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  • Thread Starter KirkM


    Still looking at the error log in my site’s root directory and every time I view a page in another browser (logged out) it adds the same two lines as shown previously to the log.

    Thread Starter KirkM


    Now my main error log of my site is filling with the following two error lines regarding to WP Super Cache (this is a good thing actually).

    These are the two lines that keep repeating:

    [06-Dec-2011 16:36:33] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home3/longmead/public_html/just-thinkin/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php on line 156
    [06-Dec-2011 16:36:33] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home3/longmead/public_html/just-thinkin/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php on line 452

    Line 156 of “/just-thinkin/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php” reads:

    foreach ( $cache_rejected_uri as $expr ) {
    		if( $expr != '' && @preg_match( "~$expr~", $uri ) )
    			return true;

    Line 452 of “/home3/longmead/public_html/just-thinkin/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php” reads:

    foreach ($cache_rejected_user_agent as $expr) {
    		if (strlen($expr) > 0 && stristr($headers["User-Agent"], $expr))
    			return true;

    Heh, well, that’s all fine and dandy but I have no idea what is “invalid” about it and no idea how to fix it.

    I didn’t have a problem upgrading to 3.3-beta1-18972 but 3.3 beta 2 has been released and the plugin will not update to it. Set on “bleeding edge nightlies”, updating using the plugin always updates to “3.3-beta1-18972” not “3.3 beta 2”. No error is thrown, it just states the usual update text ending with: “WordPress updated successfully”.

    Thread Starter KirkM


    Yup, works fine now. Many thanks for the update.

    Thread Starter KirkM


    Joseph – Thanks for the prompt reply. Always good to know that the word gets through. Do you happen to have a ticket# handy for this? Just for following purposes of course as I find I learn quite a lot by following bug reports.

    @ronalfy – Couple of things, Ron.

    1. It’s $25 per year not $10 per year. Considering when you posted your first comment on this thread, the price must have gone up within the last month?

    2. There’s no link that I can find on that leads to anywhere else on the site. Considering you’ve taken the time to write up detailed documentation pages (including many more images) about the plugin, I suggest that an obvious link be made to at least the “Blog” and “Documentation” page (nice, BTW) on the site. People need to be informed about what they’re buying and the documentation pages are well organized, very informative and easy to read.

    I have no problem with a plugin author(s) wanting to make a bit of money from the work they put into creating such a advanced plugin such as Ajax Edit Comments, none at all. But the “starting at” price and links to pages that inform the potential buyer as to what he/she is exactly getting for their money need to be obvious and up front on the “Home” page.

    Just my (somewhat) experienced two cents.

    After testing all sorts of combinations of settings in WordPress Exploit Scanner 0.93 I finally got it to present the list of problems along with an error callout for the plugin itself. Up until now no combination of settings or having plugins activated or deactivated did anything but have the scan run approx. 9 minutes with a return to the default settings page, no list and a bit of text under the settings stating:

    “Are you sure you want to do this?”
    [link] “Try again”

    Now, with all plugins deactivated except for Exploit Scanner and only “Filescan” under “Scans to execute” and “Severe” under “Severities to show” checked the scanner ran for approx. 2.5 minutes, returned a list of (supposed) severities plus an error callout under “Skip check”:

    Warning: in_array() []: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/exploit-scanner/exploit-scanner.php on line 1116

    If I check “File Permissions Scan” then run the scan, the error isn’t returned.

    Not the main problem I’ve been having (see my above comments) but I just thought you might want to know.

    I’m beginning to believe the problem with version .7 and above is a conflict with one or more plugins but I haven’t had time to ferret which one(s) is the culprit. I don’t run any “exotic” plugins, just a few of the popular ones. I’ll do more testing as I get time.

    Yup, I tried Version 0.93 too with the same results as with versions 0.7 though 0.92. Still no errors found. Kind of difficult to dig out a problem when there’s nothing in the error logs to go on. Maybe I need to have a talk with it? ??

    I just gave 0.92 a try and the end result was the same as for 0.7. If I just check “General info” the plugin returns results within 6 seconds. If I check either Files or Database or both the plugin locks up my site both front end and admin with no results returned (same as with version 0.7).

    No errors in any of my WP install error logs but I saw one on the main server log which showed up with version 0.7 as well. I wasn’t sure at the time if it applied to my site or not as it contains no identifying info. Still, it happened twice so…

    [Mon Dec 14 13:20:39 2009] [warn] (103)Software caused connection abort: mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request function

    I then deleted 0.92 and reinstalled 0.6 for comparison and running the scan with 0.6 returned the expected results within 7 seconds with no errors or lockups.

    Is there a difference in the functions and the way the scan is run in 0.6 as compared to version 0.7 and above besides being able to select the scan type? Is it correct to assume that version 0.6 runs all the scans seen in 0.7 and above? Does 0.6 not check the core files and DB as thoroughly?

    Quick question: Why is there no change log to be found anywhere? Not even in the “readme.txt” file that comes with the plugin? Change logs help save asking a lot of questions that could otherwise be answered by reading the change log beforehand.

    Just wondering. ??

    BTW, I forgot to include some basic data in my last post:

    PHP version: 5.2.11
    MySQL version: 5.0.81-community-log

    No permission restrictions and a well maintained install and DB.

    End result in my case is that 0.6 runs fine and versions 0.7 and 0.92 do not. Any other test I can run, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

    I’m also having a problem running with version 0.7 sitting there spinning it’s wheels when “Files” is checked (WP 2.9 beta 2) on a 4 year old blog). I downgraded to version 0.6 just to check and 0.6 runs without a hitch and returns results within 10 seconds. Going back to 0.7 and it just sits there and spins it’s wheels again.No errors in error logs.

    Sticking with version 0.6 for the time being. Sorry I couldn’t provide anymore info than that. Version 0.6 works, 0.7 does not.

    The link to the dev build of Simple Tags (1.7b1)is actually located in “Other versions” page but you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the list and the last link you’ll see is “Development version”. Clicking on that link will download version 1.7b1

    It does seem to be working correctly on WordPress 2.9 beta 2 but I haven’t tried it on 2.8.6 yet. Actually, version 1.6.6 works fine for me on 2.8.6.

    Thread Starter KirkM


    Hi arnee,

    Sorry for the delay in replying. I’ve re-tested the plugin in both blogs (as stated in my first post) and the results are the same. Increased time on building and increased memory usage. Just so you know, there’s nothing special or “tweaked” about these two sites at all, both are default WP installs. My host (Bluehost) has no restrictions whatsoever BTW. I’m perfectly free to make any mistakes I wish. ??

    The site permission problem only happened once right after I updated the plugin and attempted to go to the plugin’s settings page. To correct my original post, reloading the page didn’t help, it was navigating to another admin page (such as “Dashboard”) and back to the Sitemaps settings page that “fixed” the problem. I don’t think this is a problem actually, just one of those glitches I’ve often seen when an update changes things like paths and such. It’s almost as if you have to reload the entire admin before the WP admin UI is updated to the changes.

    And nope, no bookmark–menu navigation only.

    Here’s a list of my plugins installed in my personal blog (test blog only has a few of these). All are up to date with the latest versions. I think the thing to keep in mind here is that previous versions of XML sitemaps have always worked fine and consistently with the same plugins installed up to 3.2 and only 3.2 exhibits this behavior on 2 different sites running two different versions of WordPress.

    Hope I didn’t overdo it on the info here. I have a bad habit of being long winded.

    All in One SEO Pack
    Clean Options
    FD Feedburner Plugin
    Google XML Sitemaps
    Quick Adsense
    Recent Comment Avatars
    Revision Diet
    Secure WordPress
    Simple Tags
    Subscribe To Comments
    TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker)
    WordPress Exploit Scanner
    WP Ajax Edit Comments
    WP Super Cache

    I just upgraded to 3.2 from the previous version. When I attempted to to go the XML Sitemaps admin page it told me I didn’t have didn’t have the proper permissions to access that page (??!). Going to the Dashboard and back to the XML Sitemaps page worked okay for some reason. May have been a server problem, who knows.

    Manually rebuilding the sitemaps woorked fine, however. it seemed to take a lot longer than usual (12.5 secs) and use 10 megs more memory than usual (30 MB vs 20 MB) but it did work. Again, this might be due to my shared server having a high load. Happens occasionally.

    Just upgraded my test site using version 0.7. Error log is clear. So far so good. I’ll keep an eye on it over the next few days. Thanks Westi.

    Hi Westi – Thanks for the plugin, makes things much easier.

    I’ve been seeing a PHP error in my main error log regarding this plugin (WordPress Beta Tester 0.6). Happens twice a day while the plugin is activated without any intervention from myself:

    [30-Oct-2009 04:05:49] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84
    [30-Oct-2009 16:07:43] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84
    [31-Oct-2009 04:11:39] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84
    [31-Oct-2009 16:13:53] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84
    [01-Nov-2009 03:15:52] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84
    [01-Nov-2009 15:17:51] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_preferred_from_update_core() in /home3/longmead/public_html/outofdate/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-beta-tester/wp-beta-tester.php on line 84

    Line 84: $preferred = get_preferred_from_update_core();

    This site is a test site with little or no traffic.

    PHP version 5.2.9
    MySQL version 5.0.81

    Active plugins [besides WordPress Beta Tester]: (The same plugins I use in both my “live” sites running WP 2.8.5)

    Akismet 2.2.6
    All in One SEO Pack 1.6.7
    Clean Options 1.2.3
    Google XML Sitemaps 3.1.7
    Recent Comment Avatars 3.3
    Revision Diet 1.0.1
    Secure WordPress 0.3.9
    Subscribe To Comments 2.1.2
    WordPress Mobile Edition 3.1
    WP-DBManager 2.50
    WP Super Cache 0.9.7

    If you need me to do anything for troubleshooting purposes please let me know.

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