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  • Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    Ah. Good to know! Seems an odd place to put them, though (and in an ugly way).


    Looking forward to whatever ??

    Hi Katie,

    Absolutely, no worries. It was code I copied from another part of the plug-in and effectively just has the effect of doing a reset at the start to clear out cobwebs.

    I suspect the issue arose for me because I was cloning sites in a multi-site context and something or other got done in an unusual order, and after a while I found out that if my users did a reset right away then all was well ??

    Thanks for the plug-in and best wishes going forward. I understand the overworked bit all too well!!

    Hi Katie,

    Nice to have you back and no worries, I know all about that. My own research has been interrupted so many times…!

    If I understand correctly you can access what code I wrote but can’t post there any longer, is that right?

    So two things: I was in a big hurry as it was a love situation so I copied code from elsewhere and pasted, always a bad idea. I would be inclined to put it into a function and call it from the two places it runs fir ease of maintaining, but that’s of course up to you. The other thing is that as I mentioned in one of the posts there was one table I wasn’t sure whether to clear or not, no doubt you know better on that score.

    If you want you can just buy my user Id in a comment or something off egg my email so I can be contacted which means just adding at and

    You mention it being possible to contact you in future by email? How would that work? (You now know how to reach me directly.)

    All the best!

    @rothguenter Ok, at least you got that. I’m not a PHP expert and it took me time to figure out, and I posted the code, and… nothing.

    If I had the time I’d work on it, but it’s not a high enough priority item in the grand scheme of things, with everything else I have to do. Good luck!

    @rothguenter Support is off and on. I reported a bug two years ago, was asked to keep them posted, spent some days finding a solution to patch the code… and despite multiple attempts to get this addressed nothing has happened.

    Overworked, I guess. They do try, though, when they can.

    I don’t know of any alternatives, sorry.

    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    I don’t doubt it, I’m not suggesting it’s a universal issue, but the fact remains that the initialization sequence is incomplete, which leads to problems in some circumstances (as I experienced in the middle of a live environment last fall)….

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Zotpress] Chicago footnote
    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    Thanks, I’ve already consulted the help (always do that first before asking), didn’t see what I am looking for ??

    BTW I would be interested in hearing your evaluation of the patch I provided on another problem here:



    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    I have now compared the code in admin.install.php with the reset code in admin.php, and noticed that some tables are not dropped, ditto some options.

    I really don’t know what all these things do at this point, but this patch to admin.install.php seems to do the trick for me in the short term. I’d be interested to get your feedback on this.

    // INSTALL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Zotpress_install()
            global $wpdb;
            $Zotpress_main_db_version = "5.2";
            $Zotpress_oauth_db_version = "5.0.5";
            $Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version = "5.2.6";
    		$Zotpress_cache_version = "7.1.4";
            require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php' );
            // kfeuerherm: added next two lines 15 November 2019
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_oauth;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroItems;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroCollections;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroTags;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroRelItemColl;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroRelItemTags;");
            // kfeuerherm: added next two lines 15 November 2019
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_cache ;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroItemImages ;");
            // kfeuerherm: added next nine lines 15 November 2019
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_cache_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultCPT' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultAccount' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultEditor' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultStyle' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_StyleList' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_update_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_main_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_oauth_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroItems_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroCollections_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroTags_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroRelItemColl_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroRelItemTags_db_version' );
            // kfeuerherm: added next three lines 15 November 2019
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_update_notice_dismissed' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version' );
            // kfeuerherm: next two are in the reset code; not sure needed yet
            // delete_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'zotpress_5_2_ignore_notice' );
            // delete_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'zotpress_survey_notice_ignore' );
    		 * For each table, the basic check is:
    		 * If the table version option doesn't exist, OR
    		 * If the table version is not the same as the update version (variables defined above)
    		 * Then add/update the table and add/update the option
            if ( ! get_option("Zotpress_main_db_version")
                    || get_option("Zotpress_main_db_version") != $Zotpress_main_db_version
    			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress";
                $structure = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
                    id INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    account_type VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
                    api_user_id VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
                    public_key VARCHAR(28) default NULL,
                    nickname VARCHAR(200) default NULL,
                    version VARCHAR(10) default '5.1',
                    UNIQUE KEY id (id)
                update_option("Zotpress_main_db_version", $Zotpress_main_db_version);
            // OAUTH CACHE TABLE
            if ( ! get_option("Zotpress_oauth_db_version")
                    || get_option("Zotpress_oauth_db_version") != $Zotpress_oauth_db_version
    			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_oauth";
                $structure = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
                    id INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    cache LONGTEXT NOT NULL,
                    UNIQUE KEY id (id)
                update_option("Zotpress_oauth_db_version", $Zotpress_oauth_db_version);
                // Initial populate
                if ($wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_oauth;") == 0)
                    $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_oauth (cache) VALUES ('empty')");
            if ( ! get_option("Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version")
                    || get_option("Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version") != $Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version
    			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "zotpress_zoteroItemImages";
                $structure = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
                    id INT(9) AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    api_user_id VARCHAR(50),
                    item_key VARCHAR(50),
                    image TEXT,
                    UNIQUE KEY id (id),
                    PRIMARY KEY (api_user_id, item_key)
                dbDelta( $structure );
                update_option( "Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version", $Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version );
            // ZOTERO CACHE TABLE
            if ( ! get_option("Zotpress_cache_version")
    				|| get_option("Zotpress_cache_version") != $Zotpress_cache_version
                $structure = "CREATE TABLE ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_cache (
                    id INT(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    				request_id VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
                    api_user_id VARCHAR(50),
                    json BLOB,
                    tags BLOB,
                    headers MEDIUMTEXT,
                    libver INT(9),
                    retrieved VARCHAR(100),
                    UNIQUE KEY id (id),
    				PRIMARY KEY (request_id)
                update_option("Zotpress_cache_version", $Zotpress_cache_version);
        register_activation_hook( ZOTPRESS_PLUGIN_FILE, 'Zotpress_install' );
    // INSTALL -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // UNINSTALL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        function Zotpress_deactivate()
            global $wpdb;
            global $current_user;
            // Drop all tables -- originally not including accounts/main, but not sure why
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_oauth;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroItems;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroItemImages;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroCollections;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroTags;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroRelItemColl;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_zoteroRelItemTags;");
            $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$wpdb->prefix."zotpress_cache;");
            // Delete options
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultCPT' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultAccount' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_DefaultStyle' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_StyleList' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_update_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_main_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_oauth_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroItems_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroCollections_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroTags_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroRelItemColl_db_version' );
            delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroRelItemTags_db_version' );
    		delete_option( 'Zotpress_zoteroItemImages_db_version' );
    		delete_option( 'Zotpress_cache_version' );
    		delete_option( 'Zotpress_update_notice_dismissed' );
            // Delete user meta
            delete_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'zotpress_5_2_ignore_notice' );
            delete_user_meta( $current_user->ID, 'zotpress_survey_notice_ignore' );
        register_uninstall_hook( ZOTPRESS_PLUGIN_FILE, 'Zotpress_deactivate' );
    // UNINSTALL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	 * If update check option doesn't exist, OR
    	 * If it exists but it's not the same version as the database update version
    	 * Then, run the install, which installs or updates the databases
        if ( ! get_option( "Zotpress_update_version" )
    			|| get_option("Zotpress_update_version") != $GLOBALS['Zotpress_update_db_by_version'] )
            // Add or update version number
            if ( !get_option( "Zotpress_update_version" ) )
                add_option( "Zotpress_update_version", $GLOBALS['Zotpress_update_db_by_version'], "", "no" );
                update_option( "Zotpress_update_version", $GLOBALS['Zotpress_update_db_by_version'] );
    // UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    Hi Katie,

    I just want to give you an update. I have someone at the university looking at this, but that’s a slow process. However, I’ve found a workaround, it seems, and maybe this can give you some insight into the problem.

    I have a multisite installation. I did have Zotpress network activated, but I undid that this morning in favour of having each site activate the plug-in individually (could be a red herring, but it seems the plug-in code moves to the wpdb when network activated? at least, I could not see it on the server, so I couldn’t try echo statements to monitor things. That failed anyway, but nevermind).

    Here’s what I did:

    Network deactivate Zotpress. Delete Zotpress. Reinstal Zotpress.

    Go to one of my individual sites where I’m administrator (not superadmin). Activate Zotpress there.

    Click on Zotpress in the dashboard, gets me the initial screen to test connections to zotero and wordpress. Success on both counts (as before), then click next.

    Attempt to add an account with API key and private key. System claims success… then goes to next page and the default account menu comes up blank. I know we’ve failed now though I don’t know why (I want to attach a file with images but can’t see how to do that here? so link to my dropbox: I can proceed to change the citation scheme or whatever, click next, end up with no accounts listed.

    NOW. IF I GO TO dashboard > Zotpress > Options and click Reset…. and then try to add an account again, it succeeds.

    Just to make sure it was not a fluke, I created a dummy testing site and repeated the whole busines. Success again.

    So my guess right now is that (at least in my multisite installation) something is not being initialized properly, but that the reset sorts that out. I’ll see whether I can come up with any ideas as to what, though reminder, I don’t know PHP as such so while I can follow programme flow the rest is less clear to me.

    I’ll keep you posted.



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by kfeuerherm.
    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    A friend of mine may be able to. We’ll try to get together on this soon.

    In the mean time, finding that my personal site has 7.13 while the students’ site has 7.15, I downgraded to 7.13, but that didn’t fix it.

    If I find a solution, I will let you know.

    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    And guess what… that was totally trivial and worked just fine!

    Thanks again ??

    Thread Starter kfeuerherm


    Right, thanks, that’s more or less what I expected. At least I know the property to be modified now.

    No real idea how to do this at the moment but I’m meeting with someone next week who would, so I should be able to figure it out.

    Thanks for your time!

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