status it does the followings:
    – change the post_status from “draft2 to “publish” or other way around.
    – it time stamp the “post_date” and “post_date_mgt” with now date and time.

    however, posts that are being published in this way do not show up in the sites index page. what am I doing wrong. I went to the wp_posts table and compare a normal published post with one my published one and they were the same. they had the same parameters.

    I guess I need to alter some other things somewhere else to make them really published. can someone help me please.

    what do I need to change to make a post published?


    Thread Starter kishmish


    do you have a name for this plugin? I could not find it ??

    Thread Starter kishmish


    thanks for reply. I will implement it later (I am at work right now) and see if it does the trick. it sounds OK to me. but as you also mentioned, it will also cut smilies from my own posts as well. it is a kind of global smilies limiting thing.

    thanks again.
    will get back to you soon with feedback.

    Thread Starter kishmish


    yeh; I know PHP and MYSQL.
    And I thought of using them, but want to make sure if some one else have done it yet so I could grab it.

    I think I will check the wp_posts table for that column storing the post status “draft, published, saved”, that was the easy part.
    then I will add a column to the manage post table in admin section and populate it with the green or red images (depending on the post status).
    then I will make an “onclick” function attached to those images which will do the actual job and update the wp_posts table (post status column) accordingly.

    does that make sense??

    this will enable me to list all my posts and give an over view of what is what. in addition can help me publish and draft them with one click.

    Thread Starter kishmish


    get_post_status() is there something that gives me the status??

    Thread Starter kishmish


    ok, just tell me one thing please; is this WP-pagination compatible with wordpress ver.2?? is there any update for it? is there any built in pagination that shows the number of pages like : 1|[2]|3|4

    please help dudes. or just tell me that there is no solution, or that I am on my own or …

    Thread Starter kishmish


    I think I have miss-explained my self.

    max five similes but many to choose

    I meant that I want to allow maximum 5 smilies per comment. users can choose between 20 smilies I have placed for comment area but some of these users (you know) miss-use the feature and place 200 smilies in one comment and it is annoying.
    so, I would like to prevent this. just let them enter maximum 5 smilies in their comment and not more. if there are more then accept only the first 5 smiles and cut out the rest of them.

    do you guys think it is possible with some kind of text filter that looks for smilies and

    if (smilies >5) {
    replace with ”;

    something like that ??

    Thread Starter kishmish


    self made theme.

    @samboll and moshu
    Thanks to both of you. yes that was the way of doing it. my problem was that the post that suppose to show up under site event thing was in “draft” status and therefore I could not see it when clicking on the “site event link”.

    thanks again

    PS: dudes you are quick ??

    Thread Starter kishmish


    OK, let me explain it:
    I would like to add posts to my blog but I do not want them to be shown on the index page. I would like to make a section called “Site events” and add posts (comment-able posts) to it whenever I change some features on my blog. and of course I will add a link somewhere on the menu so people can go there and see the site events.

    thanks for help or hint.

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