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  • Here’s what safari reports
    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL https://<install url+dir>/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=794 from frame with URL https://<install url+dir>/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/media/media.htm. Domains, protocols and ports must match.

    I’m assuming Firefox is complaining about the same thing, just not as reader friendly:
    uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.tinymce
    [Break on this error] undefined
    this.params has no properties
    [Break on this error] var v = this.params[n];
    tiny_mce_popup.js (line 47)
    tinyMCEPopup.editor has no properties
    [Break on this error] var themeBaseURL = tinyMCEPopup.editor.baseURI.toAbsolute(‘themes/’ + tinyMCEPop…


    I tried re-uploading my wp-admin directory – didn’t work.

    In my case, I believe this is related to using https on the admin pages. If I access the admin pages over http, it’s fine. Tried deactivating plugins and it didn’t make a difference. Looks like this thread is related to:

    Hey Otto42 I have the same issue but a little more info the issue only happens when my admin screens are accessed over https. And it was a fresh install. I disabled all my plugins – I did have Admin SSL installed. And the issue still occurs. I can add the ‘s’ into the protocol (in the browser bar) and see it break, take out the ‘s’, refresh and see it work.

    BTW, it’s also kind of weird that the login stays valid when you’re switching http protocols. Most apps I’ve seen require another login.

    I also applied changeset_r7573


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