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  • Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Thank you! I ran through those steps and discovered the issue appears to be present when the CoSchedule plugin is active. The plugin is running 3.3.9 and does not have any pending updates at the time of this message.

    I’ve left CoSchedule deactivated for now but are you aware of any conflicts with that plugin or with specific versions of that plugin? This might stretch outside testing cases but I’m curious if there may be an awareness of any potential issues.

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    @wfpeter, thank you! The email has just been sent over with an export of the the diagnostic info. Subject line is as follows: “WF Diagnostics Report – @kdowns

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    @wfpeter Is this something you guys are still looking into?

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Hi @wfpeter,

    Any updates on this? The diagnostic email was sent over a few days ago.

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    I apologize, I missed the response notification from your first message. The diagnostic email has just been sent.

    I reached out to Kolja directly in email and WordPress slack but have not yet heard back. I made a pretty basic fork of the plugin at which implements an antixss package to protect (only) the html output. It still could use some refinement (which I’m messing with on the side) so I might not recommend this as an official solution, but it might be a decent option in the meantime if wanting to implement some form of XSS protection while continuing to use the plugin.

    Hey @thaikolja, I just wanted to say I appreciate supporting the plugin up to this point. I wanted to attempt to provide some assistance with solving the issue where I can, but you would probably have the most insight into things.

    The only details on the vulnerability I could find was from the WordFence article where it mentions:

    “with contributor-level access and above, to inject arbitrary web scripts in pages that will execute whenever a user accesses an injected page”

    I pulled the code down from Github and have been looking into it. As far as I’ve been able to determine, there is nothing that sanitizes or filters user input into the _secondary_title meta field. This might be intentional to allow for user input to include raw html for formatting purposes, but it does also allow for user input to include something like <script>alert(‘XSS’)</script> or <iframe src=""/> which is the concern for XSS.

    The secondary_title_auto_show() function is what renders the subtitle in, what I assume, most cases. Inside that function, the code essentially just appends the raw (html decoded) subtitle into the new title string and is returned as the unfiltered output to the frontend.

    Both the unfiltered input and the unfiltered output is where the XSS concern appears to be present. That and the fact that a contributor has the capability to inject whatever they want (despite not being able to publish) is probably not ideal.

    I think there are two possible solutions to this. But I’m unsure on the original intent for what you want a user to be able to do. The plugin settings page is only accessible to users with manage_options perms so it could be an option to simply restrict any styling/html input to the settings page.

    Regarding actual filtering of the input/output the _secondary_title meta, the first option would be to filter the user input. The secondary_title_edit_post() function does use esc_attr() on the user input to encode html entities but there is no additional input filtering or validation that prevents users from injecting whatever else they want into the DB. All it does is encode the input. A basic option could be to use strip_tags() which would prevent html tags specifically but the effectiveness of that option for XSS is limited by itself. A combination of strip_tags() and esc_html() can clean up input to an extent.

    The second option would be to capture and filter the output using similar methods and ensure the _secondary_title meta is not returned as decoded html that could contain XSS routes. Keeping the the data encoded, stripping tags, or implementing some other data filtering on the output should also resolve the issue with XSS.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Cheers! I appreciate the plugin and support, you guys are awesome!

    As better solution than the one I provided, I might suggest actually naming the custom cleantalk column as I can foresee potential conflicts if the logic is left as targeting the int(0) value. By naming the column, it can ensure the if() statement targets the specific cleantalk column to avoid the echo outputting on a different custom column if that other column also happens to be unnamed.

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Looking into this locally, the apbct__manage_sites_custom_column_action() function on cleantalk-spam-protect/inc/cleantalk-admin.php:1244 is not passing any sort of validation or check on $_column_name which means the output is occurring on all custom columns.

    The cleantalk status column does not have a specific name, but it can be validated against the int(0) with this replacing line 1261:

    if ($_column_name == 0){
            echo $key_status_caption;
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Kylen Downs.
    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Complete deactivation and reactivation did not resolve the issue. It did clear out the status message for all sites except the primary site, however the message is still duplicated across multiple columns. The message also returns for subsites as soon as I logged into them.

    I also reverted the plugin back to 5.186 and the issue is not present in that version, but as soon as the plugin is updated to 5.187 the issue returns.

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Cheers! Looks like that fix is working. Thank you!

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    I set the active theme to twentytwenty and deactivated all other plugins. WP-CLI is still outputting that error referencing cleantalk-spam-protect/lib/Cleantalk/ApbctWP/Activator.php:15

    *Note this is a fresh install of CleanTalk and so has not been connected to the API or had an access key submitted.

    I did run a test where I added an access key and verified the connection. I then deactivated the CleanTalk plugin and again attempted to activate it via WP-CLI. Same error.

    I’m running WP-CLI 2.5.0 on local and the prod sites were running 2.4.0.

    Thread Starter Kylen Downs


    Tested on a couple of production sites running WP 5.8.2 + PHP 7.4 as well as a local site running WP 5.8.3 + PHP 8.0.

    @rbrunskill I wasn’t able to figure out anything with this plugin so I ended up reverting back to a different backup plugin. Occasionally the original backup plugin I was using gave me issues so I wanted to give a few others a try to see if a new one would work better. But no luck here :/

    I’m running into the same issue on my end. Here’s the debug info:

    WordPress version: 5.1.1
    BackWPup version: 3.6.8
    PHP version: 7.2.15  (64bit)
    MySQL version: 5.6.32-78.0-log
    cURL version: 7.45.0
    cURL SSL version: OpenSSL/1.0.1e
    WP-Cron url:
    Server self connect: Not expected HTTP response:
    Status-Code: 429
    Content-length: 0
    Accept-ranges: bytes
    Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2019 16:51:20 GMT
    Age: 0
    Vary: User-Agent
    X-cache: uncached
    X-cache-hit: MISS
    X-backend: all_requests
    Document root: /var/chroot/home/content/a2pewpnas01_data02/64/3916564/html
    Temp folder: /home/content/a2pewpnas01_data02/64/3916564/html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-b88d14-temp/
    Log folder: /home/content/a2pewpnas01_data02/64/3916564/html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-b88d14-logs/
    Server: Apache
    Operating System: Linux
    PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
    Current PHP user: root
    Maximum execution time: 30 seconds
    BackWPup maximum script execution time: 30 seconds
    Alternative WP Cron: On
    Disabled WP Cron: Off
    CHMOD Dir: 453
    Server Time: 16:51
    Blog Time: 16:51
    Blog Timezone: 
    Blog Time offset: 0 hours
    Blog language: en-US
    MySQL Client encoding: utf8
    PHP Memory limit: 256M
    WP memory limit: 40M
    WP maximum memory limit: 256M
    Memory in use: 2.00 MB
    Loaded PHP Extensions:: Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apc, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, igbinary, imagick, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, memcache, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, pspell, readline, session, shmop, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, yaml, zip, zlib
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