10 years ago
once I saved it out of draft mode the image would expand, thanks for the suggestions and help.
I added a gallery with the NGG insert gallery button in the page edit screen, the thumbnails show up, but when clicked it goes to the home page instead of showing the larger image.
ok, I’ll try the standard nextgen code and see if it works.
I have not altered the template at all.
here is the code calling to display the gallery
[dcs_p][dcs_ngg gid=”6″ count=”4″ width=”75″ height=”75″ bcolor=”#eee” rounded=”5″ bwidth=”5″][/dcs_p]
this page should show 4 photos from each gallery listed.
yesterday for some reason the display random image stopped, so removed that and it showed the first for correctly for all galleries.
13 years, 5 months ago
Was a theme conflict, contacted the designer and he sent some files to fix the issue.