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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Calendar] export events
    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    There is an iCalendar available within calendar. Once activated on the calendar options page, simply visit your site
    with calendar_feed appended, e.g.

    I hope the above from the installation page helps, if you need further help, please let me know

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    Thank you – I will implement this change

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Calendar] RTL support?
    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    The week start day can be either Monday or Sunday; in that regard the calendar conforms to the setting on the Settings -> General page of the WordPress admin – its right at the bottom of that page.

    As for RTL support, generally that would be something your theme would need to support rather than the plugin – the calendar is rendered as a basic table of dates. If this isn’t working for you, I’d need to see an example of what a RTL calendar is supposed to look like in order to know if I can help support it or not

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    I have tried to re-create this on a vanilla version of WordPress 5.2.x, default theme and my plugin and have been unable to do so – all widgets display fine. Assuming that, as part of 5.2, other plugins and themes on your site have had updated to them, can you verify, that on your site, the widgets still don’t work even if you just have my plugin and the default theme active?

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    Please point me to the documentation regards this hook that jetpack uses and I’ll look at adding it. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    Widgets are bound to sidebars rather than specific posts or pages, so if the sidebar in question is being displayed, it isn’t easy to exclude it. It can be done with custom code, but generally this is done on a site by site basis, rather than with generic options in a plugin

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    You can’t consume an iCal feed, only produce one. Once the feed is activated in your admin panel and you have added some events, you’ll see the iCal data on the following URL

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    From what I can see, the only way to re-create that issue is if you’ve actually pasted a link into your event description in some way, perhaps accidentally by copying another event. Go into the affected event, in the text box do Ctrl-a and hit delete, then re-type the content, using only <br /> tags – you should find it renders correctly

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    I have found the issue here and will fix it in the next release. In the meantime, modify the calendar plugin code in calendar.php and replace this
    $desc = !empty($_REQUEST['event_desc']) ? wp_filter_nohtml_kses($_REQUEST['event_desc']) : '';
    $desc = !empty($_REQUEST['event_desc']) ? wp_kses_post($_REQUEST['event_desc']) : '';
    you should find two instances. Also find this
    and replace with this
    there will be one instance of this

    After you’ve done this, any new events you save or events you edit with BR tags will get saved/displayed correctly

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    Thanks, yes, this is helpful, I’ll bundle that change in future releases

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    The plugin has been re-activated in the repository, thanks to all users for their patience

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    As re-enabling the repository requires a full review of the plugin, I’ve been asked by the WordPress team to bring a few other elements of the plugin up to date before they re-enable the repository. As the plugin is over 10 years old I suppose this is to be expected.

    I therefore just wanted to post a further update to users here that this is in hand and to apologise for the continued delay in restoring access to updates.

    I’m working on the updates this weekend and hopefully we should see some progress as we get into next week.

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    Regards criticality, a bad actor would have to have both access to your WordPress dashboard and that too be a privileged user (by default this level is contributor), providing you trust your users at this level, the risk will be minimal.

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    The update you seek has been released, hopefully the repo will be unlocked soon so you can get access to it. Apologies for the delay in the fix.

    Plugin Author Kieran O’Shea


    The update you seek has been released, hopefully the repo will be unlocked soon so you can get access to it. Apologies for the delay in the fix.

Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 263 total)