13 years, 6 months ago
Sure check
The im a test text is actually the blog post title which I need to show up in the content block but curently it doesnt
Thansk for your help I have this working now but I wanted to make the posts have a title above them but the only code I have to edit is
<?php get_template_part( ‘loop’, ‘index’ ); ?>
Ive got my file which is called blog-temp.php and then within the page I have set this as the template but it doesnt work
But this wont work I have done this and it doesnt show anything this is my point
Hi, As thought it does use the index.php because I made small chanegs in the back end. The reading section for example so I only have the option to use home.php or index.php i now need to find out how to change it so it can use blog-temp.php
Is there a way I could get it to call blog-temp.php?
Ive changed the template it pulls in to called “Blog” Ive made the cusom page yet when it is live it shows none of the custom stuff on that template
When I make changes to the Index.php it changes the blog page, I ahve a custom built theme and then when I edit the Page.php it does nothing