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  • Thread Starter kingsparadise


    Thanks for tips

    Thread Starter kingsparadise


    You made my day. Thanks so much .You are the best

    Thread Starter kingsparadise


    maybe i can give you access to the admin end of the site, the site is still under development

    Thread Starter kingsparadise


    yes i did that, i even created a new user account as a subscriber to test it yet is is showing for both users. this is the screen shot of the admin setting×516.png”>

    Thread Starter kingsparadise


    I don’t know what I’m doing wrong i use the code above and the slider shows for both logged in and logged out users,in fact i removed all the slider function and the <div class tag and use only this yet it kept showing for both users
    <?php echo do_shortcode('[eyesonly hide="yes" logged="in"]'.masterslider(2).'[/eyesonly]'); ?>

    Thread Starter kingsparadise


    thanks for the quick response,
    i have try using the php code above is not working` this is what i did
    NOTE: my aim is to show the master sliders to only logout users or guests but hide when i user login.

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[eyesonly hide=”yes” logged=”in”]
    <?php masterslider ( 2 ); ?>
    [/eyesonly]’) ; ?>

    <!— master slider function starts here —->

    <?php if( function_exists( ‘masterslider’ )): ?>

    <?php masterslider ( 2 ); ?>
    <?php else: ?>

    <div class=”main_graphic”>
    <div class=”main_graphic_inner”> …

    then i try this, it hide the master sliders to both logged and logout users

    <?php if( function_exists( ‘do_shortcode’ )): ?>

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[eyesonly hide=”yes” logged=”out”]
    <?php masterslider ( 2 ); ?>
    [/eyesonly]’) ; ?>
    <?php else: ?>

    <!— master slider function starts here —->

    <?php if( function_exists( ‘masterslider’ )): ?>

    <?php masterslider ( 2 ); ?>
    <?php else: ?>

    <div class=”main_graphic”>
    <div class=”main_graphic_inner”>

    please help me out

    I got it right now the mistake is from me i use wrong profile id.
    Thanks so much for the your help

    thanks for the quick responds. the profile is a normal facebook user profile and this is the url
    but come to think of it, i really think something is wrong here cause accessing this user profile url i get this
    “id”: “100000144524699”,
    “first_name”: “Kingsley”,
    “gender”: “male”,
    “last_name”: “Eze”,
    “link”: “;,
    “locale”: “en_GB”,
    “name”: “Kingsley Eze”,
    “username”: “kingsaradise”
    but if i add 100000144524699 in wpbook Facebook Profile ID and click on checking permissions for streaming i got this
    This page is where you can check and grant extended permissions, which enable WPBook to publish to your personal wall and/or to the walls of fan pages.

    To correct any of these (or if you see no further info below), Grant or re-grant permissions for your userid. (This is required if you intend to publish to your personal wall OR any fan pages.)

    The Facebook profile ID you are currently logged in to Facebook as is 847278118620331. You have defined 100000144524699 as your Facebook user id in WPBook Settings.

    Your Facebook Profile ID must match the ID with which you are logged in to Facebook, or else an access token will not be stored and publishing to Facebook will fail. Please update the “YOUR Facebook Profile ID” setting in WPBook settings to match the userid shown above.

    FB profile 847278118620331 has granted these permissions:

    read_stream – no
    publish_stream – no
    manage_pages – no
    user_groups – no

    Error: No access token has been stored for this user -probably due to a misconfiguration. Check to see that the ProfileID with which you are logged in to Facebook matches the one set in WPBook settings, as listed above

    You’ve indicated you wish to publish to this page: 239537242887320

    with that i have to use 239537242887320 as my profile id. I hope am right for using that?

    i am having the same problem with and i followed your instruction above find the “grant or re-grant permissions” url to be<appname>/&scope=read_stream,publish_stream,manage_pages,user_groups
    and i click on it a pop up ask for permission to allow my domain name to access information and i click ok the page reloaded and the error report disappeared but when i go back to wpbook backend and click check permission this still appear
    This page is where you can check and grant extended permissions, which enable WPBook to publish to your personal wall and/or to the walls of fan pages.

    To correct any of these (or if you see no further info below), Grant or re-grant permissions for your userid. (This is required if you intend to publish to your personal wall OR any fan pages.)

    The Facebook profile ID you are currently logged in to Facebook as is 847278118620331. You have defined 847278118620331 as your Facebook user id in WPBook Settings.

    FB profile 847278118620331 has granted these permissions:

    read_stream – no
    publish_stream – no
    manage_pages – no
    user_groups – no

    Error: No access token has been stored for this user -probably due to a misconfiguration. Check to see that the ProfileID with which you are logged in to Facebook matches the one set in WPBook settings, as listed above

    You’ve indicated you wish to publish to this page: 239537242887320

    An access token corresponding to this page has been stored.

    please help am using wpbook 2.6.8

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