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  • I would run searches on the support boards on each of the hosts listed on the WP Hosting page. There have been some recent issues reported, and you don’t need problems, do you?

    more info would help. access it in a browser? access it in the wpadmin edit area? What’s your url? Is the file there? Does it have the proper permission set for editing?

    If absolute worst comes to worst, use an absolute path in the img tag, ie “”. Not the best solution, but if it works . . .

    It also depends on what theme you started with. The Kubrick theme has some css inline in one of the files and inline will override linked or imported styles.

    This article explains that.

    Knowing what theme you started with will allow us to help you better, I think.

    OOH, were any of them running that awful google thing? And what version of wordpress are you running? I think the latest security updates to 1.5 addressed this issue . . . developers comment please?

    You’re welcome! I’m fairly new to wordpress, though pretty experienced with css. That article is the one that got me going on customizing my own theme the first day I installed. It’s VERY helpful. There are a couple more installments on that one if you poke around on that site.

    If you wish to learn css, start here:

    FYI, Firefox and Opera usually get it right, and IE almost always gets it wrong. IE is the broken browser. When using css, design for FF and O, THEN hack it to make it work in IE.

    An article you might find helpful in dissecting the kubrick theme and putting it back together:

    Try making the img file reference an absolute path instead of a relative one. That worked for me.

    It seems to me this can be handled by explicit instructions in the Codex on how anyone who has a site aimed at children could “build in” the screening needed if their site is aimed at kids. That way it wouldn’t be in the “core” and yet would allow site owners to add whatever kid-friendly functionality they need to add, maybe in the form of one simple file with a php call for it on the comment post page or as a plugin.

    Podz point is taken that we don’t need to be US-centric, and this doesn’t need to be part of the core package, however, in the interest of adding this functionality for those who desperately need it due to their local laws (and couldn’t it be altered to fit ANY set of local laws???) it should be made available as an OPTION for those who need it.

    Just a reminder of what the original poster, tmaster, asked for:
    “We need a special minor subscription level built in the software that way minors can make post but we will not have any persional info on them..”

    Unfortunately I’m not geek enough to build this. I’m sure one of you very talented plugin developers or core developers can come up with something . . .

    This award winning blogger template has a font size switcher, and the whole thing is downloadable. I’m sure you can adapt the font size switcher for your use.

    Thread Starter kickass


    Yes, I’m an out of the box kinda grrl . . .

    Thread Starter kickass


    I think I found all the dang oopses. It validates now. Damned DW, I have it set for xhtml, but once I “break” the index file up to make the theme it reverts to html 4.0 when it inserts tags. I have a love/hate relationship with that dang program.

    Test again???

    Um, it seems my unzipper doesn’t handle tar.gz very well (make that at all . . .) Can you post the code and instructions on a webpage or in a txt file I can copy/paste from? Or in a regular zip archive? This is exactly the function I’ve been looking for, and I can’t wait to set it up.

    IMO it is the responsibility of the designer to present clean and validating code, and irresponsible to do otherwise. Sorry, Jinsan, but it really isn’t that hard to offer clean code, and those who offer otherwise are being either lazy or ignorant. There’s plenty of help for those who get stumped on a validation problem re css or html or php, whether it be messageboards like this one, newsgroups, etc. If I offer a theme for download and use it’s guaranteed to validate– what you peeps do with it after I let it loose is your problem . . . and if it doesn’t validate after you’ve played with it, it’s your responsibility to fix what you screwed up.

    My other strong opinion is about where the css should reside. These themes are confusing enough to edit, with the multiplicity of files which makes a mistake easy to make and hard to find. Putting the css in more than one place, especially embedded or inline, is asking for trouble. Put it all in the style.css file please! Or at the very least put it all in external files that people can see are css only (for instance adding a print.css, a handheld.css, or an uglyieonly.css)

    Though I’m a fan of saving bandwidth, and use shorthand css all the time on my own (nonwordpress) sites, I think that the longhand css is better for themes that you’re putting out for the general public to use. They’re easier to read, edit and use for someone who maybe isn’t a css guru. It doesn’t matter to me personally, but I can remember when I was just starting out with css a few months back how confusing a completely shorthand stylesheet was to me. I’m going to opt to follow the KISS rule on this one (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) I’m also going to “comment” things to the hilt in both the html and css, so folks can find their way. And I’d venture to guess that if a peep liked two themes, one of them mine and one a shorthand bandwidth saver, and the peep wasn’t all that experienced with css, they’d end up customizing and installing mine instead of the other one. Usability should be key here, and I hope that, given the same situation in a contest, it’s weighted a bit more strongly than bandwidth usage. Yes, bandwidth is a consideration, but we’re not talking huge differences here, and the bit it takes to make something more understandable to a newbie who is trying to learn this stuff is worth it.

    Thread Starter kickass


    Thanks, folks! I’m gonna take your advice to heart and tweak the bugger, then yes, it’ll eventually be available for download, the first in a series. I’m still trying to get a better handle on the sidebar and its various parts and variations. Some of those will eventually be incorporated too. I’m actually thinking of splitting off a couple of the things that are currently in the sidebar and moving them over to the leftcol- maybe the archives. That’ll make the columns more even in a large blog, but the downside is that it’ll put more info in the source before the content. Also, it might make it more confusing to people trying to edit the template and used to seeing certain things in the sidebar, though I guess I can include some commenting within the html and css. Comments???

    Also, what else would you like to see included?

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