Forum Replies Created
Yes, I see the problem, and I agree it isn’t your “silly” error — sorry. But that message remains ugly; I don’t think it’s such a big deal to inject css to make #reg_passmail disappear, conditionally on the form allowing password setting. (And if JS is disabled, nothing worse than what’s going on now will occur.) It’s all a hack; don’t be upset by more hacking!
And I would never have blasted you if you had just answered Icool respectfully.
Marco, Icool wasn’t making an option request, it was a request for you to fix a silly error in your plugin. If the registrant sets their own password, sending that message is ugly design.
Now, an option that you might ask to be paid for would be allowing duplicate emails (more than one user with the same email). Can that be done? I’ve gotten weird password messages and failures with several other plugins that purport to allow duplicate emails.
If you achieve that successfully, I’ll make a contribution, whether or not I use your plugin.
Perhaps you could be a little more specific about the priority levels desired. And are you concerned only about the_content, or also about comments? (Because comments bring their own problems into the game.) Thanks,
KimThis is fixed, sort of, in 2.0 (later today or tomorrow). I’m trying to polish the appearance, but at least it doesn’t look like garbage.
The trick was get_the_excerpt (earlier) rather than the_excerpt (later).
Thanks for the sharp eye! (I quite often place a space between a url and punctuation, particularly full stop, for clarity, so I simply never noticed this. (The newlines were for clarifying the html layout for debugging; usually they don’t matter, but they did here!)
I found another extra space, in [EMAIL name {these spaces show up} | …] Fixed that with trim.
I like your suggestion about the parentheses, too. Nicer format, even if not preceded by Please email …
Thanks, these are in the next release (in a day or so).
Kim Kirkpatrick
Workaround: Place a “more” tag before the first email address. This cuts off the meta description before emObA can mess it up.
A more general solution is to grab the meta description and clean it up, say by removing the javascript.
But for some reason, I can’t get a filter to act on the_excerpt. So it won’t be fixed tonight — sorry.
I’ll reply here again if/when I figure this out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: emObA – Email Obfuscator Advanced] Flexible CSS1.6.5 has classes as requested, and also allows links to have class and style attributes.
1.6.5 posted. Handles class and style attributes.
It should be
This works for several links in a row followed by several emails in a row followed by link followed by email. So I think I have the greediness under control, finally.Sorry for all the confusion; I tried too quick a quick fix for your problem.
The difficulty remains that the attributes are simply removed from the result. I will consider modifying this to find class= and style= and put them back in. But not today. I think this problem is not serious enough (I haven’t heard a complaint before this, although it is a legitimate complaint) to put out a bug fix right now.
Please post (between backquotes) a sample that doesn’t work. And also between backticks, the line you changed. Thanks. Kim
If there are other attributes, they will be moved by the WordPress visual editor to the front, before the href, where they will cause the trouble you’ve seen.
To get around this, on line 152 of emoba.php replace
(?:[\s]| )*
The result will be as if those attributes were never present; they will not be carried into the obfuscated link.I will look into manipulating the DOM so these attributes can be saved. Stay tuned.
@luckyduck288 — Jonathan, I don’t see a problem. I just tried
<a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=whatever is the matter">email</a>
both alone and in a paragraph with non-email anchors, and it looks fine.Please try again. If it gives problems, please post more detail. Thanks.
Kim KirkpatrickThe new version, 1.6, is up now, finally.
@nickstrong: I apologize for not posting the correction with my reply several weeks ago, and for the subsequent delay in updating.
@luckyduck288: Thanks for posting a fix. I chose a more specific guard against greediness. (I don’t like U; it flips the meaning of ?’s within from ungreedy to greedy, which is confusing to me.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: emObA – Email Obfuscator Advanced] Beware obfuscation by images@capnhairdo: I’ve taken your excellent suggestion regarding css. It is in the development version, which will be released as stable 1.6 in a few days. Thanks.
I’m still working on improving the description of this plugin, to make it clearer what it’s good for and what it’s not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: emObA – Email Obfuscator Advanced] Flexible CSSIn the development version I have added classes to the link itself (emoba-link) and to the link’s innertext — the visible text of the link (emoba-realname). I may make some more adjustments, but it’s on its way. I will release this as stable 1.6 in a few days.
Thanks for the suggestion.