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I have added this code in profile.php custom tempalte file.
do_action(“um_profile_content_main”, $args);
its displaying all meta keys, but when I disabled the “About” tab from
“Ultimate Member > Settings > profile Menu”, the meta data is disappeared.Is there any way we can keep this code works:
do_action(“um_profile_content_main”, $args);even though we disabled the ‘About’ profile tab?
Go to “Ultimate Member > Settings > Uploads” where you create your required size in “Profile Picuture Thumbnail size” and next to go “Appearance” where select the Profile size and save changes.
Which plugin you used for site migration? or just xml file?
did you check your spam folders? some times and first time the mails to go spam.
In above page, the existing profile image coming from profile uploader, but If I want to display my own Image which is created with the meta_key ‘profile_pic’ in my default profile forms.
How can we display the image in grid view? other than Profile Uploader (avatar image)
Like popular post by most viewed?
First few fields need to be entered from wp dashboard then later fields can be entered from front end.
I too see some times its not working.
You have an option to approve Membership if you are loggedin as Admin from frontend itself. Hover the Gear Icon where you can find dropdownmenu there you will all options.
Ok Thank you.
Right now I am doing with css only.
THank you.
In above code, the profile photo uploading with out any issue, but while changing profile photo its not updating properly? any chance to re look at this code and update it?
Thank you I got it.
Great Thank you very much.
{profile form ID here}
It means, we need to manually add the form ID?
Is there any way it works automatically without manually adding form ID?