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  • macmanx, thanks for that idea…. can’t believe I hadn’t thought of something like that. I ended up not being able to just use a space. Instead I am using all the common punctuation marks as triggers to moderate comments like:

    It’s working so far…

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: alphabetical posts

    Could be that I’m having a dense moment but I am having the same issue and I can’t seem to be able to resolve it.

    I need to be able to list all the posts on my wordpress blog in alphabetical order (regardless of the categories each post is in). Meaning, I need to devise a page or some place where visitors to my site can see a list of all the posts in the blog alphabetically, like an index.

    Anyone with any helpful ideas on how to accomplish this? I am still a bit new to the php coding aspect of things so please be gentle with that. Thanks in advance!

    Thank macmanx for that info. But how can I moderate all comments on my wordpress blog? Is there a plugin or hack or anything that works?

    I am having the same problem. I have my Discussions Options set to “An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below) ” and upon testing, I am not having any comments moderated. Please help….. I am also using a modified theme, specifically, the gila theme from this site:

    Also, I have Spam Karma on but I have the “Take in account moderation criteria set on the Discussion page.” setting CHECKED and am having the same issue.

    Anyone else had the same issue and resolved it? Any ideas?

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