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  • Same problem only I am not sure which file. I only know nextgen gallery is nearly timing my site out. I am on a shared server, but I would also like to know if there is a way to either speed things up, or possibly another plugin that might do the job.

    I tried a similar thing, I realize the post is old, but I can’t connect to my database either. I restored, made a user for the restored database, changed the db name and password in the config file, still get message, “can’t connect to database”

    I have a similar problem. I am using the same them on several sites. The widgets do not show on the front page of just one blog.

    Can anyone tell me which wordpress file controls which pages the widgets appear on and is there a realtively simple fix?

    my problem with the automatic upgrade from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2 is in the headmeta, I get these two errors at the top of the page,

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mypeople/public_html/wp-content/plugins/headmeta/headmeta.php on line 59

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mypeople/public_html/wp-content/plugins/headmeta/headmeta.php on line 66

    As I am not a computer programmer, can anyone help in simple terms?

    I hate to back up to before the upgrade and lose my posts.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mypeople/public_html/wp-content/plugins/headmeta/headmeta.php on line 59


    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mypeople/public_html/wp-content/plugins/headmeta/headmeta.php on line 66

    This is the error “above” that I got when I used the automatic upgrade. Can anyone help?

    Thread Starter kelly1234


    I thank you for trying to help. The problem is in the rainbow theme I downloaded as nearly as I can tell. All I touched were the files instructed to do so by the Brians comments. I do appologize for wasting your time, but thank you again, knowing there are people out here willing to help.

    Supposedly the theme has been fixed and I just had an old copy. I will just stick with a different one. A lesson learned.

    Thread Starter kelly1234


    This isn’t a plugin, or at least I don’t think so. It is the default widget that is there after a new install. If I have a new install of wordpress I have a “recent comments” widget under widgets in presentation by default. This is what I would like to get back, or at least know which file in wordpress puts it in so I can try to get it back, Presently I am at a dead end.

    I have upgraded 25 times or more, I have activated and deactivated brians threaded comments each time. It is possible if I knew which file and in which folder created the default widget for “recent comments” I might stand a chance of fixing it.

    I believe I did something to a file that has deleted the “recent comments” widget.

    the briansthreadedcomments works fine. but I can’t find the file that puts the original “recent comments” widget on the widgets page.

    I really only know it is there on a new install, no upgrade or anything seem to bring it back. I assume it has to be a comment.php or something that is gone or corrupted.

    I even tried to copy/paste from a blog that works. I really am lost.

    Thread Starter kelly1234


    I should add that the version is 2.3.3 and with a fresh install the recent comments is a default widget.

    This is the one I would like to get but it doesn’t come back even with an upgrade.

    Can anyone tell me what I messed up that caused me to lose my “Recent Comments Widget?

    I know it is probably simple, but I have been searching and comparing two blogs and I can’t figure out what I did to lose it.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thread Starter kelly1234


    I printed out and thought I followed the instructions you linked to in your last post. Like I say, this stuff is very new to me, I did something wrong.

    Trying to restore a backup which I can’t seem to figure out either. I appreciate your time but feel so incompetent that I think it best if I move on to a different blog or cms.

    Thanks again for your time. I would say this is resolved.

    Thread Starter kelly1234


    I tried, had some backed up, I dumped the whole site. I probably should give up or at least not have tried it. ??

    I do appreciate your timely response and respect your opinion.

    I am too computer illiterate to keep updating. I should have used php nuke or something.

    The upgrading won’t work for me without whole urls such as the folder/sub-folder/file and more exact information on the many files.

    I am just glad I dumped the site before it was up a long time.

    I installed the stats plugin and it worked fine for a day. Now, when I go to the dashboard, click stats, it sends me to a login page for my blog. No password or user will let me log in. I tried deactivating the plugin, cancelling the wordpress blog, making a new blog to get a new api code. I then reactivated the stats, it worked vour about 3 times looking at stats, then went back to sending meto the login page again.

    Any ideas?

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