I am having the same problem with the header image not working on the twenty thirteen theme. To get around it I am using a plugin called “twenty thirteen header animations” – I can only get one header to show although there are 4 images to choose from – I I am not good with PHP.I am also having problems seeing my media library images in the same theme.
Thanks for the reply. I decided to resolve the conflict by preferring the use of ALO Easymail Newsletter and deleting the Role Scoper plugin because of the incompatibility. I am using User Role Editor instead of Role Scoper and it is compatible with ALO Easymail Newsletter. Many thanks for your assistance to me.
I have a conflict between the Role Scoper plugin and the Alo Easymail Newsletter. If I want to use the ALO Easy Mail Newsletter, I have to deactivate the Role Scoper plugin.
I cannot get rid of the table border in the 2010 weaver there. I have followed all of the above advice but to no avail. Would anyone be prepared to access my website and tell me what I am doing wrong? Ken Bird.