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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Autoptimize] it compleatly broke my themeI would like to add that this warning is uncalled for. I have personally tried this plugin on several sites and never experienced the problem the OP is scaring people of. In the case where the plugin could brake something ( for example if you combine it with a cache plugin, my personal experience is that wp-super-cache plugin tends to crash the whole site if you move installation and needs special attention to reconfigure ).
Also, if this plugin did make any problems, I do not understand how it can still create problems if you disable it or even better uninstall it as all changes are gone?
I believe your problems is some other plugin and not this one, correct me if I am wrong.
On your last note – WP is free software and so is this plugin. The problem with free stuff is that you never have anyone resposible for making things work – I think the author if this plugin is rather reasonable in answering all comments. If you want something you do not need to try I recommend purchasing a proprietary CMS – I can recommend my own system Easy CMS ?? But lately I have been having more fun with WP as everyone theese days want a piece of the free wave… All those tasty templates and plug and play!
In my experience I have rewritten alot of plugins to fit my needs, but I keep reminding myself when it comes to this plugin that the effect you get for just enabling it outweights by far the time needed to custom optimize a site looking at actual worth in real word!
I wish this plugin wasnt so damn effectful, but it is! And by the looks of it its suddenly gonna become even better as the author and people are being reminded of possible problems when combining the CSS for screen and print as example, and google page speed aswell. At the moment everyone should use this plugin as a default plugin in WP – unless you custom optimize everything that is!
If this plugin was a woman I would date her! Haha!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Did not remove several render blocking JavaScript & CSS filesOK I got the bookmarklet to work and tried the option inline and defer styles. However this dropped me 10 points on mobile, dropped med from 100 at usability and 1 point at desktop. I went back to the old way of optimizing.
I will try manually deferring some of the CSS at the end of the page to make the file lighter and see how it goes. There are small margins however as I see now reverting to previous setup where I had 77 points mobile and 88 points pc – its dropped to 72% and 87%.
I know one thing now – and that is to store snapshots of HTML file and main CSS files with notes so that I can compare them to see why pagespeed jumps so much back and forth.
My main problem is that I cannot remove and optimzize to much on the actual plugins since the webmaster may update or change this at any time – my work is to optimize it in a way that the system is fluid so to speak. I find it veryu interesting to tweak I have learned lots last 24 hours however it is painfull when small things have huge impacts and I do not feel pagespeed really gives detailed information since fixing many of the points doesnt result in any change at all many times.
And I also noticed, alot of websites writing about their 100% score doesnt have it – so they had it when doing it but have lost it over daily use of the system so having 90% or higher seems like a huge effort in keeping it there.
I did look into a few pages that had more than 90% pagespeed – noone had jquery at all in their page… ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Did not remove several render blocking JavaScript & CSS filesIf I understand this correctly I am wasting time by trying to reorder the CSS being optimized, as I need to find the CSS that is needed to render the visible part of the page only for the head section.
So I should try seperating all the CSS into two parts – one critical and one not critical. If I understand correctly.
I guess I will need to google abit now as I have no understanding with the links you posted, however I have a feeling that as soon as I understand the concept here and unerstand how to use the tools – things will get alot clearer.
Thanks for the links – will look into them now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Did not remove several render blocking JavaScript & CSS filesI just tried removing google fonts and font awesome myself, however in my case the difference was zero.
With google fonts loaded, and font awesome – both in footer – PageSpeed: 77 points
Without them… 77 pointsI will experiment some more on this. I also havnt tried downloading the font files and hosting from own server – but since it doesnt affect my page speed at all I will probably not experiment to much with fonts right now. If I could only get that plunge above 80% I would be so happy.
I will post my findings from experimenting with autopimizer the next hour or so.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Did not remove several render blocking JavaScript & CSS filesI have been workiing all night to improve pagespeed myself on clients side, and right about now I am about to manually go through all files being merged with autoptimizer. I have a feeling there might be some duplicate content which could improve mobile ranking.
I must add deferring files, loading and external files really didnt impriove much for me from 75 to 78 and that ioncluded replacing and updating all images pagespeed complained about so I am feeling lucky on trying to shrink to overall size of minified CSS and JS contents.
I have also added expiry_headers, lerverage caching and enabled gzip for static files so all by the book however cant seem to break the 80% barrier yet.
So far:
Combined jquery and jquery minified files into 1 jquery include, head.
Merged google fonts into 1 file from google fonts page
Deferred javascript load for analytics and facebook and twitter
My own cache plugin around wordpress for max performanceI am wondering on how to solve that jquery problem, havnt found any sollution. Maby having jquery on website means you cannot have 100% on pagespeed?
For reference – I will probably remove link later:
https://www.skarpnes.com/Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Plugin doesnt affect the final render of the pageI managed to solve it, posted sollution here.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Plugin doesnt affect the final render of the pageThe method above for getting the final output was taken from this page by the way, maby someone has some insight in how one can access the final output ?
<a href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/772510/wordpress-filter-to-modify-final-html-output">https://stackoverflow.com/questions/772510/wordpress-filter-to-modify-final-html-output</a>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Autoptimize] Autoptimize and wprocketMaby I should open another thread, but this is the first I found that looks like it could be some of the same problems I am having now with your plugin. I completed my own cache system this morning, and I gotta say manually merging theese CSS files does give a better result but this plugin does almost the same without any effort so I like this plugin. When I think about it – I will create a new thread instead as it doesnt concert wprocket – even if it may be the sanme problem.
I posted here
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Hover Effects Css3] Couple Of BugsHave you resolved the effect 1 filter yet or is it still set to “hidden” as pr youur answer above.
Also, is it 20 effects in total in css? I see some of the other people with hover effect scripts are promoting 75+ effekts and so but is it just the same 20 in different looks? (you have rounded and dquare so you have 38 already by that countign).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Image Hover Effects Css3] Remove border / shadow completelyThank you for this fix, much appretiated.
Maby sollution in your plugin should be adding a checkbox for borderless which if chosen, disables the border and color buttons (eye candy).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Editorial Calendar] Missing in the plugins list?? Working to fast it seems, as in the plugins folder it’s called “editorial-calendar” so when looking in the installed polugins in wp-admin I was naturally scanning in the “e” section of the list not finding it… Its under “wordpress editorial-calendar” ??
This is real blindness I tell you ??
Have a great day!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Editorial Calendar] Missing in the plugins listWrong – missed the “wordpress ” prefix of the plugin name. Alles in ordnung!
Well I tried a?? the different ideas here, without any luck. Doesnt help adding “define(‘WPCACHEHOME’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/’);” in config for me _ i still get:
Warning! /home/111/public_html/wp-content/advanced-cache.php does not exist or cannot be updated.
Clearly the path plugins/wp-super-cache/ is missing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widgets Controller] Not workingI would like to add, the “homepage” check works however – just not any of the categories or pages.