11 years, 3 months ago
How do I set the background to white?
What is the code I am to use for videos that I upload from my media library?
I want the video to be it’s exact size. The current size of the video is 640×340
This is the video. Pw is wordpress
I had it unchecked. I then went and reloaded the photos to the gallery, which didn’t work, so I deleted those and added them from scratch to my library and still no change.
I have tried it with other portrait photos also and it still cut them off.
Initially it was, then when I changed it it didn’t make a difference
Yes it is. Doesn’t work. I have tried different sizes in fields, tried reuploading photos, updating pages. Nothing seems to be working.
I’m using Mozilla on mac. Is there a plug in I can use for galleries? Preferably one that shows thumbnails also
I am using origami.. I have other gallery plug ins but I am using the default gallery option that wordpress has.
Password for the link is wordpress