Yes rgb. I don’t think it’s the image because it does show up on the rare one or two themes and ask for a URL. The exact same image.
Problem is..any theme I am interested in using requires you to upload from the computer. I’ve also tried many other images just to be sure.
When I browse to the image and hit upload it takes me to a crop window and shows no image but asks me to crop. Then is says image upload complete! Visit your site to see your changes. Nothing is there. But it is now in the media folder.
There is no place to plug in that URL. It says- choose an image from your computer- and you have to browse to the file, then hit upload. This is what is not working for me but seems to be the most commonly used method.
I have tried many themes with the custom header option. If it asks for URL it will work but most themes ask you to browse your computer. This is what is not working for me. If I choose something on my desktop, it will not work.