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  • I dont get that error. Works pefectlly on www

    Very strange seeing as how when u look at this plugin’s code s/he isn’t doing anything special that could slow things down. However, i do wonder now if by it stripping certain widgets there is still associating js code (still running by another widget) that is stuck in an infinite loop (ie, blocking entire page view for a time period) waiting for a missing widget to show and then gives up (hences 8-10s vs 1-2s). That is likely what is happening. So i’d bet if you re-enable this plugin but try disabling one by one your other plugins you possibly will be able to find who is really causing it.

    Btw, have you considered using a page caching plugin to help speed ur page loads? Seems unnecessary for your site to recalc everything for every page view. If you already are then it gives more weight to my hypothesis above since js will block entire page views while loading and running (from a js file) and a missing widget might be what it is looking for (stuck waiting)

    Curious..can u disable your other plugins and check the minify page again? I am wondering if a plugin is blocking it. I can check the source code and see the workflow but just curious before i bother to hunt.

    maybe im wrong but couldnt you simply just set gzip compression via your .htaccess file on the svg file type? Assuming your server supports it, it should be easy to set up. If the server doesnt support gzip compression then it could be processed locally (via php), store it (cached), and send it out to the caller. At least that is what i would do if i coded it.


    For one if i recall YT does not allow vidz to auto play on mobile phones (due to data plan, battery issues). As for desktop i always thought it was a combo of two required get variables: rel=0&autoplay=1 but i notice it no longer works. I will have to do some huntin’

    If need be you could just trigger it via jquery ;P


    you may need to check the related lightbox script’s main site (the one you picked) to see the actual method to do inlined content. Most (if not all) have a way to do inlined html lightbox. For example, i am using nivo of this plugin and although this plugin doesnt make mention of inlined html the underlying script supports it perfectly. The original script maker for nivo (not this plugin author) had a few bugs and forgot to include a method to close the popup (besides the “X” at top-right — which isn’t always ideal since for html inlined code i’d prefer a button for the user to click on instead) so i added the enhancements and dequeued and enqueued the custom script back to this plugin to make it easy for when this plugin updates it will continue to use my “fixed” version of nivo instead. Yay, for me.

    Anyway, im sure the script you picked in this plugin supports inlined html. You will have to check the related site to see how its done.

    Thread Starter Kimberly


    You’re AMAZING! Thanks Mark!!!

    I havent installed this plugin but i’m pretty sure it goes half-arsed and simply just analyzes your css (in the header) and copy out and paste what it believes are the critical areas into <style> tag and that is it. I’ll also bet it doesnt even go to the trouble to remove the duplicate css that it just copied — so your final download size will increase.

    Your existing .css files (called via <link>) are likely still there and hence why u are getting those render blocking issues still.

    You would need to use a minification app which hopefully is smart enough to allow you to move the css file(s) to the footer. Alternatively, if you aren’t afraid of coding it’s pretty easy and you can move all that css yourself.

    Check your source code on your site and if u see any “.css” above </head> that is your problem.


    Thread Starter Kimberly


    Hi Mark! Not a prob! ?? I was using the online W3 Validation tool and it detected aria-controls=”menu” as an error because it thinks “menu” does not exist despite it clearly being indicated as a class attribute on <ul class=”menu nav-menu” id=”menu-main”>. So, when i changed the aria-controls value from “menu” to “menu-main” which is simply the id value for that same line (instead of the class name which u used) it finally validated fine. Does the aria-controls attribute insist on id’s only? Maybe the W3 validator is mistaken.

    Hope that helps.


    Ahh i think i misunderstood your question. So you don’t want your front page to uncache when new comments occur on the site but u do want the front page to uncache (and updated) only under the condition when new posts are created?

    I applaud you sir for again bringing this up.

    Page Cache > Purge Policy: Page Cache > Front Page (uncheck)

    Thread Starter Kimberly


    And to be clear i have disabled minification for RSS feeds.

    Great! Glad its working! I figure you just didnt clear your cache?

    Did some testing in several mobile browsers. i found your site worked fine on: Chrome and Opera, but in UC Browser, and Android Browser (stock) it didnt show any thumbnails in portrait mode (in landscape mode it showed the thumbnails and i was then able to tap to view them via lighbox presentation). And lastly, Firefox had the biggest issue. It made the thumbnails way too large for the phone and when i tapped the thumbnails for the lightbox presentation it made it even larger (as u described).

    Seems there might be missing -moz-xxx-xxx css values in that lightbox script (bug in the author’s work).

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