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  • Thread Starter Ken Storch


    Please note, that WP is producing duplicate URL’s, not duplicate posts.

    I’m also getting a “Network unreachable” where Google is trying to access a draft preview. The URL Google is trying to access is similar to one when clicking View Preview from a New Post Admin page.

    WP returns “You do not have permission to preview drafts.”

    psperkins’ method above was what I needed to do.

    “I had forgotten to to into SETTINGS>MISCELLANEOUS and change the path to the upload directory back to “wp-content/uploads” – DERRRRR!!!! The URL is right there and I simply did not notice it.”

    Thanks for posting it.


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    good question.
    I had just done a search for ‘wp-includes’ and this came up on top.
    didn’t notice the original age of it.

    I’m not sure if this is relevant, but I couldn’t get into my admin a few days ago,
    and the initial fix involved renaming the plug-ins folder, so that they don’t load.

    I used an FTP client (Filezilla works well) renamed it by adding a ‘~’ in front of the name, then just to be safe, I created another empty folder named plugins .

    This allowed me to get into the admin pages to do further work.

    Hope this helps.
    Good luck


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    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    With great support from my hosting company
    Laughingsquid (they are excellent)
    I’ve gotten most of my site working on the new server,
    with a few exceptions.

    A few of my recent posts, and a few of my sidebar items aren’t showing the images and thumbnails that they should (on the test server).

    It seems to be only on a few posts recently done and a couple of sidebar images don’t load, but some of the post images appear as expected, others not.

    During the above noted efforts to recover the site functions,
    I uploaded slightly older backed up versions of /wp-admin and /wp-includes folders.

    **Could this be the problem?
    **Are there individual files to re-up, or the whole folder/s?
    **Or something else do you think?


    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    great, thanks, you’ve been such a great help.

    you’ll get extra good instant karma bonus points
    (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery)

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    Ah, do you mean to save my “Custom Structure” ?
    makes sense.

    I also see there that my .htaccess shows as not writeable.
    I recall that was best for security.
    **Do you recommend changing it?

    “the redirection plugin should still work ok “
    **So, the Redirection logs are in my database?

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    “after import re-save permalinks”

    I don’t know how to do this.
    A quick search of WP makes me think
    this might not be a problem in my case?

    I’m migrating the site through my same host from one of their older servers to their newer cloud hosting. I’m thinking that, after the import of database, I’ll merely be changing the DNS info, but that my site links should remain the same?

    Which brings up, I’ve got a lot of Redirections using that plug in that I’ll need to retain.
    Clue-less how to do this, and thier FAQs are obtuse to me

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    I did have a test Next Gen gallery on a page.

    What do you mean by
    “defo the external images” ?

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    Maybe fortuitously,
    I’m about to migrate my site to a new server.

    Could I do a fresh install of 2.9.1 there, and then import my database to the new server, then install plugins new and selectively, as a way to get things cleaner?

    If so, what would be my best sequence of steps to take?

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    good question.
    that area of the edit page is missing, so is the additional field, etc.

    Oh goody,
    you prompted me to check.
    I have Headspace activated which shows just below the edit box,
    deactivating it brought back the other edit features.
    (Trackbacks, custom fields, Discussion, author, revisions)
    Reactivating Headspace screws it again. hmmm.

    The edit post setup looks slightly different to me. The styling is slightly different than I remember it.

    So things are getting better, but since I keep finding little things, I’m thinking that there’s still some things out of sync.

    It’s exciting and tedious!

    I still seek a cleaner resolution.

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    Well, progress was made over night, but all is still not well.

    I decided to take the approach that the plugins aspect should be explored further.

    By deactivating some and then reactivating them individually, I found that the sequence of reactivation affected my admin.
    For example, My-Page-Order was the last one I activated in the most recent go-around. So I deactivated it and things got better.
    I noticed that WP-Stats-Dashboard didn’t look correct so I deactivated it. My admin layout and access to various areas improved immediately. I reactivated My-Page-Order and things were still ok’ish.

    Featured-Content-Gallery and things got worse. deactivated it, same. I Deactivated My-Page-Order and things were back, I reactivated My-Page-Order and things were ok’ish again.

    The take away seems to be, that no matter what caused the initial problem (still a question) the sequence of plugin reactivation has an effect.

    I can’t seem to update one, Redirection, the download notice never goes away.

    The most important issue remaining that I know of is the the Post editor ‘Visual’ doesn’t do visual or even show the bar of options (b i link etc.) This is not good.

    Do you think that an upload of, say, the newly unzipped Admin folder might be in order? or particular files from the unzip?

    Thanks so much for your time,
    I couldn’t have recovered without your help.

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    I made a copy of my wp-content folder and the wp-config file 2 weeks ago and this morning after the problem occurred.

    I’m not sure how to proceed here.

    Thread Starter Ken Storch



    I just unpacked the 2.9.1 download.

    Can I just upload some files/folders to my installation,

    or should I act as if I’m doing a fresh install?

    Thread Starter Ken Storch


    – have you spoken to your hosting provider to see if they’ve changed anything on the server recently?

    No, but they run an update blog and nothing is shown on that server.

    – could you set up a new database and reinstall a fresh copy of WordPress in another folder on your site? I’d be curious to see if you have the same problems with a completely fresh install.

    Possibly, but I think I’ll try the 2.9.1 download and reinstall approach 1st.

    I already tried samboll’s method of uploading a saved copy of my /wp-admin + /wp-includes folders.
    Then I tried changing the method he suggested to change the /wp-admin folder permissions to 777.
    Then I changed all the subfolders and file permissions, then changed them back to 755 when that didn’t work.

    If I do the reinstall, do I need to do anything to exclude the wp-content folder and the wp-config.php from being changed?

    Or can I just upload them from my previously saved copies on my HDD?

    Thanks for stepping in.

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