Forum Replies Created
Hey Sybre
Thanks for getting back to me promptly.
And thanks very much. for letting me know about the bulk editing option. DUH. Used WP for a number of years now and didn’t know that feature extisted. Perfect. I filter products by category and then bulk edit.
I have have two other related TSF SEO issue that hopefully you can help me with also.
1. I have a number of parent categories with child categories. I notice that when I edit a product in the category box to the right of screen there is a radio button to select with category (the parent or child) is to be “primary”. I note that this radio button is only available when editing in the actual product page and note when doing a quick edit or bulk edit on the all product page. I may have to change which category is primary on several hundred products. Is there any way to do this without visiting each individual product page?
2. This is a question that I first posed to you a number of years back. But I will revisited here because I am not sure your previous advice worked that well. As i mentioned above I have 4 parent categories and each on has 10 child categories. All of Parent categories are marked “follow index noarchive”. As I want them indexed by Google. However, all of the child categories are marked “follow noindex noarchive” because I don’t want them indexed because they are for organisation and menu navigation only (and may be changed from time to time). Should I be selecting the parent category or the child category as “primary” in this situation?
Thanks for your valuable assistance.
No. Some of the features I was using in your previous version are now no longer available unless I buy your premium plugin. Your latest update broke my site. When I investigated why, I discovered it was because some of the features I was using in you plugin had suddenly become only available in Pro version. Contact Form 7 is just one example.
No. Before the update I could select if I wanted to run a plugin on a particular page. Contact Form 7 is one example. After the update the toggle selector for Contact Form 7 is marked PRO version only. This applies not just to CF7 but to a number of other plugins that I am using. Net result is that when I updated your plugin it broke my site. Because a number of the plugins I am using are no longer “free” to control with your plugin.
Have installed the above code and updated to the latest version of TSF.
All appears well at this stage (accept my SEO descriptions on some 2K+ products are now too long).
Thanks for your help.
Kind Regards
So yes I need 2.a.
But 2.b?
No forums on my site. It is a big woo shop full of affiliate products.
The only search I have on the site is the native woo search.
So is ok to delete 2.b?
Hello Sybre
Thanks for your quick response.
I don’t really understand the difference between snippet 2.a and 2.b.
Why is 2.b “insecure” and do I even need to run it? If I am not relying upon the generated title (which is seldom the case) I will type in my own title and insert one of my shortcodes therein where required. What does snippet 2.b do?
I will hold off updating until v3.1.2 is available. You will ship it in the next few days is that correct?
Thanks for your help.
Kind Regards
Thank you very much for your prompt and meaningful reply.
First, after a few hours sleep I can see now that my title to this topic is rather dreadful. My apologies. No malice was intended at my end. If it is possible to have the title edited please let me know how. Yes, I would love to hire a coder. Unfortunately I am not in the financial position to do so.
Secondly, although, as you note above, adding a blog name to the title is still the best thing to do, it is just not possible in the context of my shop categories as my domain name is bang on my two key search words. To demonstrate my problem I provided the following example in my previous topic (that I linked to above):
domain: site name: Green Apples Category title: Green Apples from Holland – Green Apples
Thirdly, I note that there is the option in the TSF settings page to remove blog name from ALL titles, which would remove it from my shop category titles, but what then with my 2000+ products titles? It is not realistic to revisit each SEO title and edit to re-add the site name.
Fourthly, thank you very much for posting the link to your foreword on 3.1. I was unaware that that page existed. I will take you up on your offer and post the code to all the TSF filters I am using.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Kind Regards
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Why are all my posts held for moderation?Thank you for lifting the flag.
With respect. If you look at the timing of the post in question, nationality, and other details more closely you will see that the other account is connected with the plugin author.
The original description for the plugin was also false and misleading.
In my opinion the author was trying to “prime the pump” with regard to his plugin review history.
You will also see that I was verbally abused by that person.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by khunmax.
Just a heads up for anyone thinking of implementing auto date changing snippets. They work fine but please NOTE that if you are using a caching plugin. You must still go into your admin and clear the cache. The snippets update your source code. But unless you clear your cache Google will not find the newly updated page.
Hey Sybre. Hope you and your family are well.
How is version 5.0 coming along?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ALO EasyMail Newsletter] Unwanted script added to every pageNormally it is possible to limit what page a plugin’s code will appear on using a short script in my functions.php file, or using an asset management plugin.
However the problem is that those two solutions rely upon wp_enqueue_script and I cannot find that in the PHP for your plugin.
So the way that your plugin is currently coded it is not possible for me to limit where it injects its script into my source code.
I have been using your plugin for years (Thank You). But site speed is becoming increasingly important so I cannot continue to use your plugin because I have a alo widget on only one page, but your plugin injects script into the source code of all of my pages, including my home page.
Kind Regards
Thanks for your kind assistance Sybre.
I am going live tomorrow.
Fingers crossed.
I have am using the following filters. I created my own to display in the SEO title total product count and product count for each of my 3 Parent categories. They work but is there any way to combine the 4 snippets (total, apples, oranges, pears) into a single one that allows a variable in the shortcode to denote which product count so display?
// First, activate shortcode rendering in titles. TSF < v3.1: add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_do_shortcodes_in_title', '__return_true' ); // TSF v3.1+ add_filter( 'the_seo_framework_title_from_custom_field', function( $title ) { return $title ? do_shortcode( $title ) : $title; } ); // Register [title-year] shortcode. add_shortcode( 'title-year', function() { return esc_html( date( 'Y F' ) ); // insert M = Jan F= January } ); // [title-total] shortcode function total_product_count_shortcode( ) { $count_posts = wp_count_posts( 'product' ); return esc_html($count_posts->publish); } add_shortcode( 'title-total', 'total_product_count_shortcode' ); // [title-apples] shortcode add_shortcode( 'title-apples', function() { $query = new WP_Query( array( 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => 254, // Replace with the parent category ID 'include_children' => true, ), ), 'nopaging' => true, 'fields' => 'ids', ) ); return esc_html( $query->post_count ); } ); // [title-oranges] shortcode add_shortcode( 'title-oranges', function() { $query = new WP_Query( array( 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => 256, // Replace with the parent category ID 'include_children' => true, ), ), 'nopaging' => true, 'fields' => 'ids', ) ); return esc_html( $query->post_count ); } ); // [title-pears] shortcode add_shortcode( 'title-pears', function() { $query = new WP_Query( array( 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'product_cat', 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => 214, // Replace with the parent category ID 'include_children' => true, ), ), 'nopaging' => true, 'fields' => 'ids', ) ); return esc_html( $query->post_count ); } );
Thanks for your assistance.
Kind Regards
Hey Sybre
Thanks for you reply.
Is v3.1 going to be the very next update? And what is the current ETA?
With respect to all of your hard work, I would kindly ask that the filters that enable me to add the [title-year] shortcode are maintained in v3.1.
Kind Regards
Thanks very much for your prompt reply Sybre.
The above snippet is tested and works.
I am now using a snippet to remove double branding and a snippet to insert current year shortcode into my parent category titles.
Will these snippets still work with v3.1?
It will be a show stopper for me if Google archives my category titles with double branding and a bare [title-year] shortcode.
I have spent a lot of time customizing Woo templates in the past weeks. I recently stumbled upon a tiny, yet amazingly helpful, snippet that echos your current page template at the bottom of the page when you are in admin.
When relying upon TSF snippets and shortcodes the only way I can check if my SEO titles are rendering correctly is to check the source code of each page (cant tell from the back end).
Is there any snippet you have (in the same vain as the helpful one I described above) that would echo the (rendered) SEO title at the top or bottom of the edit page on the admin side so that one might quickly check everything is working as it should?
I hope you have a great week ahead.
And thanks again for your support. It is much appreciated.
Kind Regards
- This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by khunmax.
Firstly, thank you very much for all of the valuable assistance that you have provided me over the past few years. It is much appreciated.
After thinking this over last night. I had also come to the conclusion that perhaps a solution was just to add the products to both the parent and child categories. There is no duplicate content issues because the child cats are marked no index…correct?
When embarking on this current project I favoured using child cats over tags for organizing my products for two primary reasons. Firstly, tags are not hierarchical. Second, I thought that I would have to rely on a Woo category sidebar menu plugin and I couldn’t find anything that handled tags the way I needed.
That said, the sidebar menu solution I am now using does cater for tags.
So if need be I can delete my child cats and reassign the products therein to woo tags (with the same names and permalinks as deleted cats). And mark the tags NoIndex, NoArchive.
If you think that using tags instead of child cats is a more acceptable/suitable/robust solution I can revisit my site, delete the child cats, create similarly named tags, and reassign my products.
Whether I use child cats or tags, my intention will be to mark all of these NoIndex NoArchive as I want all of my SEO juice flowing:
Homepage > 3 Parent Categories > Products
Please let me know what you think. Should I use subcats or tags to organise my products (below) the Parent Category level?
Oh and if empty categories are marked 404 by WP and TSF flags them as NoIndex, why is NOIndex not present in the robots meta tag when I view the source code for each of my empty parent categories?
Thank you for your help.
Kind Regards