Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the quick fix… I tested it and no more errors , everything is working fine .
- This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by kharzbh.
I’m having the same problem with PHP 7.0.33 … hopefully they add your quick fix to the next update .
I just updated to the latest version and can report that the issue is fixed , Thank you for following up with me …I really hope that it is fixed for good this time .
I already updated to the latest version from 2 weeks ago (ver 1.6.1) and like I stated in this thread the problem is still not fixed .. is there a new update that will be up soon? , if so I’ll update and test it .. but for now I had to revert to ver 1.5.87 , the last version that didn’t have this issue.
I just tested the latest update 1.6.1 and sadly the problem is still not fixed .
Thank you , and I hope it gets fixed for good in the next update … will test the update as soon as it gets released and will report here .
Hello ,
it is the exact issue that happened 2 times before and was fixed by the devs in the 2 threads I listed .
it started happening again after updating to the latest version 1.6.0 from version 1.5.87
on version 1.5.87 and before updating to the latest version when I load a gallery inside a gallery group I get the loading animation and than after it finishes it loads the pics instantly,so no problems at all.
in the latest version 1.6.0 :
that this is what happens and it only happens in galleries inside a gallery group I click on the gallery and get the normal loading animation like this : after the loading animation is done I get an empty gallery like this : after a few seconds the images load and they appear like this : it only happens in galleries inside a gallery group …and you must make sure the pics are not cached because they get cached after loading them the first time obviously they will load fast and the issue will not be noticeable at all … another factor that might make it not noticeable on your side if there is a few small pics to load .. and like I explained I contacted support 2 times (I listed the 2 tickets ) and they tracked the error and fixed it .
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Typecore] Slider not showing with latest wordpress updatethat fixed it … thank you .
I just updated to the latest version 1.5.85 , and the problem is finally fixed .
Thanks and hopefully it gets fixed in the next release.
I just updated to the new version and sadly the problem is still not fixed . I think the easiest way for the devs to track the ticket number #78967 because the same problem happened before and was fixed in version 1.5.76 and just returned starting with version 1.5.82.
yea with normal galleries its fine , its just happens when loading galleries inside a gallery group , and its really noticeable when loading a gallery for the first time .. since the pics are not cached yet , but loading it again after they are cached its way faster that its much harder to notice it .
and hopefully the fix coming out in the next update solves that issue ,I will keep you updated .
I just updated to the latest version and the problem is still not fixed …so I used the direct contact link and submitted a request with the screenshots explaining the problem.
Hopefully it gets fixed in the next update .Well its exactly the same problem that happened before and was fixed in version 1.5.76 , now it just returned with the latest update.
here are the screenshots I sent to support back then.
before the last update when I load a gallery inside a gallery group I get the loading animation like this : after it finishes it loads the pics instantly like this
so no problems at the latest version 1.5.82 that this is what happens after the loading animation
I get an empty gallery for a few seconds than it loads the pics normally like this
so as you see there is a really annoying delay with no loading animation just an empty page before the pics load.and the ticket number I got for that issue that was fixed before is #78967 ,Maybe that can be helpful for the devs to quickly track the issue .
Sadly its a private site that is why I shared screenshots of what exactly happens in this thread 4 months ago it was fixed after I contacted the support team directly through the link you sent me and explained the issue in details with the same screenshots , and if I remember correctly you were the one that kept updating me through email till the issue was fixed in version 1.5.76.
but now its back again with the latest version of the plugin , so hopefully the devs can easily track down the issue and fix it again .