Forum Replies Created

Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Thread Starter katidiasantunes


    Hello again @babylon1999

    I add the Fatal Logs on Github:

    Regarding adding the filter to the functions.php file, can I add it in any line or does it have to be in a specific place?

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter katidiasantunes


    Hello @babylon1999 ,

    thanks for the answer.

    I released the site’s permalinks.

    There are several “fatal-error” logs, I send the most recent one:

    2023-08-07T16:24:55+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:55+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    customers request: Array
        [email] => [email protected]
        [description] => Name: Test Test, Guest
        [name] => Test Test
        [metadata] => Array
        [preferred_locales] => Array
                [0] => en-US
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:56+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Info: Begin processing payment for order 3741 for the amount of 1.00
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:56+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents request: Array
        [amount] => 100
        [currency] => eur
        [description] => Kati Dias Antunes - Encomenda #3741
        [metadata] => Array
                [customer_name] => Test Test
                [customer_email] => [email protected]
                [order_id] => 3741
                [site_url] =>
        [capture_method] => automatic
        [payment_method_types] => Array
                [0] => card
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcWEiJmrGgpHQ4S9v7uPQvc
        [customer] => cus_OPKuxyvw57a5ZE
        [statement_descriptor] => Kati Dias Antunes
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:57+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0IbKLQwG initiated for order 3741
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:57+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents/pi_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0IbKLQwG/confirm request: Array
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcWEiJmrGgpHQ4S9v7uPQvc
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:58+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0IbKLQwG succeeded for order 3741
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:58+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Processing response: stdClass Object
        [id] => ch_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0CA4DnN4
        [object] => charge
        [amount] => 100
        [amount_captured] => 100
        [amount_refunded] => 0
        [application] => 
        [application_fee] => 
        [application_fee_amount] => 
        [balance_transaction] => txn_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S094GHXOd
        [billing_details] => stdClass Object
                [address] => stdClass Object
                        [city] => 12345
                        [country] => AX
                        [line1] => Test12
                        [line2] => 
                        [postal_code] => 12345
                        [state] => 
                [email] => [email protected]
                [name] => Test Test
                [phone] => 123123123123
        [calculated_statement_descriptor] => KATI DIAS ANTUNES
        [captured] => 1
        [created] => 1691425497
        [currency] => eur
        [customer] => cus_OPKuxyvw57a5ZE
        [description] => Kati Dias Antunes - Encomenda #3741
        [destination] => 
        [dispute] => 
        [disputed] => 
        [failure_balance_transaction] => 
        [failure_code] => 
        [failure_message] => 
        [fraud_details] => stdClass Object
        [invoice] => 
        [livemode] => 
        [metadata] => stdClass Object
                [customer_email] => [email protected]
                [customer_name] => Test Test
                [order_id] => 3741
                [site_url] =>
        [on_behalf_of] => 
        [order] => 
        [outcome] => stdClass Object
                [network_status] => approved_by_network
                [reason] => 
                [risk_level] => normal
                [risk_score] => 25
                [seller_message] => Payment complete.
                [type] => authorized
        [paid] => 1
        [payment_intent] => pi_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0IbKLQwG
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcWEiJmrGgpHQ4S9v7uPQvc
        [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object
                [card] => stdClass Object
                        [brand] => visa
                        [checks] => stdClass Object
                                [address_line1_check] => pass
                                [address_postal_code_check] => pass
                                [cvc_check] => pass
                        [country] => US
                        [exp_month] => 3
                        [exp_year] => 2034
                        [fingerprint] => 2l9jz8OAE7pudaqh
                        [funding] => credit
                        [installments] => 
                        [last4] => 4242
                        [mandate] => 
                        [network] => visa
                        [network_token] => stdClass Object
                                [used] => 
                        [three_d_secure] => 
                        [wallet] => 
                [type] => card
        [receipt_email] => 
        [receipt_number] => 
        [receipt_url] =>
        [refunded] => 
        [refunds] => stdClass Object
                [object] => list
                [data] => Array
                [has_more] => 
                [total_count] => 0
                [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3NcWEmJmrGgpHQ4S0CA4DnN4/refunds
        [review] => 
        [shipping] => 
        [source] => 
        [source_transfer] => 
        [statement_descriptor] => Kati Dias Antunes
        [statement_descriptor_suffix] => 
        [status] => succeeded
        [transfer_data] => 
        [transfer_group] => 
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T16:24:58+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:15:21+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:00+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    customers/cus_OH7Ehus8MKV7vB/payment_methods request: Array
        [limit] => 100
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:28+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:29+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    customers/cus_OH7Ehus8MKV7vB request: Array
        [email] => [email protected]
        [description] => Name: Delfina Antunes, Username: [email protected]
        [name] => Delfina Antunes
        [metadata] => Array
        [preferred_locales] => Array
                [0] => en-US
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:30+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Info: Begin processing payment for order 3742 for the amount of 1.00
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:30+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents request: Array
        [amount] => 100
        [currency] => eur
        [description] => Kati Dias Antunes - Encomenda #3742
        [metadata] => Array
                [customer_name] => Delfina Antunes
                [customer_email] => [email protected]
                [order_id] => 3742
                [site_url] =>
        [capture_method] => automatic
        [payment_method_types] => Array
                [0] => card
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcX3bJmrGgpHQ4Sl3zozZ76
        [customer] => cus_OH7Ehus8MKV7vB
        [statement_descriptor] => Kati Dias Antunes
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:30+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0P21KB7s initiated for order 3742
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:30+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    payment_intents/pi_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0P21KB7s/confirm request: Array
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcX3bJmrGgpHQ4Sl3zozZ76
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:32+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Stripe PaymentIntent pi_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0P21KB7s succeeded for order 3742
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:32+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    Processing response: stdClass Object
        [id] => ch_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0gAD3Kif
        [object] => charge
        [amount] => 100
        [amount_captured] => 100
        [amount_refunded] => 0
        [application] => 
        [application_fee] => 
        [application_fee_amount] => 
        [balance_transaction] => txn_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0YUL9Vrz
        [billing_details] => stdClass Object
                [address] => stdClass Object
                        [city] => Janeiro de Cima
                        [country] => PT
                        [line1] => Rua das Covas No9
                        [line2] => 9
                        [postal_code] => 6185-111
                        [state] => 
                [email] => [email protected]
                [name] => Delfina Antunes
                [phone] => 932996905
        [calculated_statement_descriptor] => KATI DIAS ANTUNES
        [captured] => 1
        [created] => 1691428651
        [currency] => eur
        [customer] => cus_OH7Ehus8MKV7vB
        [description] => Kati Dias Antunes - Encomenda #3742
        [destination] => 
        [dispute] => 
        [disputed] => 
        [failure_balance_transaction] => 
        [failure_code] => 
        [failure_message] => 
        [fraud_details] => stdClass Object
        [invoice] => 
        [livemode] => 
        [metadata] => stdClass Object
                [customer_email] => [email protected]
                [customer_name] => Delfina Antunes
                [order_id] => 3742
                [site_url] =>
        [on_behalf_of] => 
        [order] => 
        [outcome] => stdClass Object
                [network_status] => approved_by_network
                [reason] => 
                [risk_level] => normal
                [risk_score] => 63
                [seller_message] => Payment complete.
                [type] => authorized
        [paid] => 1
        [payment_intent] => pi_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0P21KB7s
        [payment_method] => pm_1NcX3bJmrGgpHQ4Sl3zozZ76
        [payment_method_details] => stdClass Object
                [card] => stdClass Object
                        [brand] => visa
                        [checks] => stdClass Object
                                [address_line1_check] => pass
                                [address_postal_code_check] => pass
                                [cvc_check] => pass
                        [country] => US
                        [exp_month] => 6
                        [exp_year] => 2026
                        [fingerprint] => 2l9jz8OAE7pudaqh
                        [funding] => credit
                        [installments] => 
                        [last4] => 4242
                        [mandate] => 
                        [network] => visa
                        [network_token] => stdClass Object
                                [used] => 
                        [three_d_secure] => 
                        [wallet] => 
                [type] => card
        [receipt_email] => 
        [receipt_number] => 
        [receipt_url] =>
        [refunded] => 
        [refunds] => stdClass Object
                [object] => list
                [data] => Array
                [has_more] => 
                [total_count] => 0
                [url] => /v1/charges/ch_3NcX3eJmrGgpHQ4S0gAD3Kif/refunds
        [review] => 
        [shipping] => 
        [source] => 
        [source_transfer] => 
        [statement_descriptor] => Kati Dias Antunes
        [statement_descriptor_suffix] => 
        [status] => succeeded
        [transfer_data] => 
        [transfer_group] => 
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T17:17:32+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====
    2023-08-07T19:46:51+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.4.2====
    ====Start Log====
    ====End Log====

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter katidiasantunes


    Hello @babylon1999 ,

    thanks for the answer.

    I already downgraded the server to PHP 8.1
    Yes, this issue occurs with all payment gateways.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter katidiasantunes



    Thanks for the answer.

    I have already tested and performed the conflict test what you mentioned.
    I set up the payment again, and it works because the money goes into the account. I disabled the plugins. I changed my theme to the Twenty-Three theme…

    But the error really persists.

    Send the current state of the site:

    ### WordPress Environment ###
    WordPress address (URL):
    Site address (URL):
    WC Version: 7.9.0
    REST API Version: ? 7.9.0
    WC Blocks Version: ? 10.4.6
    Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.6.1
    Log Directory Writable: ?
    WP Version: 6.2.2
    WP Multisite: –
    WP Memory Limit: 368 MB
    WP Debug Mode: –
    WP Cron: ?
    Language: pt_PT
    External object cache: –
    ### Server Environment ###
    Server Info: Apache
    PHP Version: 8.2.8
    PHP Post Max Size: 32 MB
    PHP Time Limit: 300
    PHP Max Input Vars: 3000
    cURL Version: 7.87.0
    SUHOSIN Installed: –
    MySQL Version: 8.0.34
    Max Upload Size: 32 MB
    Default Timezone is UTC: ?
    fsockopen/cURL: ?
    SoapClient: ?
    DOMDocument: ?
    GZip: ?
    Multibyte String: ?
    Remote Post: ?
    Remote Get: ?
    ### Database ###
    WC Database Version: 7.9.0
    WC Database Prefix: wp0o_
    Tamanho total da base de dados: 40.84MB
    Tamanho dos dados da base de dados: 37.26MB
    Tamanho do índice da base de dados: 3.58MB
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    wp0o_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations: Dados: 0.02MB + índice: 0.03MB + Engine InnoDB
    wp0o_woocommerce_shipping_zones: Dados: 0.02MB + índice: 0.00MB + Engine InnoDB
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    ### Post Type Counts ###
    ade-double-images: 1
    ade-posts-slider: 1
    ade-single-image: 1
    ade-triple-boxes: 1
    attachment: 61
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    customize_changeset: 15
    e-landing-page: 2
    elementor_library: 3
    mailpoet_page: 1
    mc4wp-form: 2
    nav_menu_item: 4
    page: 23
    post: 6
    product: 2
    revision: 742
    shop_order: 26
    wp_global_styles: 1
    wp_navigation: 1
    wpcf7_contact_form: 2
    wpcode: 2
    wpz-insta_feed: 1
    wpz-insta_user: 1
    ### Security ###
    Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
    Hide errors from visitors: ?
    ### Active Plugins (4) ###
    Plataforma do Stripe para o WooCommerce: por WooCommerce – 7.4.1
    WooCommerce Payments: por Automattic – 6.2.0
    WooCommerce Shipping & Tax: por WooCommerce – 2.3.1
    WooCommerce: por Automattic – 7.9.0
    ### Inactive Plugins (18) ###
    Akismet Anti-Spam: Spam Protection: por Automattic - Anti Spam Team – 5.2
    Contact Form 7: por Takayuki Miyoshi – 5.7.7
    Custom Fonts: por Brainstorm Force – 2.0.2
    Elementor: por – 3.14.1
    Font Awesome: por Font Awesome – 4.4.0
    Google Listings and Ads: por WooCommerce – 2.4.11
    Hello Dolly: por Matt Mullenweg – 1.7.2
    Jetpack: por Automattic – 12.3
    Jetpack Protect: por Automattic - Jetpack Security team – 1.4.0
    MailerLite - Signup forms (official): por MailerLite – 1.6.8
    MailerLite - WooCommerce integration: por MailerLite – 1.8.5
    MailPoet: por MailPoet – 4.20.2
    One Click Demo Import: por OCDI – 3.1.2
    Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce: por Payment Plugins
    [email protected] – 3.3.44
    Pinterest for WooCommerce: por WooCommerce – 1.3.5
    Vafpress Post Formats UI: por vafpress – 1.6.1
    WordPress Importer: por wordpressdotorg – 0.8.1
    WPZOOM Instagram Widget & Block: por WPZOOM – 2.1.5
    ### Dropin Plugins (1) ###
    maintenance.php: maintenance.php
    ### Settings ###
    API Enabled: –
    Force SSL: –
    Currency: EUR (€)
    Currency Position: right_space
    Thousand Separator: 
    Decimal Separator: ,
    Number of Decimals: 2
    Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
    grouped (grouped)
    simple (simple)
    variable (variable)
    Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
    exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
    featured (featured)
    outofstock (outofstock)
    rated-1 (rated-1)
    rated-2 (rated-2)
    rated-3 (rated-3)
    rated-4 (rated-4)
    rated-5 (rated-5)
    Connected to –
    Enforce Approved Product Download Directories: ?
    HPOS feature screen enabled: –
    HPOS feature enabled: –
    Order datastore: WC_Order_Data_Store_CPT
    HPOS data sync enabled: –
    ### WC Pages ###
    Página da Loja: #3690 - /loja/
    Carrinho: #20 - /carrinho/
    Finalizar compras: #21 - /finalizar-compra/
    A minha conta: #22 - /minha-conta/
    Termos e condi??es: #3609 - /politica-de-privacidade-termos-condicoes-cookies/
    ### Theme ###
    Name: Twenty Twenty-Three
    Version: 1.1
    Author URL:
    Child Theme: ? – Se estiver a modificar o tema do WooCommerce ou um tema principal que n?o construiu pessoalmente
    recomendamos o uso de um tema dependente. Veja: Como criar um tema dependente
    WooCommerce Support: ?
    ### Templates ###
    Overrides: –
    ### Admin ###
    Enabled Features: activity-panels
    Disabled Features: minified-js
    Daily Cron: ? Next scheduled: 2023-07-25 17:13:45 +00:00
    Options: ?
    Notes: 61
    Onboarding: completed
    ### WooCommerce Payments ###
    Version: 6.2.0
    Connected to WPCOM: Yes
    Blog ID: 217929585
    Account ID: acct_1NUTRuCMnpHeKlt4
    ### Action Scheduler ###
    Concluída: 181
    Oldest: 2023-06-25 06:30:21 +0000
    Newest: 2023-07-25 09:10:49 +0000
    Falhada: 201
    Oldest: 2023-04-16 10:40:30 +0000
    Newest: 2023-07-25 09:08:05 +0000
    Pendente: 4
    Oldest: 2023-07-25 10:08:05 +0000
    Newest: 2023-07-26 04:41:07 +0000
    ### Status report information ###
    Generated at: 2023-07-25 09:13:39 +00:00


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