Ketan Vyawahare
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Fatal error: Website DownHi @swapcup ,
It seems to be an error from a Sydney theme that you are using. Maybe, you tried to install some demo importer plugin for the theme and as soon as you activated the plugin, you started getting this error.
Please delete the recently added plugin from wp-content/plugins folder via cPanel file browser or FTP.
Then try again. Your fatal error should have gone.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Missing WP Admin Sidebar tabsHi @lubalexuan ,
Can you put a screenshot please?
Also, make sure you are logged in as ‘Administrator’ and you haven’t edited any user capabilities through any custom code or plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How t show user registered date with shortcode hooksHello @ogmic,
Please find the code snippet below:
$udata = get_userdata( $user->ID ); //create user data object of desired user $registered = $udata->user_registered; // fetch the date of registration echo date('F j, Y', strtotime( $registered ));
Please let us know if this works for you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Tools > Export filter options do not displayHi @tonyzeoli,
If you are seeing it while page is loading and then it vanishes after page load is complete, then it’s being hidden or removed by javascript. Maybe some plugin’s javascript is doing that.
How to solve this?
- Deactivate one plugin from plugins page
- Now try the tools page and see if you can use the filters
- If you then repeat step 1 and 2
Please let me know if this doesn’t solve your issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .I updated WordPress to the latest version but it says 4..8.2Hi @shadiadi ,
If you are seeing all the issues in core files and you have not made any core changes earlier, then I will suggest to backup the entire site and download a fresh version WordPress from site.
Then replace your current wp files with these new core files except for wp-content folder and wp-config.php file.
That might help you.
Hi @sayze35,
Please find my comments below:
1) Yes admin_init is fired for ANY user. But it is not recommended for handling the redirection because it is also fired in case of sending ajax request through admin-ajax URL. So those ajaxes might get failed. Hence, I suggested to user plugins_loaded hook.
2) Yes that way also is correct to identify non-admin users.
3) Refer the link below to understand __. let me know if you get any query!
Hi @sayze35 ,
‘admin_init’ hook is not recommended for non-admin users. Please try using ‘plugins_loaded’ hook instead.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PLUGIN for sending orders to vendorsHi @koinonia11223344 ,
Is this site based on WooCommerce? If yes, then could you please elaborate how you have implemented the vendors creating products on your site?
Also, I will suggest to have a look at the WC Vendors plugin for the functionality you are willing to have.
Please drop your response on this!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: .I updated WordPress to the latest version but it says 4..8.2Hi @shadiadi ,
Seems your database might not be updated according to the latest version.
Please check the following checklist so as to make sure about that:
- Open your wordpress directory files and navigate to wp-includes/ directory and open the version.php file. Check what version are you seeing. If you are not seeing the latest version, that means core files are not updated properly. In this case, I will suggest to rollback and run update once again.
- If above case is false, then hit the URL specified below and check if you need any database upgrade.
If database upgrade is needed, it will tell you that.
Before making above changes, make sure you take the backup of WP files as well as database.
Please drop your response what you get.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Twenty Seventeen Menu Scroll DownHello @mmhgloba ,
I just checked on the mobile browser and above site seems to be working properly with navigation.
Only the thing is, the Header image is not being shown properly on non-home pages. Is this problem you are seeking for or your navigation is not working?
Hello @sayze35 ,
init hook is good hook to redirect the non-admin user on desired page if they try accessing dashboard. But if you want to use some other hook, then you can go with ‘plugins_loaded’ hook which is triggered far earlier than init hook at the backend.
Your snippet to redirect the non-admin users is correct. I will suggest to use ‘wp_safe_redirect’ function just to avoid redirection issues.
Please find the updated code snippet below:
function checkFunc() { if (is_admin() && !current_user_can('administrator')) { wp_safe_redirect(home_url(), 302); exit; } } add_action('plugins_loaded', 'checkFunc');
Please do post your feedback if this works for you or not.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Remove eye icon in password field on wp-loginHi @my1xt,
You can get this issue solved by installing a plugin and adding a small css snippet for hidding the eye icon button from the login page.
You can install Custom Login Admin Front-end CSS to add the CSS on the wp-login page.
You can follow the steps given below to solve this issue further:
- Install and activate the above mentioned plugin
- Navigate to ‘Appearance -> Custom LAF Css’
- Add the CSS in the section named as ‘Login CSS’ given at the bottom of this reply
- Click on ‘Save CSS’ button
#loginform .wp-pwd button { display:none; }
Please let us know if this solution works or not.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Subscribe and MailchimpHi @juliemcguire,
This is not wordpress issue. You can contact Mailchimp for this.
Also, please check by changing your SMTP plugin/service.
Let me know what’s your response on this.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post title not showingHi @jhaz,
Then check if you are having the post titles in the page. Maybe they are hidden due to some other CSS.
Just open the site on google chrome and then press F12 to open the developer tools. Make sure you have selected the ‘Elements’ tab and then find any post title you are looking for.
Let me know the results of above so I will suggest further solution.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Not receiving comment notifications for one siteHi @jferriga,
Are you using any SMTP plugin? If yes then which one?
I will suggest to check if you are receiving any other email notifications on the admin email?