Ken Nguyen
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Text-domain in overriding template filesHi Stephan,
Please take a look at this
I want keep the Related Product string, but how about change text-domain woocommerce to my-theme-textdomain. Should I do it?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Text-domain in overriding template filesHi, Stephan
I mean, when I override a WooCommerce template, some default strings have text-domain is woocommerce, should I change the text-domain with my theme text-domain?
ok rawrsoft,
I’m working on it.
Hi rawrsoft,
We need more detail about your issues. It’s better if you create a topic on to solve some complicated problems.
Best regards,
Hi Jorge,
Firstly, your site should allows users to register. To enable user registration simply go to Settings ? General and scroll down to Membership section. Check the box next to ‘Anyone can register’ option.
After that, an user can create an account in your site, with username, email, and password, then user logs into your system.
In courses payment progress, for example with PayPal, the user just provides some information to checkout courses, like PayPal email, PayPal password. If progress succeeds, the user will able to access the courses.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] course completed for administratorHi truck134,
In LearnPress system, an instructor will get a mail when her/his course be approved and published, a learner will get one when she/he enrolled course and when finished course. Thanks for your feedback, we will consider adding some options for email settings, to email to an administrator too.
Best regards,
Hi, Joni
LearnPress allows a theme to override LearnPress templates. Check that link below, it will show you how to do that.,
Hi Joni ,
Yes, you can assign a page to be courses page. Just like Blog (posts page) in WordPress.
After activate LearnPress plugin, a message will pop up to strongly recommend users set up somethings for LearnPress. And it’s really easy to set up PayPal in payments section.
Like I said, course page just like Blog page, that means course page will display all courses instead of its page content. But we consider creating some useful Shortcodes for displaying courses.
LearnPress does not support all themes, that is why it display incorrect with some themes (margin issues…). We are trying make it better and better in displaying.
Best regards,
Hi JoniFromCareerMinded,
Thanks for your concern. You can create a course, with payment or free, create options require registration (by default LearnPress using registration of WordPress) or not, and the course always has an enrolled button. Still now, courses will be created in back-end, we are trying to make a add-on to make courses in front-end, it will be easier for users when create a learning system.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Hi kendy_nd
LearnPress supports overriding templates. Check the link below, it will show you how to do it.,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] Premium collection pluginHi,
The capabilities was processed in other functions, and still now, it just applies for administrators (the hook learn_press_admin_tabs_info). ??
For any further questions about premium add-ons and better support, please discuss with us in our forums at
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] Premium collection pluginHi kleijheeg,
I see. Yeah this is nice idea. Please wait for the next update of Collection add-on. I received many feedback for this one and my team is going to try to make it better.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] Premium collection pluginHi kleijheeg,
Collection add-on allows administrators to collect related then create a collection. The collection comes for all learner in learning system, like a place where users can choose best courses for themselves.
So, Just an administrator can create Courses Collection and not like lessons, collections will not be marked after finishing courses.
Thanks for your feedbacks, we will consider upgrading this add-on for more better.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] Styling does not workHi primal1991,
Well, firstly, Divi doesn’t support LearnPress templates, so your site may be have some problems with style. By the way, we have created a nice WordPress theme which one is fully support LearnPress. You can take a look in
You can override templates of LearnPress, restructure template layout to compatible with your Divi then style for it. Hope you can make LearnPress suitable with your system. Here is LearnPress documentation for developers
Thanks for using LearnPress.
Best regards,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LearnPress - WordPress LMS Plugin] Commision for InstructorsHi dhruva,
You know, we have a lot of requirements from valued users like you. We really appreciate that. And with some problems about time, resources, and requirement priority, I can not tell exactly about this ETA. But Commission is one of the most important features that we concern.
Thank you