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  • Plugin Author kirkpatrick


    This is fixed in the development version. Will release as stable 1.6 in a few days. Thanks for pointing it out — I am amazed it never showed up in my use! (I had only partly taken care of regex greediness.)

    Oh, this is so off-point it’s getting funny. Maybe a little analogy would help:

    There’s safe sex, and there’s AZT. Neither is perfect. What is an appropriate overall strategy? The AZT-only strategy (that’s you, Otto) not only is less successful, it carries an ethical burden — damage to the community.

    And Otto: It seems you haven’t grokked obfuscation. Obfuscating an email address does NOT make it hard for people to see it; does NOT make it hard for them to contact you. Hovering makes it visible to humans (but not robots) in the status bar; clicking it makes email contact as always (and the address is visible and copyable in the email edit window!).

    Would it be somehow useful to have the unobfuscated email appear in a popup when hovering? (Like “Click to email” does now) I’ll think about that.

    To do: Look at description of emObA, focus it on correct application, avoid misleading others (such as initial poster here) as to what it is supposed to do.

    @ Otto —

    Yes, you’re right, you’re right. Everybody listen to him, he’s right!

    The Spammers

    One of the fun things about publishing plugins is discovering how different we all are.

    I don’t have a single visible email address on any site of mine. They are always in link form, the visible part being the contact’s name. I can’t imagine a use for a raw email-address link on a page. But this isn’t the first complaint that has come from someone who wishes to exhibit raw email addresses themselves — live and learn.

    I put in the glyph obfuscation technique merely to take care of such cases as a post by a visitor who carelessly types in a raw email (much more likely — it’s easier than creating a link, so in a comment or post, that’s expected). But I’m not particularly concerned about the visual beauty of this safety net solution.

    It should be easy to modify the code to change from one color glyph to another on hover (famous last words — maybe it’s a bear of a problem). I like your way of sizing the glyph — I’ll steal it for a future (if any) version. Thanks.

    And it’s always possible (the switch is built in and commented in the FAQ) to get rid of glyphs and return to text — the usual spelled-out “at” (or, as I prefer, a copyright character) and “dot” (or a comma). Not as secure, but better than nothing.

    So, sorry, capnhairdo, this plugin is aimed at a different problem than the one you want to solve.

    Plugin Author kirkpatrick


    I’m afraid I’m going to have to take the first choice: “sorry we’re not going to work on processing BuddyPress filters”. I have no idea if this is a difficult thing to solve; I’ll leave it to BuddyPress gurus to try. Give me a suitable solution, I’ll update the plugin. Thanks.

    I can’t see any way to fix the_excerpt; the destructive filtering is done very deep in the base code, requiring the construction of a very large amount of “my_” code.

    Something that might work (it does in my themes): Change all occurrences of the_excerpt('') in your theme’s files to echo my_wp_trim_excerpt('') (along with adding function my_wp_trim_excerpt to functions.php). This works because wp_trim_excerpt usually gives the same text output as the_excerpt does.

    One approach that requires surgery on your themes, but not on the WP core: Put this function in your theme’s functions.php file, and throughout your theme files, replace wp_trim_excerpt with my_wp_trim_excerpt. The emails will be obfuscated, some will actually be links. It is tricky to know what will look better, what worse, using this. Try it, discard if it’s not nice.

    @elisabeth: I don’t know if this will help your problem with search — don’t know if your search page explicitly calls wp_trim_excerpt. But if it doesn’t, modifying your search functions something like this might work for you.

    function my_wp_trim_excerpt($text) {
    	$raw_excerpt = $text;
    	if ( '' == $text ) {
    			$text = get_the_content('');
    			$text = strip_shortcodes( $text );
    			$text = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $text);
    			$text = strip_tags($text);
    			$excerpt_length = apply_filters('excerpt_length', 55);
    			$words = explode(' ', $text, $excerpt_length + 1);
    			if (count($words) > $excerpt_length) {
    					array_push($words, '[...]');
    					$text = implode(' ', $words);
    		$text = apply_filters('the_content', $text);
    	return apply_filters('my_wp_trim_excerpt', $text, $raw_excerpt);

    Kim Kirkpatrick

    Hi Elisabeth,

    The same thing happens on category archive pages, where post excerpts are listed.

    I suspect your search is set up to return only excerpts from the found pages rather than entire pages? If so, what is happening is that wp_trim_excerpt() is being called, and it insists on applying strip_tags() (which removes all html) after content filters are applied. This means that no plugin can insert code (html or javascript) into the page excerpt.

    This problem appears throughout the design of WordPress: Plugin authors are as untrusted as blog posters are — safety filters are applied after rather than before the filter lists created by the various plugins.

    I don’t know of any fix short of a recognition by the designers of this error and their changing the order of some lines in various core functions. (You could fix it for your own sites by rewriting wp_trim_excerpt. But I can’t do that generally for users of emObA — and it’s a constant pain when WP upgrades.)

    Sorry. (And if anyone has ideas for a fix, I’d love to hear from you!)
    Kim Kirkpatrick

    Thread Starter kirkpatrick


    Maybe so, but data-… doesn’t validate as xhtml. So I’m still getting several validation errors on every page — all from FEE.

    I guess I don’t understand this part of your code — Why not just use a class, since you want to use the same symbol repeatedly?


    My apologies. Please check the value of GLYPHS around line 48 of emoba.php — to get graphical symbols, that should be defined “true”. I see that I accidentally left this as “false” in release 1.4.

    Perhaps you might be interested in looking at the emoba.txt or the FAQ on the plugin page; the various configuration constants are described there.

    I will be releasing 1.5 in a day or so, and I’ll be careful not to let this happen there.

    My apologies. Please check the value of GLYPHS around line 48 of emoba.php — to get graphical symbols, that should be defined “true”. I see that I accidentally left this as “false” in release 1.4.

    Perhaps you might be interested in looking at the emoba.txt or the FAQ on the plugin page; the various configuration constants are described there.

    I will be releasing 1.5 in a day or so, and I’ll be careful not to let this happen there.

    You may try the development version (download from
    In this update, the email address itself may appear as the displayed “Name” in all forms — html link, short form ([EMAIL…]), bare, obfuscated either with text or with graphic symbols.

    Please note, however: If you want to display the email itself, rather than a person/organization name, it will look the same regardless of whether you entered an html link or used a bare email text, and in any case it will not match your font! That is what obfuscation does. It can match your font only if you replace the gifs with images taken from that font. (Note though that you can help the font match appearance by adjusting the image size in the css file.)

    I have been amazed by how many people want to display email links as the email rather than as the recipient’s name, and want to do this via the explicit html link, rather than simply placing the bare email itself. I believe and hope I have now provided this.

    I’d appreciate your reporting back prior to release of the update. Thanks.

    Here is what I’ve come up with, attempting to get FEE to work with IE6, 7, and 8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera (on Windows; no idea about Mac or Linux browsers).

    1) IE 6, 7, 8 seem to require the following surgery on nicedit.js: in lines 323 and 419 (of the file), I changed
    (parseInt(e.getStyle('width')) || e.clientWidth)
    (e.clientWidth || parseInt(e.getStyle('width')))
    I found this suggestion on the nicedit forum — others have had the same problem with nicEdit on IE, and not just within WordPress.

    (Note that this “||” is the rather unusual “assignment or”, not a logical or: If the first value exists/is “true”, that value is returned, otherwise the second value is.)

    This fix seems quite necessary for all IE’s — I see the problem, and the success of this fix, on several quite different sites using a number of different themes, including classic and default. Fortunately, I haven’t seen any negative effect due to it.

    2) Because width is not inherited, it may be necessary that the enclosing div be given a width explicitly in the css. But not always — for example, not in the default theme.

    3) And several browsers (IE and Opera are the fussiest) don’t like widths in % or auto or inherit. Only absolute units (px, em …) seem to work for all browsers.

    This is a flakey problem. It is real, but not universal. It is not a simple WordPress plugin interaction, since it occurs even with all other plugins deactivated (though some may have left traces in database’s wp_options — perhaps that is where the problem is, and why it sometimes seems to appear/disappear spontaneously). And it occurs outside WordPress (see the nicedit forum), so it’s not just a plugin interaction.

    Each of the “cures” mentioned above is quite repeatable within a specific situation (site, theme, browser) — that is, if I remove the fix, the problem returns, and goes away again when re-fixed. But, as I said, they are not all necessary for all setups — except perhaps for the first fix.


    Kim Kirkpatrick

    Perhaps you could be more specific about what you mean by “Letting Emoba make a plain text email into a link doesn’t work since the result doesn’t match the format of the links and text on our pages.” (I guess you’ve removed the emails from those pages — I don’t see any.) But emObA does the same thing to a plain text email as you (I think) want it to do to your example link.

    I will consider this for the next upgrade. The logic is a bit fragile, so I can’t promise to release it. Keep an eye on this RSS feed.

    But I have to disagree: The first example in my documentation is NOT a link with the email itself as the visible representative.

    Yes, I’m using 1.7.2. Without WYSIWYG, textarea is narrow. The X is red. I have disabled ALL plugins except FEE.

    Evidently something is cached or saved in WordPress that causes this. Here’s the complicated story.

    Those inline width styles which are inserted by nicEdit create the problem. They are calculated at lines 323 and 419 of, using the expression
    parseInt(e.getStyle('width')) || e.clientWidth
    For some reason the width style retrieved from the element e is wrong.

    If the parseInt expression is replaced by, say, 400 in both places (ie 400 || e.clientWidth), the width of the resulting editor is 400px.

    But, as I said, these width stylings are unnecessary; the editor displays correctly without them. So in desperation I forced the editor to display correctly by getting rid of all width style settings that involve these calculated values — commented out width stylings at lines 323, 426, 429, 592, 1422. This makes the editor full width (this works in the several themes I’ve tried, one and two column, fixed and flex). And the non-WYSIWYG editor is full width, too.

    Here’s the mystery. On one of my sites, after doing this, I reverted to the original nicedit.js, and the display remained corrected! (On all browsers — this is not a browser cache problem.) But I haven’t been able to replicate this healing on other sites. So whatever stored data that got changed in one system by temporarily correcting the display, didn’t get changed in others.

    So on those other sites, I’m using the brute-force correction of the modified niceditor.js. I don’t like it, but whatever. Perhaps eventually that mystery healing will occur.

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