Forum Replies Created
Thanks Ibrahim. We didnt have time to wait for a response so we ended up switching over to use Brevo for emails (as we only send a couple of emails a day via the website). So for this been working nicely on those sites.
We had their IT people setup azure so dont know what they set as the expiry so cannot confirm that. But I doubt they would have chosen 24 hours as the validity.
Hello. I just added Office365 to another site. Fresh install. And that too is getting the 422 error. Even though the settings say “our Outlook / Office365 Authentication has been enabled.No further action is needed.” When I send a test it fails and logs show the 422 error.
Hi Fluent – any suggestions on this please?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breeze - WordPress Cache Plugin] Not working with woocommerce cart widgetHi. Its not the elementor one. Its the gutenberg woocommerce cart widget. This one: https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-store-editing/customizing-cart-and-checkout/mini-cart/ which is added as gutenberg block to the site’s header widgets.
This is a development site so would prefer not to share publicly. I have taken some screenshots and put into a PDF to see the steps to follow. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uaghmekffg3rzajj42b90/breeze-cache.pdf?rlkey=lomco8oy689vy3ausbox2m46r&dl=0
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Breeze - WordPress Cache Plugin] Not working with woocommerce cart widgetThanks. Let me clarify. The cart and checkout are fine.
In woocommerce settings you can choose to stay on the current page (add to cart via ajax) or redirect to the cart page. I am saying I choose the ajax option so when you add a product to cart you stay on the current page.
If you manually change to the /cart/ page on the site you can see your products in the cart page. But it’s the cart block widget that is ‘caching’ and not updating. Eg you add a product to cart, it doesnt show in the cart widget, go to some other pages you’ve visited and the cart is still showing as empty (when its not). But if you go direct to the /cart/ page the products are there.
Its the cart block added to the header of my site via widgets that is having the issue.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login Redirect not workingWhere do I add that?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Login Redirect not workingTried that and same result – it gets ignored and goes straight to the member profile page.
SOLVED! This is was indeed the use of query strings in the url. I updated nextgen_gallery_display/common.min.js with code from common.js and edited it to remove the query string from url parameter in the AJAX request as follows (from line 40):
var full_url = $(this).attr('href'); var url_parts = full_url.split("?"); var pre_url = url_parts[0]; // Send the AJAX request $.get(pre_url, function (response) { //continue normal code...
Update: I noticed that the code is actually running and it does get as far as sending the ajax request but the repsonse does not work. I think this is because the page URL has a query parameter in it which mucks up the next gen JS. Eg the page url is mydomain.com/category?pid=1.
Let me provide some more detail. I have a page called category which runs a WP Query to get a specific product page. The product page is displayed within the category page with
.In the content template, it gets a custom variable that stores the ID of the gallery to display. It then displays the gallery as follows:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ngg_images source="galleries" container_ids="'.$gallery_id.'" display_type="photocrati-nextgen_basic_imagebrowser" ajax_pagination="1" order_by="sortorder" order_direction="ASC" returns="included" maximum_entity_count="500"]'); ?>
This works to output the product with the next gen image browser on the page, within the category page. EG the page contains…
Category heading
Category content
Specific Product – title, gallery blurbYou can see the gallery but clicking on the buttons does nothing.
But when you view product pages individually the galleries work.
This is why I am thinking that this method is not triggering some script to load???
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Analyticator] Plugin causing get_currentuserinfo deprecated messageUPDATE: I search the plugin file and found “get_currentuserinfo();” on line 1288. I replaced this with “wp_get_current_user();”. This resolved the issue but means I’ve got an edited version of the plugin.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Change design of maintenance message.Im looking for an option where I dont have to turn a maintenance mode plugin on or off. I want a way to change the appearance of that specific wordpress briefly unavailable message. That way as soon as it not needed, I dont have to switch maintenance mode off again. Is there a filter or something I can add to my themes file to edit that document or get it to use a new template instead?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Change 'Tax' to 'GST' on customer invoices.Did you get a solution for this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Social Slider Feed] No images foundThe client had made their account private. Got them to change it back and the plugin worked again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Buy For Woocommerce] Shortcodes with Visual ComposerAlso using a theme with visual composer included and button not showing up at all.