Hi Malia,
That’s certainly a puzzler! Other posts show up properly, just as you said.
Is there anything different about your “Rich Mountain Road” post than your other posts, such as an embedded video, inserted tables, etc.? Or is it 100% text and photos like your other posts?
Assuming it’s all the same, give this a try. It’s a simple, “let’s try this again” troubleshooting tactic I do whenever something that should be easy isn’t being easy. ??
Step 1: Go to “Edit” your misbehaving post.
2: Click the “Text” editor tab (as opposed to the “Visual” tab).
3: Highlight all of your code and copy it (either by right-clicking mouse or holding down the Ctrl and C keys on your keyboard).
4: Create a new blog post. Make sure you’re in the “Text” editor again and then paste in your copied code. You can paste by either right-clicking mouse or holding Ctrl and V keys.
5: Title the post, but give it a slightly different name than the original. You can change this later.
6: Publish.
Hopefully, whatever quirk happened the first time won’t happen again and you’ll be able to see your post just fine! Then just delete the buggy original post and you’ll be good to go.
If your new post has the same problem, that tells me there is something IN that particular post that is the problem…
Let us know!