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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review my websitedavood – Yes I can what?
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review my websiteUpdate. Reduced posts to 10. Killed half the thumbs and right side. Loaded speed thing. It seems to pop now. Please let me know how load time looks. Thanks!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review my websitetgsb/Anik – Will check speed tips thanks. Started with 70 posts on front, then 60,50,40,30,25,and 15. Last night went to 14. That’s about my low limit keeping stuff on the right. The ‘Official’ WordPress font tool hates me! It bleeds over into other font settings. The only way I can change color is changing buttons on top. Reloaded everything several times. It loads base page in 2 secs for me and 2nd background color jump in after 3.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review my websiteWP – I have been through about 8 free themes in the last 8 months but I appreciate the masonry comment. I did spot Photolux as potential and may toss them the 45 dollars soon. My total investment to date is $23 for a domain name. Luckily my great son works as a server administrator and puts me in the sky with Lenox for free. I’m getting 6 to 10 thousand visits a day with no ads. It’s just a hobby and social experiment for me. I can barely spell HTML and wish I had some coding friends. Thanks!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Review and check out my new Gaming websiteI like the main body of the site a lot and it looks really good. Personally I do think that the logo just kills everything else and should be a different font. I would reconsider the dark blue to a lighter shade but that’s a personal opinion.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Suggestions for new websiteI like the body of the site a lot but the font for the logo and buttons is just not of a professional nature. Consider looking at top sites for what you are doing or anything for that matter and compare.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please review my siteOverall not bad at all. At least in America Personalised is not a word and hopefully it should be personalized. If I am correct mis-spelled words kill the professional aspect. You have some nice ideas!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please review my siteI like the main body of the site. The banner at the top seems to need work. The font for the buttons does not work and the phone number is too large.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please have a look at our new websiteSites evolve with time. I would consider increasing the size of the logo and don’t like the placement of the phone number at the top. If you increased the size of the buttons contact would stand out anyway and if they want to call they would just click the button.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Modularity Lite FeedbackHeather- Nice response! A month ago my site was feeble and my son suggested that it looked like spam or a rainbow. I moved to a new theme and muted the colors as you mentioned. I will add an acknowledgement per your suggestion to the bottom of the front page as people do deserve credit for their work. Thanks for your input!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Modularity Lite FeedbackJeeze guys! I just wanted some feedback on my site and the format. I’m just having a good time out here. Matt- It’s my user name and I am KiNdAwArPeD. I checked your last post (Then you should be asking your memmbers.) Spellcheck is available. Roostertail- i’m not seeking legal counsel. I somehow doubt Google and Bing are getting permission for the billions of photos available. It’s a photo blog and of course I would immediately remove any content objected to. I’m just spreading a little joy with no strings attached. Thanks!