Jeff Blaine
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: IE display problem (CSS and XHTML validates!)Anyone?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Widget hacking : recent entries (advanced)Well, I got it working, then saw what you’re talking about. The same configuration was used for every ‘Recent Posts’ widget I added and I could not change it.
I guess I have to do it the dumb way.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Widget hacking : recent entries (advanced)I think you know what I am talking about, but your comment about a ‘Configuration Page’ above makes me think not. Let’s also be clear here – I am not talking about a plugin. This is a widget in widgets.php.
It requires only simple params in the pop-up box when you access the widget’s controls to enter parameters.
As delivered it accepts ‘Title’ and ‘Number of posts to show’
I merely added ‘Category’ to those options and it works exactly how I envisioned.
I simply need to know (or merely confirmation of) what needs to be done in order to allow several of these widgets per sidebar, just like the ‘Text’ and ‘RSS’ widgets allow.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Widget hacking : recent entries (advanced)There already is a config page for this widget.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Widget hacking : recent entries (advanced)Here’s how I changed it (part of it). Very simple. Now I just need to know the answer to my original post.
$options = get_option('widget_recent_entries'); $catname = empty($options['catname']) ? __('ALL') : $options['catname']; $title = empty($options['title']) ? __('Recent Posts') : $options['title'];
if ($catname == "ALL") $r = new WP_Query("showposts=$number&what_to_show=posts&nopaging =0&post_status=publish"); else $r = new WP_Query("category_name=$catname&showposts=$number&what _to_show=posts&nopaging=0&post_status=publish");
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Widget hacking : recent entries (advanced)Well, I’m trying to think larger picture here and ideally get this feature rolled seemlessly into the default WordPress widgets.php
I didn’t just hack the existing recent entries code to hardcode a single category. I made the entire widget accept a “Category:” value in the widget management screen and all.
It works perfectly, except for the “1 allowed” as I can see.
There’s no real reason for the Recent Entries widget to:
a) Not allow a category (defaulting always to all categories, but overrideable!)
b) Not be allowed multiple times on a page
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Dual Loops? Having trouble with categories hackeryHoly cow this forum moves fast.
I figured this out, and it was esoteric and related to my specific code, so explaining the solution is not really worth much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Write screen: Recent posts (for quick re-edit)I see that was a popular idea ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Technorati tags and WP 2.0.xThanks all.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WYSIWYG Editor and Inserting LinksSame problem here. Going into the editor’s HTML view mode, then Save (without making any changes), fixes the bug for that post.
With 5 days of broken posts to fix,
kickslopForum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Kubrick as default… why?As the original poster revisiting this thread, I think a lot of my frustration comes from the moving target aspect of element names.
That is, just as there is an API for plugin development, I personally believe a well-known and consistent theme needs to be developed that uses a thought out and extensive set of CSS elements which are named sanely and have descriptive comments.
What I see, instead, are three options: 1) Use someone else’s theme as-is 2) Use someone else’s theme as a starting point (VERY common) 3) Roll your entire own theme from scratch.
Option 2 would be well-served by theme developers, or at least ONE theme developer, treating their theme as source code that needs to be well-understood by thousands of people instead of treating it as for their eyes only with an “I can’t be bothered to spend another 1 hour on this to make it 90% more usable by people”. That theme developer would have to know WP guts very well and try to be as comprehensive as possible. I routinely find many half-complete stylesheets that do not even stub in all of the WP-provided elements available for tweaking.
I understand VERY well that this is all volunteer work and contributions from enthusiasts. If I were a CSS guru who already had his fingers flipping through the WP code, I’d have done this already and offered it. Unfortunately, I am far far from it. I’m just a guy who sees room for improvement, and that’s all I am proposing.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Kubrick as default… why?FWIW, “whyyyyy?” can be read quite a few ways. The way I intended it (and I didn’t edit the subject, FWIW) was a rising tone to indicate an emphasized question.
My note was not in any way intended to “stir up” and “rant”.
Last I checked the title of the forum was “Requests and FEEDBACK” and I’m pretty sure I gave feedback about something that is worthwhile to mention.
Thanks to those of you pointing me at workarounds/solutions.
That’s the problem with open source. You suggest anything might be amiss and there’s always someone “hurt” and jumping down your throat for commenting in anything other than a gloriously shining way.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Kubrick as default… why?Yes, I realize nobody “forced me to upgrade”. That’s a bit simpleminded in logic, if you ask me. Everybody wants the new features. One of my main reasons for upgrading is so that I can even re-enable the commenting system due to horrible spam problems.
I will look into the ‘classic’ theme.
I think the majority (not all) of you are completely missing my point.
Yes, Kubrick is “pretty”.
I am back to using 1.2 for the time being (backgraded before even posting).
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Propaganda Party! – a new WordPress blogLooks good to me ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress 1.2 One Click BackupThanks!