Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: how to upgrade with oneclick plugin?imagiscapeca,
I’ve been using OneClick to upgrade All-In-One SEO since the first time I installed it. The thing about OneClick though is that a plugin you’re going to upgrade not only has to be deactivated but deleted as well (easy to do via the OneClick interface). You won’t lose your settings so no worry there.
Once the plugin is deleted, then you can use OneClick to install the updated version and then just reactivate. This goes for any plugin you have installed. OneClick will not upgrade a plugin that’s still in place. Maybe next version?
I haven’t lost any setting of any plugins I’ve upgraded via OneClick this way.
Just thought you might want to know.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not receiving email notification of new commentsYour welcome MadamePurl.
You might want to check out foolswisdom’s WordPress Trac link above and try the attached plugin to reverse the problem. I haven’t tried it yet but if it works it just might save you from having to go into your host’s webmail in order to clean out all the copies of your comments left on the server for that ‘[email protected]/.com’
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not receiving email notification of new commentsOkay folks, I had the same problem when upgrading to 2.3. At first the emails were sporadic and sometimes hanging up refreshing a page once a comment was posted. I know that WP changed something (not sure what yet) that got around hosts that validate the email address of a sending site.
Any way, by monitoring my WP install processes via my host’s CPanel (BlueHost), I found that the email address that for comment notification was no longer my email address that I had listed in my WP Profile (Gmail address) but rather ‘[email protected]’. In order to solve this problem I used my host’s CPanel to create a new email address like the one above, changed my WP Profile’s address to the same as well and then back at the CPanel I set up a forwarder to forward all ‘[email protected]’ to my Gmail address I had originally used for email notification. Problem solved.
Sorry for lack of why’s and wherefor’s as I’m still trying to verify what was changed and sometimes info is hard to find around here. But I hope this solves your problems as it did mine.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Will WordPress 2.3 import simple tag plugin tags?Perhaps as Spencerp stated, “management” is not the best word but more a UI for working the basic functions of tagging. Just as an example, STP provides a new “Tags” menu item with the following sub-menus (just for an example now)
-Manage Tags
-Not Tagged Articles
-Import Tags
-General Options
-Cloud Options
-Related OptionsI’m definitely not saying that the developers should attempt imitating plugins and adding all the more advanced Admin UI’s provided by UTW and STP. I too type in my tags manually in the provided field in the post editor (I only have about a hundred or so) but I also have a tag cloud displayed below the write field in my case, for easy reference and there is also and “auto-fill” type menu that offers suggestions as I type (so I’m old[er]…so my memory ain’t so good no more…so what?).
My point is that although I may be a seasoned blogger and have no problem inserting and manipulating code to achieve a desired effect, the more average WP (not blogger has little clue on how to do this and I’ve helped enough of them to know. And no matter how you look at it, they make up the majority of WP bloggers out there so there are times when I have to really force myself to see things from their viewpoint (it ain’t easy sometimes =). It’s the developers fault you know…the the more they improve upon the WP paltform and it’s ease of use, the more of ’em you’ll get. ??
I’m just asking that the developers, for a future release, to consider adding a simple UI in the Admin that enables the blog owner to change basic tagging options such as adding and deleting tags at will, controlling the number of tags displayed in a cloud, colors and sizes thereof and the option to display tags and/or related posts (and the number in the list) at the end of any single post without having to go into the template code itself (Related Posts and Tag Clouds would of course have to have the required basic snippet of code inserted into the appropriate place first).
I mentioned “Simple Tagging Plugin” as an example only of what I’m talking about as far as the Admin UI for tags is concerned and what it does (my bad for not being clearer). It’s too far advanced for adding to the core in itself for sure but I and many others do use the basic functions it provides as I described above.
Sorry for the long comment, I get awful wordy sometimes (all the time–used to write tech manuals). Bad habit of mine. Hope I was more clear this time.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Will WordPress 2.3 import simple tag plugin tags?Otto42,
In answer to your above question. Each current tagging plugin available has some type of tagging management system. I believe that the Simple Tagging plugin has the best example of this and the most logical plugin to check out since it’s functions are fairly basic as compared to UTW which is a much more powerful plugin.
Three examples for an initial basic Tag Management system I would like to see and most likely others who have been using tags for quite awhile now:1. UI for easily adding and deleting tags as needed.
2. UI for working your tag cloud (number of tags, min and max size selection, colors etc) and include user instructions thereof (short paragraph with the code(s) needed to properly display the cloud).
3. Same for a “Related Posts” feature and controlling thereof. IE: How many related posts listed for each single post and the code needed to display the list on a single post page.
4. (for the future) Adding a tag cloud to the post editor for easy reference when adding tags to a post during writing and possibly showing which tags are assiged to posts in “Manage/Posts” (much like categories are currently).
The existing import feature could be included in this Tag Management UI as well to centralize the whole thing. As I said, the Simple Tagging plugin gives an great example of a management UI for WP although I’m sure there are certain features that might be considered a bit too advanced for basic core tagging features but the overall setup provides a good example under it’s own menu/sub-menus.
I think the reason that folks are reacting as such is because in their experience with the currently available and popular tagging plugins for WP, none have been provided without some sort of UI that enables the blogger to manage their tags. It simply seemed logical that this would be included in WP 2.3.
BTW, I’ve been very impressed overall with WP 2.3 betas so I mean no offense. I doing my best to answer your question.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.2 Permalink Redirect for posts?C’mon guys, you have to ask the simple questions too ya’ know. Does anyone know the answer? I’ve had several people ask me what was up with this and their main concern is increased 404 notifications and whether or not the Permalink Redirection plugin is conflicting with any sort of new built in redirection functions in WP 2.2 or WP2.2.1.
Does WP 2.2 actually incorporate a new permalink redirection function or not?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is It Important to Validate?(Chuckle)
Did you know this page does not validate giving 2 errors?
sorry….sorry couldn’t help myself but it’s true.
I know my site does not validate. I also know that if I test it using IE 7.0, Opera and Firefox on my computer and IE 6.0 on my wife’s computer, the site renders and operates correctly and several of my readers use Macs with Safari. So far no complaints. Of course, I can’t control whether a reader has java installed or disabled on their own machine.
I’m not defending anything here but I’ve found that most sites and blogs don’t validate yet render and operate correctly in the above mentioned browsers including many of the “Pro blogger” sites.
So why do I get so irritated when I come back to my blog not validating when I know it works just fine?
Perhaps it is psychological.
Just my two bits. So far I haven’t found any solid answers anywhere.
Personal preference?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Akismet doesn’t show spam descriptionsJust so it’s posted here. The problem was with the Aksimet servers. The problem has since been resolved and Aksimet has been working fine. At least for me anyway.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: UTW Re-Tag Posts Extention with WP 2.1Here’s the link for the latest version:
This version should have fixed the disappearing tag problem when a comment was moderated or caught in Akismet’s spam queue. I couldn’t read the entire version of UTW that you had found so I hope this helps. It’s the one I’m currently using.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Akismet doesn’t show spam descriptionsI too have the same problem. I’m running WP 2.1 with Akismet 2.0. The plugin was working fine until just a few days ago when I noticed the number of spam comments was incremented (in the Dashboard) but under “Comments” menu, Akismet showed “0” in the queue. Clicking on Akismet showed nothing but the number of spam comments it had protected me from.
I did as “armymomnj” did and deleted and downloaded another copy of Akismet 2.0, uploaded and reactivated. Same problem. Akismet incremented (from 197 to 199 spam comments) yet Akismet still showed zero in the “comments” menu and nothing on the Akismet page.
I have no other spam comment stopping plugins such as Bad behavior or Spam Karma installed. Only Akismet, Simple Trackback Validation and Did-you-pass-math plugins. These are all WP 2.1 compatible and all worked without a hitch until a few days ago when Akismet began making my possible spam comments disappear. Oh…and I do not have the “Automatically delete comments on posts over a month old” checked either.
Bottom line: The new version of Akismet appears to be immediately deleting all possible spam comments it catches without any user intervention and no longer holds them in the Akismet queue as it should.
I initially thought it was not showing duplicate comments or comments from known (previously caught) spam addresses. Could this be the case?