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  • Thread Starter karincom


    Here we go, this is basically what I was looking for:

    I still have to test it.

    Point is to unify themes+plugins in a layer with clear interfaces down (WordPress) and up (Working Profile). This layer is constantly updated (subscription business model).

    If the working profile can be written in general terms (meaning, XML format), this can be handle by clients such Live Writer making publishing a better experience for editors. Also, database entrie can keep simple and small (content+shortcodes), so, easier to mantein.

    I still don’t know how to show that in a movie format. When I have it, I will place it.

    Thanks for your support.

    By the way, here the ticket of the /blog slug:

    Apparently, is a very old request. Hopefully the could include it soon in next releases.

    Thread Starter karincom


    No… custom XML profile creation for editors.
    Client Softwate read that XML and is able to create theme environment for editors.
    Something very similar to what Live Write does, but with configurable profiles.

    But, point still is decoupling theme role from webmaster role

    Sorry for not being able to explain the idea. I will try to a video or something like that.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Thread Starter karincom


    Thank you so much for your help.

    Here my request:

    I hope I was able to explain properly in the ticket.

    Thread Starter karincom


    Where should I place this request?

    Thread Starter karincom


    Here the tweaks of the envelope for SEO and them specifics:

    I hope I was able to transmit properly the idea.


    Thread Starter karincom


    Here editor’s profile:

    Basically, it has an envelope, and a content.
    Envelope is all the meta-contents (title, tags, special tags, seo stuff, whatever the theme uses…).
    Contents uses a very small set of shortcodes to place full rich contents.

    If theme is a simple template, there is absolutely no way to keep those profiles stable. You need theme factory constantly updated, such uDesign. Otherwise, you are constantly messing around with themes and plugins.

    Those working profiles should be defined as XML, so publishing clients can handle them. Those are differentfor each individual site.

    Point… as the picture shows, theme designer role is absolutely coupled with webmaster role… here the problem. You need a theme factory with constant updates. Then you customized your theme and create a working profile… end of the story for editors. Webmaster will constantly improve this working profile (no changes for editors, since performance and aesthetics depens upon shortcodes… webmaster role). Theme factory is continously updated. A simple template will always has troubles.

    Again, this picture summarized well the point:

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Thread Starter karincom


    So, you write a manual for editors, explaining them:
    -What to do
    -How to do in a graphical tool such “Live writer”

    Later I will post you a complete example of a working profile for editors.

    Point is … please, <b>isolate themes+plugins from this working profile.</b>
    Please, try to create a client that get our custom working profile and transform into something graphical (with his own shortcodes, his own envelope -custom params, such postImage, hfrelang, etc.-).

    Now, responsive theme… a new theme has to be set up, new working profile for editors, since theme is not actually a theme factory constantly updated, but just a plain template.

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Thread Starter karincom


    Sorry for not being specific.

    Here an example of editor’s profile:


    Your Home

    <p>How to go home</p> <img src=’./home.png’/>

    -Keyword and Tags ( _aioseop_keywords ):
    home, path

    -Google Title ( _aioseop_title ):
    Your Home – My Web.

    -Google Excerpt ( _aioseop_description ) :
    How to get home.

    -Alternatives pages(hreflang):
    <link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”de” href=””/&gt;
    <link rel=”alternate” hreflang=”es” href=””/&gt;



    Thread Starter karincom


    Thanks for the quick answer.
    Point is:

    Webmaster… set a working profile for each web editor (shortcodes, theme and all the stuff). Editor just put content alone, no styles.
    Webmaster… do not want to mess with theme design and plugins, once the working profile is set.

    Unix platform –> /home directory… system updates do not affect user profile.
    Same for wordpress… wordpress and theme updates do not affect webmaster profile.

    Currently webmaster is also webdesigner, since those two layers are coupled.

    I guess, theme profiles has a filesystem layer… the child theme. But probably, database theme queries, shortcodes and some other stuff to actually put the profile up and running. Editors will probably use that profile, just setting his role.

    Just ideas for the wishlist… please, find a way to decouple webmaster role from designer role.

    Plugins and Themes are eating us !!!!

    Thread Starter karincom


    NOTE: if you see the queries on my first code, are as follows:


    UPDATE bb_options
    SET option_value=replace(option_value,'blog/','en/')
    WHERE option_name = 'permalink_structure';


    UPDATE bb_options
    SET option_value=replace(option_value,'blog/','en/')
    WHERE option_name = 'category_base';


    UPDATE bb_options
    SET option_value=replace(option_value,'blog/','en/')
    WHERE option_name = 'rewrite_rules';

    The most important one is the rewrote rules, which is constantly and automatically updated by WordPress.

    First query is whay you do manually as Admin User, but it actually don’t work, since rewrite rules are stubborned with his ‘/blog’ slug.

    This is why I think wp-config.php parameter it might be the easiest way, for the moment.

    Again, thank you for your great work,

    Thread Starter karincom


    Thank you Mika for you quick and kind answer.
    Sorry for not be specific in my question but you get
    the exact point: multisite WordPress -> subfolder installation -> remove /blog slug from root blog.

    a) Steps:
    Network Admin User -> Sites -> Properties Tab -> “Permalink Structure” -> Change “/blog” slug to “/en” one
    b) Result: complete mess on permalink.

    ROUND 2
    PHPmyadmin -> MySQL -> My Database -> root_blog Options -> Update “rewrite rules” manually.
    Bingo!!… it worked. But… just for a while.

    ROUND 3
    Cron a job to automatically update database before backup.

    No problems for the moment.

    As Mika explained, ‘/blog’ slug is hardcoded for the root blog.
    But… it is very easy to change, so, it should be easy to create such parameter.

    Why not include such parameter in wp-config.php? At least for subfolders installation.

    Very gratefully indeed,

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