2 years, 5 months ago
If you have any problems with the plugin it is better to contact support instead of downvoting
You can use the following code to get CE product data $products = \ContentEgg\application\components\ContentManager::getViewData($module_id, $post_id);
$products = \ContentEgg\application\components\ContentManager::getViewData($module_id, $post_id);
We provide support by email
Please contact our support by email, send yur license key.
Please contact our support by email -> Send your license key
Use offcial free or pro version.
Module settings > Results for updates and autoblogging
2 years, 6 months ago
Hello, It’s possible with product “groups”.
There is no function to add products by visitors from the frontend side.
Amazon API does not return full descriptions, only product features are available.
These are separate modules and products must be added separately. You can try Fill tool.
Сontent on this site is displayed dynamically with JavaScript. It’s possible to create custom AE parser so you can use CE + AE integration:
Deactivate/activate the plugin to restart all cron tasks.
2 years, 7 months ago