Forum Replies Created
From above:
“The reason for this is because we’re implementing Timezone support right now (it’s nearly ready) and with that we’ll be searching a newly added field, event_start and event_end which is a UTC DATETIME mysql value, meaning you can search for all events that are happening later than NOW, wherever in the world they may be relative to your blog Timezone (so, an event in Autstralia at 10am will have passed if your blog is 9am in Europe).”
Has has this update been released tonight?
Thanks for your help,
Christopher Skelton.
Hi Borniyak,
I’m using the fullcalendar plugin that works with events manager. I don’t believe this works in the way you say with this shortcake. [Fullcalendar category=”34,56″] etc. You can only display one calendar.
Unless you know something we don’t ?????? which I hope you do ??????
Best wishes. Christopher Skelton.
Thanks Angelo!
That worked. Appreciate your time
Chris Skelton.
Hi Angelo!
Thanks a million – I got it to work!
Reaaaaaaaaaaally appreciate your time helping us,
Have a great day!
Best wishes,
Chris Skelton.
Hi Marcus,
Happy to test anything – I love that it will have TIMEZONE support too!
Awesome – I will look out for the updates – thanks so much for this,
How do I install a development version?
Best Wishes,
Chris Skelton.
Still need just a little bit more help with this above! Can anyone help?
Just to say I don’t think this code is correct. Has it been tested.
The condition in the code is:
$conditions[‘scope’] = ” (event_end_date >= CAST(‘$start_date’ AS DATE) AND event_start_time > CAST(‘$start_time’ AS TIME) AND event_end_date != ‘0000-00-00’ AND event_end_date IS NOT NULL) “;
So, if the date & time of the event is, for example, 18th NOVEMBER 5.00 PM
and Current Time 11th November 7PM – We would want the event to show (as it is in the future).The code above would meet the first condition “event_end_date >= CAST(‘$start_date’ AS DATE)” but it wouldn’t meet the second condition “event_start_time > CAST(‘$start_time’ AS TIME)” because the start time 5.00 pm is LESS THAN current time (and the second condition requires it to be LATER THAN). So, it would not show this event – and yet it is still in the future.
Am I making any sense?
Best wishes,
Christopher Skelton.
Wow! That’s perfect. Thanks so much for your time.
I know you guys are super busy but I (we) super appreciate your help making it possible to do awesome things with the plugin,
Have a good day,
Chris Skelton.
Thanks for your reply.
If I have an event from 14th November to 21st November and the current date was 16th November I would still want the event to be displayed so I wouldn’t want it to be a past event as in the option you suggest.
I would like the event to be in the result lists until the current date is greater than the end date AND end time.
So I don’t think the option above would work?
The problem I have is every day we have a lunch event from 12.15 to 12.45pm. When I use scope=”future” the event is displayed even when the time has passed 12.45 pm. It stays that way until the time is midnight.
What I would like is for all our events to be listed in the event list results until the end date AND end time are reached. Should scope=”future” do this or would I need to create my own scope?
Thank you so much for your time. Its super appreciated. Sorry if I am confused. Just learning the ropes ?
Christohper Skelton.
Dear Sir,
Please can anyone help give me advice for the above problem?
Best wishes,
Christopher Skelton.
Hi Angelo,
I did this (UTC-5) but it still does the same thing.
So, it’s 1.40 pm now – but it’s still displaying the next event as 12.15pm
Here’s the short code I’m using:
[events_list limit=”1″ scope=”future” category=”42,38,41,40,39,44,46,48,45,43,49,50, 47″]#_{l jS M}, #g:#i #a</br>”#_EVENTNAME”
Find Out More >>[/events_list]If it helps you to identify what might be wrong – yesterday the “future” event was showing starting at 12.15pm right up to 11.59pm on the same day. As soon the the clock ticked over mid-night into the next day it stopped showing it – and then showed the event on the next day (which was actually then in the future). It seems that scope “future” is showing events the start on the current day (even when time has passed) and that they remain there until the day ends.
Thanks so much for any help,
Best wishes,
Please close this ticket . It’s been answered on another forum. Events Manager.
Thanks Angelo.
I got it to work.
Really appreciate your time.
Hi Gerry,
I found out where to change the date format – sorry, it was so obvious I was missing it.
Once again, thanks for all your guys help,
Best Wishes,
Christopher Skelton.
Hi Gerry,
Thanks for your reply. I can’t tell you how appreciative I am of you taking the time to give me that answer. It works perfectly!!! I never would have worked that out for myself!
Can I ask another quick question – you know the start time of each event for each entry – it is in 24H format – which file would I edit to change that to 12H format,
Many thanks in advance once again – really appreciated. If there’s anything I can do from my side to promote your plugin etc let me know.
Best wishes,
Christopher Skelton.