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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Seventeen] remove header from pagesSo close… I’m also doing landing pages and want to remove the header from the particular page-id via custom CSS. So far, so good (and my theme supports CSS customization).
But neither “.site-header” nor “.header” seems to be getting it done for me.
.page-id-870 .site-header {
display: none;
.home .site-header {
display: inherit;
}Here’s a sample instance: https://karenmyersauthor.com/facebook/ . Look for “.site-header”.
Thanks so much — just the approach I’m looking for.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Unlimited] WordPress Text vs Visual Edit not workingThanks for your suggestion. The default (WP 2016) theme has the same issue, so Unlimited is off the hook.
I’ll start the slog through my various plugins (sigh)… Thanks!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Unlimited] Header image cut off independent of heightI was using a Child theme from 3/2015 before (see out old correspondence) and went to the plain vanilla 1.15, whence problems appeared.
I did detect one key issue:
In my Child theme, there was Custom CSS in the Customize portion. The total content was:
.post-content {
text-align: left !important;
.widget {
text-align: left;
.sub-menu {
text-align: left;
.widget-title {
font-size: 24px;
body {
max-width: 1284px;
margin: 0 auto;
.comment-content {
text-align: left;
}Of those 6 statements, only the first 3 made it into the “switch themes to 1.15” process (which sounds like a bug in the “preserve customized settings” area). When I added them back in manually from the Child theme custom CSS settings, several problems were fixed, including the header image issue.
I have a different issue which I’ll post separately. LOOKS LIKE NO ACTION NEEDED FOR THIS ONE.
You’re right about Layout Builder identities, but I break the tunes up to circa 12/page, and these pages are non-volatile, so it’s not so bad. I do wish PB would allow the text of the first row/widget in the Layout Builder to bleed up to the top to distinguish each usage.
Part of the issue between the TEXT and VISUAL EDITOR widgets may also have been whether or not the “automatic paragraphs” tick was enabled. However, there are certainly difference in how they handle cellphone-sized screens.
If you want the text to cluster tightly in cellphone mode, as in the one-page example, then you have to use TEXT, not VISUAL EDITOR. For those instances, I must re-enable the “auto paragraph” for the final widget in the row, or the blocks (rows) will overlap in cellphone size (due to the negative spacing). (That means the full-screen layout is still a bit loose, to make the cellphone layout good.)
If VISUAL EDITOR instead of TEXT, no extra paragraph needed, but then each widget within the row splays apart in cellphone mode. So — different treatments.
For the high-volume tune pages, the looser spacing of VISUAL EDITOR in cellphone mode is agreeable, once I could tighten it up reasonably like this for the full-size pages.
You’re a prince and a gentleman — thank you very much.
I implemented your example for three rows of that page and only the top row moved up slightly. So I looked for the only difference between your setup and mine — the choice of widget. You’re using TEXT and I’m using VISUAL EDITOR.
Turns out that seems to be significant. See the difference for the top block of 3-4 rows vs the next block of 3-4 rows: identical setup, except that the top block uses the TEXT widget, and the next block uses the VISUAL EDITOR widget.
For the sample page you worked on, it doesn’t matter which of those widgets I use (I need Visual Editor almost everywhere else).
For the instance where I have a couple of hundred pages (lists of tunes by category) I use an identical LAYOUT BUILDER widget for each tune, to keep the format rigid.. That contains three row components: Tune Title, Tune Incipits (images), Tune Extras (Links and Text).
If I apply your row-spacing technique just within the three rows of the LAYOUT BUILDER (with a special exception for the top row of the page), then I do successfully achieve a much more compact layout and can tinker with it further from there.
Mission accomplished and, again, thank you very much!
Thanks very much, but I must not have explained well. I have a couple of hundred OLD pages laid out in tables (however poorly) that I am migrating to a PageBuilder widget-style layout. I am not creating tables in PageBuilder, and the only ones left on the new site are temporary, pending conversion-in-place.
The example I gave is even simpler: https://bluerose.karenlmyers.org/wp/instructions/special-tunings/
That’s not a table, but a PageBuilder layout (each row with three widgets). I would like it to look more like a table, from a spacing perspective, when the browser is large enough to allow the row’s widgets to line up horizontally.
The old version of that page really is a table, but there will be no tables after all pages are converted, so improving my table layouts (cobbled together 10 years ago) is not what I’m after. I want to control the white space between widgets/rows and between rows to make the horizontal list more closely spaced vertically.
For an uglier situation, see new vs old. I have a couple hundred pages just like this, but until I can figure out how to make the NEW one look tighter, I can’t proceed, using it as a model.
It only looks better now because the paid support for the theme I’m using (Generate Press) offered a solution. I’ve given up on getting a response from SiteOrigin.
Thanks for your tip. I’ll apply that sort of CSS and see if I can control it more finely. Irritating, because I want close spacing and there’s still unnecessary space.
See, for example.
I want each of those rows to abut the next, not allow extra space. This is as close as I’ve been able to get them, so far. (I’m upgrading a site where this sort of thing was controlled by tables, which are not responsive — hence the change. Example of old equivalent page).
The site once upgraded will have 200-300 pages that have similar spacing, so I’m seriously motivated.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Gridsby] Featured image URL preventing use as a portalThanks. I get the point, but I have no PHP background (old FORTRAN jock).
I would be glad to pay for real support from modernthemes, but there’s no way to contact you without paying first (a website with no contact info — terrific), and I’m reluctant to just pay and hope. If this is something you can address as part of paid support, please let me know and I’ll swap over to there.
Otherwise I need to ask a dumb question:
I’ve set up a Child theme and made the following mods to page-home.php. It passes a PHP syntax check but I imagine I’m missing a “close” statement of some kind, and obviously my use of Echo is bad:
<?php if ( has_post_format( ‘image’ )) { ?>
[START MOD] $custom_featured_image_link = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘featured_image_link’, true);
if ($custom_featured_image_link) echo $custom_featured_image_link;
<figure class=”gallery-image”>
<?php the_post_thumbnail(‘gridsby-gallery-thumb’); ?>
</figure><!– gallery-image –>
<?php } ?>Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Unlimited] Support for Read More / Errant Centering (related)Just to close the loop, Unlimited Pro support was extremely prompt and responsive, and very friendly. We sorted out which issues were user error and which required a bit of a nudge. I’m very happy with the result, and pleased that I bought their support package, which is very reasonably priced.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Unlimited] Support for Read More / Errant Centering (related)Thanks very much, WPyogi.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Vortex] Add Media and Links not working with WordPress 4.0UPDATE – the culprit is the Markdown Quicktags plugin. Nothing to do with the Vortex theme — probably a problem for WordPress 4.0.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add Media–Does Not WorkThanks. I’ve established that plugin Markdown Quicktags is the culprit in my environment. Once deactivated, both the Add Media and Insert Link buttons resumed normal function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Add Media–Does Not WorkI have the same problem (Add Media and also Links has stopped working). I have several sites. Each has a different theme, but mostly the same plugins. Only one site (the most important, naturally) with the Vortex theme has the problem.
Just took the WP 4.0 upgrade, and I think that was the trigger. Any way to roll back temporarily?
I can work around the “Links” problem with html, but the “Add Media” problem is a showstopper.
I didn’t want a public page visible and broken.
At the moment I have a workaround (no URLs in captions). Are URLs permitted in captions? Perhaps that’s all the problem is.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: dynamic_sidebar – a bridge too farThanks, David (Digital Raindrops).
Your option 1 (Plugin Widget Logic) sounds like just the ticket — I’ll give that a try. I also turned up Widget Context from the same search, which may be helpful.
If one of these doesn’t work for me, I’ll be back! I have great hopes…
Option 2 is logically no different from my current method, since if I don’t invoke dynamic_sidebar in the logical test I get no sidebar graphic at all, and I can’t figure out how to invoke it with any other parameters.
What a great helpful community is here!