I’m having this problem too. It started just over a week ago I think – didn’t even realize, because I post to twitter from my phone and usually don’t look at my blog’s main page every day.
#1 – twitter tools sidebar of new tweets is not updating.
#2 – daily digest is not updating
#3 – on the back end, if I put my username and pw into TT, I get the message that “Sorry, login failed. Error message from Twitter: This method requires authentication.”
I do wonder… I changed my Twitter pw at about the same time this started. I subsequently changed it in TT (and have checked and re-checked that it’s correct, and there’s no spaces or anything weird). But the problem does seem to be PW related. Is there a connection?
I’m running WP 2.9.1 and TT 2.2.1 – anyone have any insight?